Longlisted of Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction Summer, 1914. Young Englishwoman Vivian Rose Spencer is in an ancient land, about to discover the Temple of Zeus, the call of adventure, an
在以珀耳修斯為中心的故事裡,梅杜莎註定成為令人膽寒的邪惡怪物。美麗聰慧、虔心奉獻的神殿祭司何以成為詛咒下的駭人女妖?當我們撥開這層僅剩恐懼與惡的扁平形象後,才能看見在幾乎被化約成相貌醜陋的殘忍毒婦之前,她所經歷的悲慘遭遇。繼柔卡絲塔與卡利俄佩,Natalie Hayne再次把說故事的權利,還給神話裡被寥寥數語帶過的女性角色。'Witty, gripping, ruthless' - Margaret Atwood via Twitter'Beautiful and moving' - Neil Gaiman via Twitter'So to mortal men, we are monsters. Because of our flight, our strength. They fear us, so they call us monsters.’Medusa is the sole mortal in a family of gods. Growing up with her Gorgon sisters, she begins to realize that she is the only one who experiences change, the only one who can be hurt. And her mortal lifespan gives her an urgency that her family will never know.When the sea god Poseidon commits an unforgivable act in the temple of Athene, the goddess takes her revenge where she can – and Medusa is changed forever. Writhing snakes replace her hair, and her gaze now turns any living creature to stone. The power cannot be controlled: Medusa can look at nothing without destroying it. She is condemned to a life of sha
Peru was the birthplace of liberation theology and the poor women of Peru were instrumental in its spread. Powers (director, Center for Ignatian Spirituality; theological studies, Loyola Marymount Col
Moses never wanted to be a leader. Jonah ran away from his missions call. And when Marcia Moston's husband came home with a call to foreign missions, she was sure God had the wrong number. His call co
The major death-of-God theologian explores the meaning and purpose of radical theology. In The Call to Radical Theology, Thomas J. J. Altizer meditates on the nature of radical theology and calls read
"Have you ever considered that so many of us go through this world as though asleep at the wheel of our lives?" authors Father Andrew Carl Wisdom and Sister Christine Kiley ask in their book, Tuning I
God wants you to enjoy Him!It's simple, but it's radical. Some may even call it revolutionary. Yet it's the heartbeat of Christianity. Our hearts are designed to find their ultimate fulfillment in the
Not long ago, J. Matthew Sleeth had a fantastic life and a great job as chief of the medical staff at a large hospital. He was living the American dream---until he saw an increasing number of his pati
Two pilots venture into the heart of the Amazon to save the lives of two nuns held hostage by a savage tribeThe classic Jack Higgins thrillerLocals call it the Rio das Mortes—the treacherous Brazilia