風靡全球,史上最好看的動物小說!生命的強韌、動人,再再感人落淚,讓人心緒澎湃讚賞。流浪奔躍的古老渴望,極力掙脫習慣的鎖鏈;沉睡的記憶不曾遺忘,再次喚起野性的展現。森林的深處響起了一種呼喚……神秘地吸引著巴克,它在巴克心裡鼓動起強烈而莫名的慾望……《野性的呼喚》並非讚揚野性,唾棄文明,作者想要描寫的是生命的那種強韌、動人。從小被馴養的巴克,被丟到荒野中能夠生存嗎?巴克的生命,巴克的奮鬥經歷,再再感人落淚,讓人心緒澎湃讚賞。【最受讀者歡迎的動物小說家──傑克.倫敦】本書收錄傑克.倫敦用文字描述生命熱情的三則著名中短篇傑作:●巴塔(Bâtard,1902)在這篇短篇小說中,巴塔是仇恨的化身,是魔鬼狗。這樣的魔鬼不僅僅是天生的,也是被環境塑造而成的,故事從巴塔與主人強烈的互相仇恨下展開。●野性的呼喚(The Call of the Wild,1903)故事敘述一隻原本被人類飼養在家中,享受平凡優渥環境的狗「巴克」,被拐賣到寒冷嚴酷的北方荒野裡,歷經危難後回到自然的故事。本書不僅十分暢銷,也多次被改編為電影。傑克.倫敦原本是想寫巴塔的續篇,沒想到寫到後來,故事裡的主人公「巴克」有了自己的個性,情節也早就遠遠超出作者預期,成為了史上最好看的動物小說。●熱愛生命(Love of Life,1907)至少這一點無庸置疑――他們嘗遍生命的顛簸;歷經艱辛才有所獲益,儘管已耗盡所有本錢。故事描寫一個淘金者在受傷、遭夥伴拋棄,與飢餓、寒冷、恐怖和死亡奮鬥的故事。生動地展示了人性的偉大和堅強,逼真地描寫出了震撼人心的生命力量!
In Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, strong sled dogs are in high demand. Buck is stolen from his comfortable home in California and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. Will he
Half St. Bernard, half sheepdog, Buck is stolen away from his comfortable life as a pet in California and sold to dog traders. He soon finds himself aboard a ship, on its way to Northern Canada. Surro
With an Introduction and Notes by Lionel Kelly, University of Reading. The Call of the Wild (1903) and White Fang (1906) are world famous animal stories. Set in Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush of
Heed the call of the wild with the fifth book in this action-packed animal fantasy series from the #1 nationally bestselling author of Warriors.True evil has come to Bravelands. . . only hope can driv
From sweltering sun to a wild snowstorm, wardens Grace and Tom must brave the elements to save the day in this thrilling Griffin Gate adventure from bestseller Vashti Hardy. It’s the height of summer in Moreland, and Grace Griffin and her fellow warden Tom Eely are sweltering in the heat until they answer a strange call for help that comes through on the amazing Griffin map. After teleporting to Oakwell, they find the town paralysed by a freezing snowstorm, which is ruining the famous summer market that brings in visitors and trade.Using their mystery-solving skills and amazing inventions, can Grace and Tom find the cause for the weird weather and restore summer from the snow?
Heed the call of the wild…discover the second book in this action-packed animal fantasy series from the #1 bestselling author of Warriors!★ “Deep characters, a complex plot, rich mythology, and a stun
From dapper parties with Gatsby in 1920s New York to sailing the ocean in search of the monstrous white whale Moby Dick, discover American literature’s most iconic classics adapted and illustrated for children aged 7+.This 10-book box set includes The Great Gatsby, Little Women, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Moby Dick, The Call of the Wild, The Age of Innocence, The Portrait of a Lady, Twelve Years a Slave, Rip Van Winkle and The Last of the Mohicans.