A 6-week Artist's Way Program from legendary author Julia Cameron Cameron's fans will love this--Publishers Weekly The newest book from beloved author Julia Cameron, TheListening Path is a transforma
這是英國USborne以繪本形式出版的品格書,告訴小朋友如何有禮貌、有同理心、有自信心、結交新朋友、正向思考。在小朋友的成長路上,是很好的引導書籍。 Miss Molly's School of Manners This friendly, humorous book explores good and bad manners and consideration forothers. Join Algernon the raccoon at Miss Molly's School of Manners and takelessons in the Careful Listening Laboratory and theArtof Sharing Studio, learntable manners in the Dining Hall of Decorum, visit Sorry Sickbay, and shine at Good Sports Day.Miss Molly's School of Kindness At Miss Molly's School of Kindness, three naughty fox cubs find out how to be kind to others, kind to themselves, and the importance of being kind to the planet. A perfect way to start conversations with children about kindness, with humour, a fun story, and a cast of lively animal characters.Miss Molly's School of Confidence Rosie Rabbit is shy and scared of many things. So when she and her family come across Miss Molly's School of Confidence, Miss Molly welcomes her in. Here Rosie learns how to build her confidence, make fr
HAVE YOU HEARD?Life shouts. God whispers. How can we hear God’s whispers when the struggles and worries of life distract us? How can we quiet our souls?TheArtof Spiritual Listening is about learning
Although Erich Fromm intended to publish his work as a practicing psychotherapist, these plans were never realized in his lifetime. This volume fulfills his wish. Not intended as a textbook about psyc
Our culture is one that speaks rather than listens. From reality TV to political rallies, there is a clamour to be heard, to narrate, and to receive attention. It reduces 'reality' to revelation and v
Emphasizing music in the context ofthe society that surrounds it, a music appreciation text weaves the development of Western music into the fabric of cultural history, paying special attention to th