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政府出版品 (2)

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$200~$399 (1)
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$600~$799 (5)
$800以上 (11)

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2019~2020 (1)
2017~2018 (1)
2017年以前 (17)

平裝 (13)
精裝 (3)
盒裝 (1)
有聲書 (1)

Martha C. Nussbaum (2)
陳昭如 (2)
Carley Mattimore/ Linda Star Wolf/ Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa (FRW) (1)
Christine Arana Fader, Anja Kostka (1)
Corinne Collier Cram (1)
David Furlong (1)
Donna Eden/ David Feinstein/ Jean Houston (FRW) (1)
Elisabeth Constantine (1)
Julian MacLaren-Ross (1)
June Singer (1)
Peter (1)
Peter So (1)
Roy Blount Jr. (1)
Ruth Y. Jenkins (1)
Samuel Wagan Watson (1)
Sue Austin (1)
Valerie Love (1)
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (1)
唐娜.伊頓、大衛.費恩斯坦 (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (2)
衛生署國民健康局 (2)
Bear & Co (1)
Earthdancer Books (1)
Farrar Straus & Giroux (1)
Independent Pub Group (1)
Inner Traditions (1)
Lightning Source Inc (1)
Palgrave Macmillan (1)
Penguin Classics UK (1)
Penguin Group USA (1)
Piatkus Books UK (1)
Random House Inc (1)
Red Wheel/Weiser (1)
Routledge UK (1)
Textstream (1)
圓方出版社(香港)有限公司 (1)
心靈工坊文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:唐娜.伊頓; 大衛.費恩斯坦  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2015/09/16 裝訂:平裝
The Energies of Love ─ Invisible Keys to a Fulfilling Partnership
作者:Donna Eden; David Feinstein; Jean Houston (FRW)  出版社:Penguin Group USA  出版日:2016/01/19 裝訂:平裝
The bestselling authors of Energy Medicine and Energy Medicine for Women present a complete program for using energy medicine to heal and strengthen romantic relationships.A relationship begins with t
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
作者:陳昭如  出版社:衛生署國民健康局  出版日:2011/10/01 裝訂:平裝
During the process of promoting healthy settings, many health workers, industry professionals, school teachers, community residents and volunteers combined their energies and used their skills to brin
定價:100 元, 優惠價:85 85
Attraction Based Consciousness ─ A Guide to Mastering the Energies of Love
作者:Corinne Collier Cram  出版社:Textstream  出版日:2012/08/09 裝訂:平裝
The Beatles told us "Love is all you need." But did they realize it is the secret to manifesting all you want to be, do, and have? We are vibrating energy beings in an attraction-based universe where
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:1 1099
作者:Valerie Love  出版社:Lightning Source Inc  出版日:2023/10/04 裝訂:平裝
定價:1019 元, 優惠價:1 1019
Alphabet Juice ─ The Energies, Gists, and Spirits of Letters, Words, and Combinations Thereof; Their Roots, Bones, Innards, Piths, Pips, and Secret Parts, Tinctures, T
作者:Roy Blount Jr.  出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux  出版日:2009/09/29 裝訂:平裝
“If everybody’s first English teacher were Roy Blount Jr., we might still be trillions in debt, but we would be so deeply in love with words and their magic . . . that we’d hardly n
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Of Love and Hunger
作者:Julian MacLaren-Ross  出版社:Penguin Classics UK  出版日:2002/08/01 裝訂:平裝
The key literary figure in the pubs of post-war Fitzrovia, Maclaren-Ross pulled together his dispersed energies to write two great books: the posthumously published Memoirs of the Forties and this spe
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Power of Love ― To Transform Our Lives and Our World
作者:June Singer  出版社:Red Wheel;Weiser  出版日:2000/09/01 裝訂:平裝
The energies of love exist full-blown within each human being. We have an incredible power, given to us at birth, that we must learn how to handle, and it is this power that has gotten the world into
定價:853 元, 優惠價:1 853
Working With Earth Energies: How to Tap into the Healing Powers of the Natural World
作者:David Furlong  出版社:Piatkus Books UK  出版日:2004/04/01 裝訂:平裝
In the 21st century we have become so reliant on science and man-made environments that growing numbers of people are now?trying to reconnect with?the planet, a place that needs to feel our love and r
定價:758 元, 優惠價:79 599
作者:Ruth Y. Jenkins  出版社:Palgrave Macmillan  出版日:2016/08/17 裝訂:精裝
This book reveals how the period’s transforming identities affected by social, economic, religious, and national energies offers rich opportunities in which to analyze the relationship between identit
The 100 Love Stories(光碟版)
作者:陳昭如  出版社:衛生署國民健康局  出版日:2011/10/01 裝訂:平裝
During the process of promoting healthy settings, many health workers, industry professionals, school teachers, community residents and volunteers combined their energies and used their skills to brin
定價:100 元, 優惠價:85 85
Love Poems and Death Threats
作者:Samuel Wagan Watson  出版社:Independent Pub Group  出版日:2014/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Both wild and dynamic in its flair and vision, this collection of poetry maps the songlines—the poemlines—of an Australia scarred by invasion and injustice, yet brims with the vital energies of creati
定價:988 元, 優惠價:1 988
作者:Sue Austin  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2005/08/12 裝訂:平裝
How can a woman's self-hatred contain the seeds of her psychological growth?Can aggressive energies form the basis of recovery from eating disorders?Women's Aggressive Fantasies examines the roles of
定價:2399 元, 優惠價:1 2399
Upheavals of Thought―The Intelligence of Emotions
作者:Martha C. Nussbaum  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Emotions shape the landscape of our mental and social lives. Like geological upheavals in a landscape, they mark our lives as uneven, uncertain and prone to reversal. Are they simply, as some have claimed, animal energies or impulses with no connection to our thoughts? Or are they rather suffused with intelligence and discernment, and thus a source of deep awareness and understanding? In this compelling book, Martha C. Nussbaum presents a powerful argument for treating emotions not as alien forces but as highly discriminating responses to what is of value and importance. She explores and illuminates the structure of a wide range of emotions, in particular compassion and love, showing that there can be no adequate ethical theory without an adequate theory of the emotions. This involves understanding their cultural sources, their history in infancy and childhood, and their sometimes unpredictable and disorderly operations in our daily lives.
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa ― Teachings from Zep Tepi, the Land of First Time
作者:Carley Mattimore; Linda Star Wolf; Mandaza Augustine Kandemwa (FRW)  出版社:Bear & Co  出版日:2018/07/17 裝訂:平裝
A guide to connecting with the wisdom and energies of ancient Africa and awakening the lion-hearted spiritual warrior within • Reveals the wisdom and love of the White Lions of Timbavati, who hav
定價:900 元, 優惠價:1 900
作者:Martha C. Nussbaum  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2001/08/27 裝訂:精裝
Emotions shape the landscape of our mental and social lives. Like geological upheavals in a landscape, they mark our lives as uneven, uncertain and prone to reversal. Are they simply, as some have claimed, animal energies or impulses with no connection to our thoughts? Or are they rather suffused with intelligence and discernment, and thus a source of deep awareness and understanding? In this compelling book, Martha C. Nussbaum presents a powerful argument for treating emotions not as alien forces but as highly discriminating responses to what is of value and importance. She explores and illuminates the structure of a wide range of emotions, in particular compassion and love, showing that there can be no adequate ethical theory without an adequate theory of the emotions. This involves understanding their cultural sources, their history in infancy and childhood, and their sometimes unpredictable and disorderly operations in our daily lives.
Mandala 1 Coloring Book: Stress Relieving Mandala Designs for Adults Relaxation
作者:Peter  出版社:DISTRIBOOKS INTL INC  出版日:2024/07/08 裝訂:平裝
Over 50 unique Patterns images make a great gift ideaWould you consider yourself a coloring enthusiast? Enjoy a wonderful and relaxing pattern that will help you escape the chaos of everyday life. You're looking for relaxing illustrations that are elegant? Do you need a relaxing coloring book? Then this will be the book for you!You will Love this Coloring Book. It offers: Stress Relieving Designs that are Great for Relaxation. Each coloring page is designed to provide calmness and relaxation as you channelize your energies for creative expression.Beautiful Artwork and Designs. Well-crafted illustrations and designs that lay the groundwork for you to create your own frame-worthy masterpieces.High Resolution Printing. Each image is printed in high resolution to offer crisp, sharp designs that enable trouble free coloring and high quality display.Single-sided Pages. Every image is printed on a single-sided page, so that you can use a broad variety of coloring choices without fearing bleed
定價:418 元, 優惠價:1 418
Manifesting Your Inner Sanctuary With Archangel Raphael
作者:Elisabeth Constantine  出版社:Earthdancer Books  出版日:2004/10/01 裝訂:有聲書
A meditation to relax, balance and attune listeners to the divine energies of love and light.
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
A Complete Guide to Feng Shui(電子書)
  • 電子書
作者:Peter So  出版社:圓方出版社(香港)有限公司  出版日:2012/01/01 裝訂:電子書
Renowned astrologist master Peter So invented his very own So Clan Feng Shui. Unlike any predecessor, he champions the re-interpretation of ancient wisdom with modern applications, earning recognition among countless clients. In this book, Master So handpicked the most popular subject matters and the most practical Feng Shui applications for his readers, such as how to choose and decorate a house and ways to ward off mishaps in an office. - Feng Shui implications of “missing corners,” floor number of a flat - Do’s and don’ts for decorating main entrance, living room, bedroom, kitchen, washrooms and offices - Feng Shui setups for boosting love luck, dissipating unwanted love luck, blocking leakage of wealth, notching up income and bringing in more people - Ways to overcome or dissipate negative energies from indoor or outdoor sources; elaborate explanations on every Feng Shui tool - Highlights include Feng Shui setups for keeping your job, finding a new job, getting a salary raise and
定價:272 元, 優惠價:1 272
Letters to Vera
作者:Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2015/11/03 裝訂:精裝
The letters of the great writer to his wife--in their first publication--tell a long and beguiling love story and document anew the creative energies of an artist who was always at work.No marriage of
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
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