Husain Haddawy's rapturously received translation of The Arabian Nights is based on a landmark reconstruction of the earliest extant manuscript version. These stories (and stories within stories,
The beautiful Scheherazade's royal husband threatens to kill her, so each night she diverts him by weaving wonderful tales of fantastic adventure, leaving each story unfinished so that he spares her l
This Norton Critical Edition includes twenty-eight tales from The Arabian Nights translated by Husain Haddawy on the basis of the oldest existing Arabic manuscript.
Adapted and illustrated editions of classic Middle Eastern and Asian tales at easy-to-read levels for all ages!Do you want stories with genies, a flying carpet and a magic lamp? Your wish is our command! Join Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sinbad and others on their thrilling adventures. This 10-book set is perfect for young readers to enjoy for a thousand and one nights and beyond ... Suitably adapted and illustrated for younger readers aged 7+.Includes QR codes for the FREE audiobooks!本套書包含以下10個改寫過的故事,並附有插圖Aladdin and the Magic Lamp 阿拉丁神燈Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves 阿里巴巴與40大盜Gulnare of the Sea 海的古納爾Prince Camar and Princess Badoura 卡馬爾王子和巴杜拉公主Sinbad the Sailor 水手辛巴達The Fisherman and the Genie 漁夫與精靈The Magic Horse 神奇的馬The Merchant and the Genie 商人與精靈The Three Princes and the Magic Carpet 三個王子與魔毯Zobeida and the Three Qalandars 佐貝達和三個聖人乞討者
A collection of Persian, Arabian and Indian tales dating from the 9th century, Sir Richard Burton′s most well-known translation of Arabian Nights brings together ancient folklore and stories passed do
The story of Sinbad the Sailor, who sets sail in search of great riches and discovers even greater adventures. On his seven treacherous voyages, the Persian explorer braves a shipwreck, fights off sav
你嚮往裡飛天遁地的超異能英雄嗎?你追求「自由落體」急速下墜的驚險刺激嗎?你渴望在空中振翅高飛、俯瞰大地的暢快體驗嗎?本書介紹人類數個世紀以來與動物數百萬年來所發現及運用各種對抗重力(地心引力)的方式。這當中也包含了許多誇張的想像,例如:在《一千零一夜》(The Arabian Nights)的故事裡,坐上魔毯就可以飛到任何目的地;希臘神話裡的佩加索斯(Pegasus)是一隻有翅膀的白色駿馬,載著英雄柏勒洛豐(Bellerophon)完成了殺死怪物奇美拉(Chimera)的任務;著名的伊卡洛斯(Icarus)將一對用羽毛和蠟製成的翅膀裝在手臂上,驕傲的祂飛得過於接近太陽,被陽光融化了蠟,導致祂墜落身亡。這是個很好的警惕,提醒我們不要得意忘形。女巫能騎著掃帚從空中呼嘯飛過,而哈利波特也加入了她們的行列;聖誕老人跟他的馴鹿在十二月雪的高空中忙著往返家戶的煙囪;冥想大師和苦行者佯裝能在打坐時懸空?!飄浮也是一種非常流行的迷思……本書在不偏離科學事實的前提下,列出各種馴服地心引力的方式,不斷演化的鳥類和蝙蝠、昆蟲與現今的航空器設計師都得克服同樣的物理法則──如何暫時成功抵抗蠻橫的重力?在大自然的世界裡,飛行有什麼好處?與達爾文的物競天擇有什麼關係?方便尋找食物、巧妙逃離掠食者、每年遷徙至夏季覓食地……但如果飛行這麼棒,為什麼有些動物在演化過程中會失去翅膀?體型小確實有利於飛行;但體型大又想飛的話,那就增加表面積囉!植物也有「翅膀」,它們靠著這些羽狀降落傘將種子送到各地生根發芽……在人類社會中,飛行縮短了人際之間的距離,卻也製造了更多軍備競爭!海運一個月才能抵達的貨物,空運一個小時就送到了;噴射戰鬥機的機翼設計靈感來自於遊隼高速俯衝時收折的翅膀;跳傘與滑翔是一種無動力飛行,其原理取材於飛狐猴及飛鼠……本書透過活靈活現的精美插畫與生動趣味的文字敘述,帶領我們感受生物躍入天空的偉大與喜悅。獻給每一位讓想像高飛的讀者!
Named one of Time magazine’s Ten Best Books of the Year, Tahir Shah’s The Caliph’s House was hailed by critics and compared to such travel classics as A Year in Provence and Under the Tuscan Sun. Now
本書特色●漢英對照經典英文文學文庫●Classic English Literature Collection with Chinese Translation●1949年以前漢譯本現今大多絕版失傳●是次選用一種民國間漢譯本,選輯本選取英譯故事十三個,用簡單英語譯寫●漢譯亦使用簡潔白話文寫成,行文簡練、淺白、優雅、含蓄●也可作為兒童或初學英文人士的讀物●Both the English trans
"This box contains 6 little books with the storiesScheherazade told the sultan during the 1001 nightsfollowing their wedding.Wonderfully illustrated, all the illustrations are made in anoriental style