This new verse translation of the classic Sanskrit text combines the skills of leading Hinduist Gavin Flood with the stylistic verve of award-winning poet and translator Charles Martin. The result is
聖典中的聖典;歐美商業時代的新聖經。 與《道德經》、《聖經》並列全世界翻譯版本最多的三大經典。 「薄伽梵」在印度的靈性傳承裡,代表的是上主在地球上的化身;《薄伽梵歌》即意為上主之歌(The Song of God),係記載上主克里希納(Lord Krishna)與阿朱納(Arjuna)王子間一場奇妙而不可思議的對話――關於靈性知識的揭示,是超越宗教的宇宙真相和人生哲理。 《薄伽梵歌》是最重要的印度
India's most popular wisdom book, the Bhagavad Gita, proves to be surprisingly relevant and inspirational in today's world. Carefully selected quotes from this timeless classic shed light on such top
To most good Vishnuites, and to most Hindus, the Bhagavad Gita is what the New Testament is to good Christians. It is their chief devotional book, and has been for centuries the principal source of r
In the Bhagavad Gita, Prince Arjuna asks direct, uncompromising questions of his spiritual guide on the eve of a great battle. In this expanded edition of the most famous —and popul
The Bhagavad Gita, a scintillating jewel embedded in the great Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, is a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna set against the background of war. At the beginning of the poem, we l