Science FACTopia! is the sixth title in the bestselling FACTopia! series. Follow an ingenious trail of 400 facts about space, animals, rocks and crystals, virtual reality, the body, coding, 3D printing, engineering, plants, fungi, maths and more, where each fact is connected to the next in entertaining and unexpected ways. You’ll meet a parrot called Squawkzilla, find out about the fastest muscles in the body, discover gems that can change colour and learn about black holes that ‘burp’.Lavishly illustrated with witty illustrations that combine artwork and photography, and verified by the experts at Encyclopaedia Britannica, Science FACTopia! brings STEM topics to life with facts children will be desperate to share with their friends and family.
In the deep glens of Massachusetts, in the wild hills of Vermont, and in Australia's sandy wastes, unfathomable things lurk. Things that shine with an unnatural light, that speak and buzz strangely in
In the early 50s, Constant sought out new pathways along which art could contribute to the reconstruction of postwar Europe. He envisioned an art that was at once "lyrical in its means and social in i
Children age 5 and up will love to search and find over 1,000 out-of-this-world space things in this full colour activity book by the creators of the best-selling 555 Sticker Fun series. From alien st
Colour in the rockets, play spot the difference with the astronauts, finish off the aliens and much more! Have an out-of-this-world time with this brilliant activity book, packed full of colourful ill
This authoritative encyclopedia is perfect for visual learners: it reveals astonishing information about space, Earth, animals, humans and technology through 200 infographics, including maps, charts, timelines and more! Grasp facts at a glance as you turn every page: discover the size of our Sun in comparison to the largest star in the universe; find out which animal can leap 200 times its body length; learn how many cups of snot your body makes a day; compare the sizes of the biggest beasts that have ever lived; witness what happens in a single second across the world. With stunning infographics by internationally renowned data designer Valentina D'Efilippo, along with beautiful colour photography, as well as interviews with leading expert consultants for every chapter, this ravishing book from Britannica offers an exhilarating visual way to understand the world around us.
Includes classic stories such as: "The Rats in the Walls," "Pickman's Model," "The Colour out of Space," "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Dunwich Horror," "The Shadow over Innsmouth," "At the Mountains of
Brought to you by illustrator extraordinaire Francois Gautier, this book is packed with stunning 3D artworks that leap off the page. Featuring an astronaut floating through space, a sea monster bursting from the water, a hole appearing out of thin air and everything weird and wonderful in between, Dimensions is a celebration of 3D art and a detailed colouring adventure like no other. Bring each incredible image to life with dazzling colour.
The Cthulhu Mythos was H.P. Lovecraft's greatest contribution to supernatural literature. This anthology includes 23 of his weirdest tales, including 'The Call of Cthulhu', 'The Colour Out of Space',
From million-copy bestselling author David Walliams comes a laugh-out-loud animal space adventure. Chump the chimpanzee was always being silly. He would: - make rude noises from BOTH ENDS… - pick his nose with his little toe… - eat the skins of bananas, hurling out the tasty part inside.NASA’s scientists thought he’d be the PERFECT chimp to send into space. Little did Chump know that he had been selected for a deadly-dangerous mission. If a chimp could orbit Earth, then chances were a human could too.With Chump the chimp at the controls of a spacecraft, what could possibly go wrong? As it turned out, EVERYTHING. Blast off with Chump, and encounter dog space pirates, evil insects, and the silliest chimpanzee who ever lived in this wildly funny space opera, fully illustrated in fantastic colour. David Walliams was most recently Children’s number one bestseller with The Blunders TCM Chart, 14 October 2023).
日美法權威漫畫獎項肯定,世界級好評克蘇魯神話改編漫畫神作,降臨台灣!洛夫克拉夫特自認《星之彩》為其最高傑作。多次改編電影,最廣為人知的洛氏小說之一。20世紀最具影響力的古典恐怖小說體系,眾多恐怖電影、遊戲、文學作品永不枯竭的靈感根源——完全漫畫化!【本書特色】★克蘇魯神話是在上世紀20年代開始,以洛夫克拉夫特一系列作品為開端,經由洛夫克拉夫特的友人加以整理後成為一個重要的恐怖小說創作世界觀。其中的創作核心「無以名狀的恐怖」、「未知的恐懼」、「來自外太空的邪神」等等,成為日後恐怖創作的重要靈感來源,散見於東西方各種電影、小說、遊戲、漫畫。不管是西方的尼爾‧蓋曼、史蒂芬‧金,或是東方的小林泰三,全都受其影響,而有許多以此世界觀創作的精彩作品。★20世紀初期的洛夫克拉夫特作品,在現代已經較難符合當代讀者的閱讀習慣。田邊剛的改編為讀者帶來了理解洛夫克拉夫特作品的全新角度。他以電影手法寫實改編洛夫克拉夫特重要代表作,媲美好萊塢億萬製作的紙上電影。★手塚治蟲文化獎、艾斯納獎、安古蘭國際漫畫節等等,日美法權威漫畫獎項肯定,第一位獲得世界級好評的改編洛夫克拉夫特作品的日本漫畫家!【得獎紀錄】★2018年入圍第22屆手塚治蟲文化獎決選★2018年入圍年美國艾斯納獎(Eisner Award)★2018年法國安古蘭國際漫畫節參展★2019年ACBD亞洲最優秀作品獎(Prix Asie de la Critique ACBD)★2019年法國日本博覽會(JAPAN EXPO)達摩裝幀獎、插畫獎。※〈星之彩〉(The Colour Out of Space)1927年發表於科幻小說雜誌《驚奇故事》(Amazing Stories)。描寫一顆神祕的隕石落到某戶農家的土地後,逐漸造成那一帶的所有生物陷入瘋狂以及變形的慘劇。刊登之後即受到許多讀者喜愛,亦是洛夫克拉夫特自認最滿意的作品。曾多次改編電影,最新改編電影為2019年尼可拉斯凱吉主演的《星之彩》,評價甚佳。【故事大綱】一名水壩建設調查員為了確認建設土地狀況,前往阿卡漢市拜訪一名當地耆老皮爾斯先生。從皮爾斯先生嘴裡他聽到了此生最不可思議、最詭異可怕的故事……事情發生在皮爾斯年輕時。某日一顆神祕的隕石落在好友涅海姆的農場裡。涅海姆邀請米斯卡塔尼克大學的學者前來調查,然而學者卻發現這顆隕石充滿各種詭譎的特質,最後甚至消失無蹤。同時,自從這顆隕石