Dare to Go There Although the cross is God’s decisive deed in human history, the full meaning of it is far too much for a mere human mind to grasp. But through Henry Blackaby’s careful examination, t
Through the ages, the samurai have been associated with honor, fearlessness, calm, decisive action, strategic thinking, and martial prowess. Their ethos is known as bushido, the Way of the Warrior-Kni
Africa has played a decisive role in the formation of Christian culture from its infancy. Some of the most decisive intellectual achievements of Christianity were explored and understood in Africa bef
The adequacy of Karl Barth's conception of theological reasoning is a decisive point of contention in assessments of the legacy and potential of twentieth-century theology. Barth's work is a formative
In these accelerated times, our decisive and businesslike ways of thinking are unprepared for ambiguity, paradox, and sleeping on it." We assume that the quick-thinking "hare brain" will beat out the
This 1981 book is concerned with the part which the visual arts played in Goethe's life and thought from his earliest years to the end of his visit to Italy. Among his multifarious preoccupations this interest in the visual arts was one of the most urgent and consistent. The extent of his preoccupation with the practice of the visual arts has been underestimated by scholars and this book is intended to do something to redress the balance. The book is best described as a kind of artistic biography, tracing chronologically the poet's development, as far as the visual arts are concerned, from his childhood in Frankfurt to the aesthetically decisive experience of Italy. The book should be of interest both to students of German literature and to students of the history of art. With this in mind the quotations from German have been translated into English throughout.
Noam Chomsky's work has had a decisive influence on the development of linguistics and more broadly on the study of mind and language. This book, which contains two new papers by Chomsky, assesses tha
Recently, the role of courts has changed dramatically. Not only do courts now have to decide cases between parties, they also often have to choose between competing fundamental values. Judges may have to balance the potentially conflicting interests of human life and human dignity; freedom of speech and the right of privacy; or free trade and the protection of the environment. The courts may have to circumscribe freedom of religion, and decide when religious dress may be worn. With the non-specialist in mind, and starting from the basic notion of the rule of law, this book explores how judges can and should address such issues. Both the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Union often play a decisive role, and the book points out both the advantages and the difficulties posed by this. Above all, it seeks to promote a more informed debate.
Dare to Go ThereAlthough the cross is God's decisive deed in human history, the full meaning of it is far too much for a mere human mind to grasp. But through Henry Blackaby's careful examination, the
This book takes a new look at the evolution of popular literature in Britain in the Romantic and Victorian periods. Ian Haywood argues that developments in the history of popular literature emerged from its intersection with radical and reactionary politics of the time. Both sides wanted to win the heart and mind of the 'common reader' and used books to try to influence a newly literate group in society. Making use of a wide range of archival and primary sources, he argues that radical politics played a decisive role in the transformation of popular literature from the plebeian miscellany of the 1790s to the mass-circulation fiction and popular journalism of the 1840s. By charting the key moments in the history of 'cheap' literature, the book casts light on the many neglected popular genres and texts: the 'pig's meat' anthology, the female-authored didactic tale, and Chartist fiction.
This is a book about the nature of film: about the nature of moving images, about the viewer's relation to film, and about the kinds of narrative that film is capable of presenting. It represents a very decisive break with the semiotic and psychoanalytic theories of film which have dominated discussion. The central thesis is that film is essentially a pictorial medium and that the movement of film images is real rather than illusory. A general theory of pictorial representation is presented, which insists on the realism of pictures and the impossibility of assimilating them to language. It criticizes attempts to explain the psychology of film viewing in terms of the viewer's imaginary occupation of a position within the world of film. On the contrary, film viewing is nearly always impersonal.
This is a book about the nature of film: about the nature of moving images, about the viewer's relation to film, and about the kinds of narrative that film is capable of presenting. It represents a very decisive break with the semiotic and psychoanalytic theories of film which have dominated discussion. The central thesis is that film is essentially a pictorial medium and that the movement of film images is real rather than illusory. A general theory of pictorial representation is presented, which insists on the realism of pictures and the impossibility of assimilating them to language. It criticizes attempts to explain the psychology of film viewing in terms of the viewer's imaginary occupation of a position within the world of film. On the contrary, film viewing is nearly always impersonal.
高中英語,最強單字書考場上出現頻率最高的單字輕鬆記熟,怎麼考都難不倒完全掌握大考主考官命題趨勢徹底提高分數,考前衝刺最好用命中率100% 2個月攻克,英文滿級分大考、學測、指考、模擬考必備【最強單字書】.老師最愛考,出題頻率最高的單字.單字後列有成語及片語,豐富聽寫能力.方便學習、記憶,有如神助,輕鬆、愉快.MP3,英文唸一遍、中文唸一遍在擁擠的公車或捷運上,不必看書也能收到學習成效.快速提升英語實力,和考試分數.百分百考上最理想的第一志願【本書特色】1.易學好記,快速記憶2.迷你字典小百科,學習事半功倍3.收錄一考再考,英文滿級分單字4.MP3採中、英文錄製,隨時隨地,反覆聆聽、跟學,迅速提升聽力5.高一、高二、高三、升大學、多益、托福、雅思、英檢中、中高級完全適用【舉一反三】1. 高中考取大學所需的字彙也不過三千字。以中外學者專家一個共同的發現是:在輕鬆的心情和良好的環境中學習的效果會更好。2. 要打好文基礎,必須下定決心,多花些寶貴的時間去琢磨。其中,認識英文單字是很重要的。一個英文單字的詞性可能是名詞;如果本書中第一天要記的單字“decision”「決定」一字,如果只靠刻板的硬記一個字,效果不如能夠同時參考這個的動詞decide,形容詞decisive,副詞decidedly,這樣不但可以增加記憶,更能收舉一反三之效。如果能依詞性的不同各造一句,其效果更佳。如:a.名詞decision:名詞,當動詞make的受詞Please make up your mind and make the decision!請下定決心做決定吧!b.動詞decide:決定做什麼事的「決定」,是動詞I decide to further my study.我決定繼續進修。c.形容詞decisive:形容詞,形容名詞battleThat was a decisive battle.那是一次決定勝負的戰役。d.副詞decidedly:副詞,形容副詞moreRed color is decidedly more attractive than black.紅色絕對比黑色更引人注目。3. 除了花時間琢磨生字,並收舉一反三之效外,學者專家並提出一個方法。那就是不斷重覆地唸,也就是英文中所謂的frequent repetition。我們之所以能夠在多年之後還能對小時後的童謠或兒歌琅琅上口,是因