Enjoying life on an island where all faiths coexist peacefully, precocious 14-year-old Peter and his siblings are shocked when their devout vicar father and eccentric artisan mother go missing at the
From the author of Smilla's Sense of Snow, an epic novel about faith and the magic of everyday life.Told from the precocious perspective of fourteen-year-old Peter, The Elephant Keepers' Children is a
Enjoying life on an island where all faiths coexist peacefully, precocious 14-year-old Peter and his siblings are shocked when their devout vicar father and eccentric artisan mother go missing at the
Enjoying life on an island where all faiths coexist peacefully, precocious 14-year-old Peter and his siblings are shocked when their devout vicar father and eccentric artisan mother go missing at the
Peter and Tilte are trying to track down two notorious criminals: their parents. They are the pastor and the organist, respectively, of the only church on the tiny island of Fino. Known for fabricatin
Enjoying life on an island where all faiths coexist peacefully, precocious 14-year-old Peter and his siblings are shocked when their devout vicar father and eccentric artisan mother go missing at the