In late antiquity, as Christianity emerged from Judaism, it was not only the new religion that was being influenced by the old. The rise and revolutionary challenge of Christianity also had a profound
Reveals the prophetic challenge in Luke-Acts for today’s churchChristians chronically and desperately need prophecy, says award winning biblical scholar Luke Timothy Johnson. In this and every age, th
Matthew's Gospel is the most significant Jewish-Christian document of the New Testament. For Matthew, the story of Jesus is the underlying tale of his own community, summoned from Israel by the living Jesus and now, following Israel's rejection, sent to the Gentiles. Matthew's Jesus story bears much the same relation to the Matthean community as does the Pentateuch to Israel, hence the profoundly Jewish basis of his theology. This book, first published in 1995, both outlines and elucidates the story told in Matthew's Gospel, emphasising its focal points: the Sermon on the Mount, the miracles, the renunciation of possessions and particularly the theology of judgement by works, an idea which represents both a challenge, in its quest for a church set apart from non-Christians by deeds alone, and a burden, through its traumatic origin in the breach between the Matthean community and the Israelite majority.
In the middle of the Great Awakening, a group of religious radicals called Moravians came to North America from Germany to pursue ambitious missionary goals. How did the Protestant establishment reac
Provocative Grace focuses on the words of Jesus, not as rules to live by, but as challenges to provoke us to grow toward greater maturity. Robert Corin Morris asks us to enlarge our existing concepts,
Uncomfortable makes a compelling case that following Jesus and being in his church are not cool and comfortable, but rather call us to embrace the more difficult aspects of Christianity in the context
This book is designed to challenge your mind set and kick down some of the sacred cows that hinder you from becoming all that God has created you to be. In the Gospel of John, Jesus made a profound st
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus asks a lot of questions—questions that challenge and unsettle. Questions that cut to the heart of human experience. Questions that—like a plow plunging deep into hard soi
In this fully revised and updated second edition of his accessible account of systematic Christology, Gerald O'Collins continues to challenge the contemporary publishing trend for sensationalist books
Fantasy princesses are fictional characters. Magic, supernatural, mythology and folklore are often the ingredients of fantasy literature. Lets challenge ourselves by coloring and giving life to every