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Toni Morrison (3)
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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:普里亞.帕克  出版社:遠流  出版日:2023/02/22 裝訂:平裝
── 無聊的聚會大可不必!我們如何相聚以及為什麼這很重要 ── 聚會是基於某種原因而刻意將人們聚集在一起的活動,聚會形塑了我們思考、感受、理解世界的方式。 我們一生中都在聚會。 然而,我們絕大多數的時間卻都浪費在無聊又無趣的聚會中,不僅一點都不有趣,也無法讓我們從中獲得改變,或幫助我們凝聚在一起。 作者普里亞.帕克是專業的會議引導師(Facilitator,以第三者的觀點,從旁協助會議或事件順利發生),她認為「正確的人時地事物」是聚會成效的關鍵。本書針對現下聚會方式提出大膽建言,生活中的各種聚會往往黯淡無光又毫無成效,太過仰賴慣例和傳統,但重點應該是要突顯聚會的獨特性及參與者。  帕克提出「以人為本」的聚會方式,透過她豐富的經驗,帶領讀者一探各類聚會的內幕實況,了解活動成功與否的背後原因。幫助大家不管是為了工作或私下舉辦或大或小的各種聚會時,都能創造出充滿意義及回憶的體驗。  不僅是趟閱讀上的體驗,更是一本工具書,充滿好玩有趣的點子及實作參考,將徹底改變你舉辦及參加往後各種會議、研討會、晚餐派對、家庭烤肉聚會等等的體驗。 ── 只要一些簡單具體的小改變,就能讓聚會充滿活力 ──✓ 婚禮:先界定婚禮的目的(感謝雙親養育之恩?分享喜悅給新人最要好的朋友?),才能有助於後續的取捨(賓客名單、場地等)。✓ 同學會:下一次何不在墓園舉辦?以最直接甚至有點地獄哏的方式提醒同學們,理想很美,然而時間有限。✓ 家庭聚會:除了吃喝閒聊,不如家人彼此相約分享所有人都不知道的故事,用全新的眼光重新認識彼此。✓ 葬禮:請勿以停車場資訊、喪後招待等例行事務占用開場,大家聚在一起是為了哀悼死者。✓ 頭版會議:徹底改革頭版會議,《紐約時報》從紙本刊頭轉向網路數位的編輯思維,適應全新的數位時代。✓ 人脈拓展之夜:不能只是走來走去尷尬地交換名片、簡短自介,思考是要找到合夥人或客戶?是要銷售產品或蒐集意見回饋?✓ 法庭審判:透過空間革新,讓法庭不再只是進行懲罰的單位,而能有效改善不當行為,減少犯罪率。✓ 企業併購:人會受到環境影響,你應該選擇一個能協助達成聚會目的的場地。 以及生日派對、產前派對、研討會、書展、募款餐會、產品發表會、選舉造勢、博物館、大學課堂、電影院……
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
The Source of Self-Regard (平裝本)(美國版)
作者:Toni Morrison  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2020/01/28 裝訂:平裝
Arguably the most celebrated and revered writer of our time now gives us a new nonfiction collection--a rich gathering of her essays, speeches, and meditations on society, culture, and art, spanning f
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
The Stone Age
作者:Lesley-Ann Jones  出版社:John Blake Publishing  出版日:2022/06/09 裝訂:平裝
時代洪流沖刷,仍未減其半分鋒芒。搖滾傳奇滾石樂團的60年。From the Sunday Times bestselling authorOn 12 July 1962, the Rollin' Stones performed their first-ever gig at London's Marquee jazz club. Down the line, a 'g' was added, a spark was lit and their destiny was sealed. No going back.These five white British kids set out to play the music of black America. They honed a style that bled bluesy undertones into dark insinuations of women, sex and drugs. Denounced as 'corruptors of youth' and 'messengers of the devil', they created some of the most thrilling music ever recorded. Now, their sound and attitude seem louder and more influential than ever. Elvis is dead and the Beatles are over, but Jagger and Richards bestride the world. The Stones may be gathering moss, but on they roll. Yet how did the ultimate anti-establishment misfits become the global brand we know today? Who were the casualties, and what are the forgotten legacies? Can the artist ever be truly divisible from the art? Lesley-Ann Jones's new histor
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
101 Fun Outdoor Activities for Children ─ Have Fun Outside
作者:Fiona Bird  出版社:Cico Kidz  出版日:2018/02/13 裝訂:平裝
A practical, dip-in guide, packed with over 100 outdoor activities for children.In an era when the iPad is often more appealing than the park, it can be difficult to encourage kids to get off the couch and spend time outside. In this inspirational book, with ideas for children of all ages, there are over 100 imaginative ways for children to keep busy and have fun outdoors. They can enjoy outdoor crafts such as making leaf art bunting, a dream catcher, or their own toy raft, or get physical and burn off some energy with beach hopscotch, animal tracking, and developing their hunting and gathering skills. Or perhaps they would like to relax and enjoy some star-gazing or pond-dipping instead. There are fun activities to help kids get up close and personal with nature by making a wormery and a bug attractor, doing some investigative ant experiments, and putting on their own gastropod race! The book includes handy reference pics to help children identify plants, flowers, and wildlife, so as
定價:549 元, 優惠價:55 301
作者:Dr. Haha Lung  出版社:Kensington Pub Corp  出版日:2012/02/28 裝訂:平裝
The author, gathering and translating the teachings of strategy and mind manipulation throughout history, shows readers how to attain a higher level of dominance. Original.
Gathering the Indigo Maidens
作者:Cecilia Velastegui  出版社:Atlasbooks Dist Serv  出版日:2011/09/27 裝訂:平裝
Modern-day human traffickers and art thieves extort a wealthy Laguna Beach, California, art collector, Paloma Zubiondo, by offering to release a young Ecuadorian sex slave in exchange for one of Palom
定價:675 元, 優惠價:1 675
The Art of Gathering
作者:Priya Parker  出版社:Riverhead Books  出版日:2018/05/15 裝訂:平裝
"Hosts of all kinds, this is a must-read!" --Chris Anderson, owner and curator of TEDA bold new approach to how we gather that will transform the ways we spend our time together--at work, at home, in
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Art of Gathering ― How We Meet and Why It Matters
作者:Priya Parker; Priya Parker (NRT)  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2018/05/15 裝訂:有聲書
A transformative exploration of the power, purpose, and benefits of gatherings in our lives: at work, at school, at home and beyond.Every day we find ourselves in gatherings, Priya Parker says in The
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters
作者:Priya Parker  出版社:Penguin Uk  出版日:2019/05/16 裝訂:平裝
'I learned much from this book. Priya Parker has created both an art and a science to gathering in ways that can bring joy and fulfillment to any meeting.' - Deepak Chopra MD'This is a must-read!' - C
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
The Art of Gathering ― How We Meet and Why It Matters
作者:Priya Parker  出版社:Riverhead Books  出版日:2018/05/15 裝訂:精裝
A new approach to how and why we come together that will revolutionize the ways we gather: at work, at school, at home and beyond.Every day we find ourselves in gatherings, Priya Parker says in The Ar
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
作者:Julie Rogers  出版社:Small Pr Distribution  出版日:2012/07/03 裝訂:平裝
Poetry. "Julie Rogers's HOUSE OF THE UNEXPECTED is a brilliant gathering from a life of making poems. I've stood in awe at the solitary pursuit of such art, of such a poet. This is just the beginning.
定價:750 元, 優惠價:1 750
作者:Geheimagentur (EDT); Martin J憿土 Sch頛r (EDT); Vassilis S. Tsianos (EDT)  出版社:Transcript Verlag  出版日:2017/01/15 裝訂:平裝
We are witnessing new ways of assembling that have made the word "democracy" take on renewed importance. These events might not have led to the political changes many hoped for. Nevertheless, their im
定價:2400 元, 優惠價:1 2400
The Art of Magic the Gathering ─ Zendikar
作者:James Wyatt  出版社:Viz  出版日:2016/01/05 裝訂:精裝
Title from our Perfect Square imprint to be unveiled Monday, August 31st.
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Magic ─ The Gathering Amonkhet
作者:James Wyatt  出版社:Perfect Square  出版日:2017/07/04 裝訂:精裝
The first of its kind! A series of massive hardcover art books featuring the incredible images of Magic: The Gathering®!!The fourth book in VIZ Media’s new series of massive hardcover art bo
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Magic The Gathering ─ Kaladesh
作者:James Wyatt  出版社:Perfect Square  出版日:2017/01/03 裝訂:精裝
Danger and adventure await in these pages, lavishly illustrated with the award-winning art of Magic: The Gathering®!
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Magic the Gathering ― Dominaria
作者:James Wyatt  出版社:Perfect Square  出版日:2018/07/03 裝訂:精裝
Magnificent hardcover art books featuring the incredible images and lore of Magic: The Gathering®!Step aboard the legendary airship Weatherlight and explore Dominaria, an ancient world whose
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Magic The Gathering ─ Innistrad
作者:James Wyatt  出版社:Perfect Square  出版日:2016/07/05 裝訂:精裝
“Grab an axe and defend the gate! Your despair is an extravagance we can ill afford.” —Thalia, Knight-CatharTerror falls from the skies on blood-spattered wings, and nameless horrors lurk in the shado
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Magic the Gathering ― Concepts & Legends
作者:James Wyatt  出版社:Perfect Square  出版日:2018/10/23 裝訂:精裝
Magnificent hardcover art books featuring the incredible images and lore of Magic: The Gathering®!Danger and adventure await in these pages, lavishly illustrated with the award-winning art of Mag
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Art of Manipulating Fabric
作者:Colette Wolff  出版社:Krause Pubns Inc  出版日:1996/10/01 裝訂:平裝
The possibilities for three-dimensional manipulation of fabric - gathering, pleating, tucking, shirring, and quilting woven materials - are seemingly endless. To describe them all would be to describe
定價:1178 元, 優惠價:1 1178
Written just before the author's death in 1958, this book is an autobiography in art, a gathering of?experiences in performance, and a lucid and practical source book on choreography.
定價:1372 元, 優惠價:1 1372
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