Unlock the secret code of cats for a deeper connection with the feline in your life. Why does my cat always want to sleep on my computer keyboard? How can I keep her from bullying the dog? This used to be her favorite food, but now she won't touch it Why will she only drink from the bathroom faucet? Does she actually like me? If you've ever wondered, as she sits on your head at 4am, what on earth is going on beyond your cat's inscrutable gaze, this book has the answers. Drawing on extensive animal behavior psychology and the latest research, it reveals what's really behind those things cats do--whether they're amusing, irritating, or just downright bizarre. Cats may not telegraph their emotions (unlike the dogs they look down on), but they do show their feelings, often quite subtly, in the way they relate to you, other animals, and their home environment. With gorgeous and accurate illustrations across a range of breeds, this book helps you read and interpret your cat's body language a
If you've ever tried a trendy new diet and found it impossible to stick to.... If you've wondered why the steak-and-salad regimen that worked miracles for your friend actually put three unwanted pound
One purpose of this book is to collect the fundamental body of military case law. It is designed to afford a ready reference to the military lawyer or the civilian practitioner with a military justice
Discover the Secret to Personal Excellence Hidden in Your "Mind-Body Code". You may know that your mind influences your health-but what's influencing your mind? Until you answer this question, you m
"Family and parenting authority Jim Burns explores the tough and sensitive issues of sexuality, preparing preteens for their adolescent years. Presents biblical values about sex, bodies, and relations