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周成剛、汪珺 (1)

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時報文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:亞當.布萊安特; 凱文.沙爾  出版社:時報文化  出版日:2022/11/15 裝訂:平裝
★亞馬遜商管書暢銷榜Top 1★★《金融時報》每月選書★★《從A到A+》作者詹姆.柯林斯盛讚★紐約時報總裁、美國運通執行長、蘋果與優步的董事……各大跨國企業領導人齊聲推薦!卓越領導人必經的七大考驗,帶領團隊攀向頂峰、打造永續組織!七堂最有價值的領導課,透過600位執行長的親身經歷,看見自身盲點、學會最實際的管理策略。隨著所有產業的顛覆速度加快,領導也變得越來越困難。重責大任、無窮的批評與壓力、行程滿檔……儘管領導者享有高薪與福利、權力無人能及,但背負的義務及壓力也非一般人所能想像。凱文曾任安進藥品執行長達20年,帶領公司將年營收從10億提升至160億美元;亞當則是擁有30年經驗的資深記者,曾與全球600多位執行長進行深度訪談。本書就是兩位作者在過程中累積而成的心血結晶。▌第一項試煉:將複雜事物簡單化迅速掌握複雜議題的核心,在面對挑戰與執行策略時清晰溝通,進而成功贏得夥伴的信任。迪士尼前執行長羅伯特.艾格自上任第一天起,便不斷提醒全公司最需重視的優先事項,他簡單清楚地告訴員工:這就是我們想要去的目的地,我們要這麼做才能到達那裡。▌第二項試煉:創造強大的企業文化企業文化就像是作業系統,優秀的企業文化能招募並留住人才,提升整體工作效能與效率。亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯秉持「第一天」的信念,只用一個詞就定義出清晰的企業文化,藉此警惕大家永遠懷有創業的初心,並維持前進的動能。▌第三項試煉:組建高績效團隊 即使是頂尖企業,真正適得其所的人員也只有75%。在公司發展的過程中,團隊也同樣需要進化,而你必須帶領團隊前進。安泰人壽前執行長羅恩.威廉斯會使用「前視雷達」來評估團隊:成員是否能隨著公司的複雜程度提高而進步?唯有不斷增進自身能力,才能協助公司執行成長策略。▌第四項試煉:成功引導企業轉型面對轉型危機,領導者的首要任務是坦誠以對。當你向下屬吐實,願意留下來的人便是那些想要接受挑戰的人。紐約時報曾面臨不得不的數位轉型,最後順利轉危為安。安進藥品也成功度過擴張危機,省下19億美元的開支,迎來更快速的成長與更高的利潤。▌第五項試煉:真正傾聽他人話語你必須打破同溫層,真心聆聽他人話語背後的真正意涵,才能看見問題癥結點與真相。Aira科技執行長錢德拉塞卡曾說過,無論在哪個組織,最困難的事就是讓人們對你絕對誠實。唯有當你認知到傾聽需要承諾和持續關注,公司才能生存下去並茁壯成長。▌第六項試煉:帶領組織
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
The CEO Test: Master the Challenges That Make or Break All Leaders
作者:Adam Bryant; Kevin Sharer  出版社:Harvard Business Review Press  出版日:2021/03/02 裝訂:精裝
Are you ready to lead? Will you pass the test?Despite all the effort through the years to understand what it takes to be an effective leader, the challenges of leadership remain enormously difficult a
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life
作者:Steven Bartlett  出版社:Portfolio  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:精裝
This is not a book about business strategy. Strategy changes like the seasons. This is a book about something much more permanent. At the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I've conducted on my podcast - are a set of principles that can stand the test of time, apply to any industry, and be used by anyone who is search of building something great or becoming someone great. These are the fundamental laws that will ensure excellence. They are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, are based on the wisdom of tens of thousands of people I've surveyed across every continent and age group, and of course, drawn from the conversations I've had on my chart-topping podcast with the world's most successful people. These laws will work now or in 100 years from now. Are you ready to get started?
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:79 901
Billy Sure, Kid Entrepreneur and the Best Test
作者:Luke Sharpe; Graham Ross (ILT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2015/11/03 裝訂:平裝
Billy Sure, twelve-year-old inventor and CEO of Sure Things, Inc., has come up with another zany invention that tells you what you’re best at in the fourth book of a hilarious middle grade series!Ever
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Billy Sure, Kid Entrepreneur and the Best Test
作者:Luke Sharpe; Graham Ross (ILT)  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2015/11/03 裝訂:精裝
Billy Sure, twelve-year-old inventor and CEO of Sure Things, Inc., has come up with another zany invention that tells you what you’re best at in the fourth book of a hilarious middle grade series!Ever
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Into The Real
作者:Ringo; Sherrer  出版社:Baen Books  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:平裝
Lynn Raven may be the boss master of WarMonger 2050 with her online persona of "Larry the Snake," but when the CEO of Tsunami Entertainment personally asks her, as a favor, to beta test a new augmented reality game, she has to face her greatest
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 751
The Diary of a CEO:The 33 Laws of Business and Life
作者:Steven Bartlett  出版社:Ebury Publishing  出版日:2023/08/31 裝訂:平裝
Runaway No.1 Bestseller by STEVEN BARTLETT: entrepreneur, podcaster and Dragon's Den starThis is not a book about business strategy. Strategy changes like the seasons.This is a book about something much more permanent.At the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I've conducted on my podcast - are a set of principles that can stand the test of time, apply to any industry, and be used by anyone who is search of building something great or becoming someone great.These are the fundamental laws that will ensure excellence.They are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, are based on the wisdom of tens of thousands of people I've surveyed across every continent and age group, and of course, drawn from the conversations I've had on my chart-topping podcast with the world's most successful people.These laws will work now or in 100 years from now. Are you ready to get started?Number 1 Sun
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
作者:Honeyb  出版社:Grand Central Pub  出版日:2009/02/11 裝訂:平裝
Nick and Natalie are two lovers whose sexual lives are more than above average. But their secret relationship is put to the test when they both end up competing for the same CEO position in the firm
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
作者:周成剛; 汪珺  出版社:北京語言大學出版社  出版日:2019/01/01 裝訂:平裝
本書共32個單元,完整覆蓋TKT考試重要考,系統梳理了TKT考試三大核心模塊。每個單元又細分為“Quick Question”“The Bigger Picture”“Key Vocabulary”“Tricky Terms and Concepts”“In Your Class”“Try It Out”“What You Might Be Tested On”“Find Out What You Know”“Inspiration”和“Find Out More”十個部分,詳略穿插,理論講解與課堂實踐相結合,同時輔以配套練習,幫助考生及時行自我檢測。本書共32個單元,完整覆蓋TKT考試重要考,系統梳理了TKT考試三大核心模塊。每個單元又細分為“Quick Question”“The Bigger Picture”“Key Vocabulary”“Tricky Terms and Concepts”“In Your Class”“Try It Out”“What You Might Be Tested On”“Find Out What You Know”“Inspiration”和“Find Out More”十個部分,詳略穿插,理論講解與課堂實踐相結合,同時輔以配套練習,幫助考生及時行自我檢測。【推薦語】TKT(Teaching Knowledge Test)是由英國劍橋大學英語考評部在全球推出的教學資格考試,為母語系非英語國家的中小學或成人英語教師提供了一套完善的檢驗自己能力的評量系統。 為應對廣大考生的備考需求,新東方教育科技集團CEO周成剛攜手教學管理部總監汪珺為考生造了《TKT劍橋英語教學能力認證考試備考指南》和《TKT劍橋英語教學能力認證考試全真模考題》系列教程。 其中,《TKT劍橋英語教學能力認證考試備考指南》從日常教學中*常見的問題出發,逐步剖析,幫助考生熟悉相關知識在TKT考試中的考查形式,讓考生學會舉一反三,從而輕鬆規避考試陷阱。 小編建議各位考生將本書與《TKT劍橋英語教學能力認證考試全真模考題》搭配使用,效果更佳哦!【作者】周成剛 新東方教育科技集團首席執行官。當過大學教師,做過新聞記者,倡導國際教育,熱衷教育咨詢。著有暢銷書《鏡頭裡的世界名校》,並有《時間機器》《終端人》《如何閱讀一本書》《如何講,如何聽》《精粹英語》等經典譯作及
定價:228 元, 優惠價:87 198



