The Emperor’s New Clothes 國王的新衣從前有位虛榮的國王很喜歡穿新衣服。一天,兩位裁縫師告訴國王,他們發現了一種神奇的布料,這種布料愚笨的人看不見。國王想藉此找出誰是笨蛋,於是他請裁縫師使用這塊布料幫他縫製一件新外套,但是誰才是真正的笨蛋呢?★ 生活小錦囊:不要太自作聰明,有時聰明反被聰明誤!
JOIN ANYTIME TO PLAY FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN! As the race to find the 39 Clues builds to its explosive finish, Amy and Dan must explore the ancient culture of (SORRY - TOO TOP SECRET TO REVEAL) and ste
Tensions run high in the explosive 8th book of 39 Clues, the #1 New York Times bestselling series.FORMAT: 4 CDs, UnabridgedNARRATOR: David PittuJOIN ANYTIME TO PLAY FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN!As the race t
Tensions run high in the explosive 8th book of 39 Clues, the #1 New York Times bestselling series.JOIN ANYTIME TO PLAY FOR THE CHANCE TO WIN!As the race to find the 39 Clues builds to its explosive fi
As the race to find the 39 Clues builds to its explosive finish, Amy and Dan must steal a Clue guarded by thousands of the world's best soldiers. It´s the most dangerous Clue search yet . . . and it m
In this gripping, previously untold story from World War II, Michael Smith examines how code breakers cracked Japan’s secret codes and won the war in the Pacific. He also takes the reader step by step
The Emperor’s New Clothes 國王的新衣從前有位虛榮的國王很喜歡穿新衣服。一天,兩位裁縫師告訴國王,他們發現了一種神奇的布料,這種布料愚笨的人看不見。國王想藉此找出誰是笨蛋,於是他請裁縫師使用這塊布料幫他縫製一件新外套,但是誰才是真正的笨蛋呢?★ 生活小錦囊:不要太自作聰明,有時聰明反被聰明誤!※此為單書,若需盒裝版請選購Reading House 2/e 3: The Emperor’s New Clothes (with CD+CWS+Access Code)
The Byzantine emperor Leo VI (886–912), was not a general or even a soldier, like his predecessors, but a scholar, and it was the religious education he gained under the tutelage of the patriarch Photios that was to distinguish him as an unusual ruler. This book analyses Leo's literary output, focusing on his deployment of ideological principles and religious obligations to distinguish the characteristics of the Christian oikoumene from the Islamic caliphate, primarily in his military manual known as the Taktika. It also examines in depth his 113 legislative Novels, with particular attention to their theological prolegomena, showing how the emperor's religious sensibilities find expression in his reshaping of the legal code to bring it into closer accord with Byzantine canon law. Meredith L. D. Riedel argues that the impact of his religious faith transformed Byzantine cultural identity and influenced his successors, establishing the Macedonian dynasty as a 'golden age' in Byzantium.
The Byzantine emperor Leo VI (886–912), was not a general or even a soldier, like his predecessors, but a scholar, and it was the religious education he gained under the tutelage of the patriarch Photios that was to distinguish him as an unusual ruler. This book analyses Leo's literary output, focusing on his deployment of ideological principles and religious obligations to distinguish the characteristics of the Christian oikoumene from the Islamic caliphate, primarily in his military manual known as the Taktika. It also examines in depth his 113 legislative Novels, with particular attention to their theological prolegomena, showing how the emperor's religious sensibilities find expression in his reshaping of the legal code to bring it into closer accord with Byzantine canon law. Meredith L. D. Riedel argues that the impact of his religious faith transformed Byzantine cultural identity and influenced his successors, establishing the Macedonian dynasty as a 'golden age' in Byzantium.