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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

飛行的樂趣:史上第一位飛越大西洋女飛行員Amelia Earhart經典回憶錄中文世界首度問世
作者:愛蜜莉亞‧艾爾哈特  出版社:馬可孛羅文化  出版日:2022/05/14 裝訂:平裝
我最想做的事,就是當一個流浪者——在藍天之上。女力的先鋒者史上首位飛越大西洋的女飛行員Amelia Earhart 經典回憶錄中文世界首度問世!!「飛行也許不是一帆風順,但它的樂趣是值得的。」 我這麼做,是因为我想這麼做。女人必須像男人一樣努力去做事情。當她們失敗時,她們的失败必須是對他人的挑戰。——愛蜜莉亞.艾爾哈特【媒體、讀者真心推薦】★艾爾哈特對航空非常熟諳,特別是藝術和商業方面。她的書頁中充滿了大眾有興趣了解的經歷、訊息,無論是細微小事或大事……精采的故事。——《紐約時報》★……書中闡述了這位充滿活力的飛行員的童年、她對航空的迷戀,以及一九三二年飛越大西洋的歷程。——《書單》★本書描寫了更多關於愛蜜莉亞豐富而勇敢的生活細節。她從小就描繪了自己的人生軌跡,並誠實而引人入勝地寫了下來。我強烈推薦這本書!——Amazon讀者五星級書評★這本書太棒了!我認為每個人都應該閱讀它,尤其是女性。我會推薦給任何人。——Amazon讀者五星級書評 愛蜜莉亞.艾爾哈特於1897年出生在美國堪薩斯州的愛奇森郡,她外祖父母的家中。她外祖父阿爾弗雷德.歐提斯是地方法院法官、愛奇森郡名人。自小,艾蜜莉亞就是個「孩子王」;她的童年教育很不尋常,因為她的母親並不想將她的孩子們教養成「可愛的小姑娘」。 因此,艾爾哈特家的女孩從小就喜歡探險,好奇地探索周遭有趣、刺激的事物,爬樹、設陷阱捕獵動物、滑坡。此外,據愛蜜莉亞自己的描述,「閱讀」是她童年很重要的一部分,可以好幾個小時埋首圖書館裡忘情於書本的奇異世界。在全心投入飛行之前,她做過護士、社會工作、教師。 1920年底,愛蜜莉亞與她父親到加州長灘參觀一場飛行競賽,這時,想學飛行的念頭已隱隱然在心中萌芽。她第一次飛行是在洛杉磯郊區的機場,這次飛行經驗改變了她的一生:「當我們一離開地面,我就知道這輩子注定要飛行。」 《飛行的樂趣》可說是一部熱情且鼓舞人心的精采作品。愛蜜莉亞.艾爾哈特透過親切幽默的筆觸,娓娓道來她處處充滿探險的童年、有點反骨的青少年時光,以及為了追求遨遊藍天的飛行夢想,勇於挑戰社會價值、傳統規範的無畏與堅持。 「我想學開飛機,」我輕
定價:450 元, 優惠價:66 297
作者:凱薩琳‧普萊斯  出版社:遠流  出版日:2023/09/27 裝訂:平裝
為什麼我們的人生如此無聊?到底要如何,才能享有真正的樂趣?本書告訴我們該怎麼擺脫空虛,開始體驗充滿真正樂趣的人生。! 【重磅推薦!】★ 《逆思維》作者Adam Grant、歐普拉 重磅推薦!★ Wendy∣世界辦公室創辦人★ 王意中∣王意中心理治療所所長、臨床心理師★ 吳若權∣作家、廣播主持、企管顧問★ 洪仲清∣臨床心理師★ 陳德中∣台灣正念工坊執行長★ 蘇益賢∣臨床心理師 你覺得「真的很快樂」嗎?有「時間怎麼一下就過去了」的感受嗎?是否快樂的記憶都來自童年,長大以後人生就無聊了? 心理學家發現,今日人類內心最頻繁出現的渴求有二,其中「真正的快樂」或「使心情好轉」相關的議題高居第一(另一個是「創造力」)。 本書特別探討「什麼是真正的快樂、該做什麼才能使人生快樂」。書中有具體、簡單的步驟,幫助我們拋開煩惱。 ■ 獲得真正的快樂:簡易可行的步驟‧ 樂趣健檢問卷:你的樂趣指數在哪裡‧ 你個人專屬「樂趣磁鐵」:哪些具體的人事時地物會使你真正快樂‧ 個人專屬「樂趣元素」:扔掉沉重的假樂趣,遠離掃興的人‧ 5種SPARK技能打造永續的快樂泉源:享樂的空間、跟著熱情走、吸引樂趣、小小叛逆、堅持享樂 ■ 一些立即可用的、讓自己變有趣的方法‧ 可增加幸福感,並減輕憂鬱的練習‧ 2種會讓自己具備「有趣特質」的途徑 本書告訴我們如何在短暫的人生中覺察當下,把握現在,建立豐盛、活躍、充滿樂趣的人生,更勇敢面對生命的挑戰。 ■ 辨識真正的快樂 vs. 偽樂趣‧ 專注享受當下 vs. 心智覺得麻木‧ 充滿了活力 vs. 內心感到空虛‧ 不計較成果 vs. 點數或商品或活動 最棒的是,在生活中創造更多真正的樂趣,並不需要磨練意志力,也無須克制慾望追求自己的目標,反而可以使你現在就開始享受。真是有趣極了!
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
Bizzy Bear: DIY Day (硬頁書)(英國版)*附音檔QRCode*
作者:Benji Davies  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2016/05/05 裝訂:硬頁書
Bizzy Bear has a very special DIY project planned and he needs lots of tools, and help, to do the job. Young children will love helping Bizzy, Eric, Ralph and Freddy measure, hammer, saw and paint. But whatever can they be making? An ingeniously designed book with a fun surprise ending.音檔連結Bizzy Bear: DIY Day
優惠:Bizzy Bear
庫存 > 10
定價:384 元, 優惠價:52 199
The Red Blazer Girls (Book 1)
作者:Michael D. Beil  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2010/07/13 裝訂:平裝
It all began with The Scream. And ended with . . . well, if we told you that, it wouldn’t be a mystery! But in between The Scream and The Very Surprising Ending, three friends find themselves on a scavenger hunt set up for a girl they never met, in search of a legendary ring reputed to grant wishes. Are these sleuths in school uniforms modern-day equivalents of Nancy, Harriet, or Scooby? Not really, they’re just three nice girls who decide to help out a weird lady, and end up hiding under tables, tackling word puzzles and geometry equations, and searching rather moldy storage rooms for “the stuff that dreams are made of” (that’s from an old detective movie). Oh, and there’s A Boy, who complicates things. As boys often do.Intrigued? The Red Blazer Girls offers a fun, twisty adventure for those who love mystery, math (c’mon, admit it!), and a modest measure of mayhem.Michael Beil, a New York City high school English teacher, makes his literary debut with this fun and brainy mystery.From
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
The Politics of District Elections and Administration in Hong Kong
作者:Sonny Shiu-Hing LO; Steven Chung-Fun HUNG; Jeff Hai-Chi LOO; Cody Wai-Kwok YAU  出版社:香港城市大學出版社  出版日:2023/04/01 裝訂:平裝
The introduction of elections to district advisory bodies during the early 1980s was expected to improve the public delivery of services. However, as time passed, electoral politics led to party politics, elite fragmentation and political struggles. Politicization and hyper-politicization in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has brought about a fluctuating pattern between administrative recentralization, the Tsang administration’s attempts at decentralization, and the post-2019 administrative recentralization.The purpose of this book is to study the intertwining relationship between district administration and electoral politics. It also examines the political transformation of District Councils after the promulgation of the National Security Law in late June 2020. Written by experts in the field, this book is a good reference source for readers interested in district elections, politics, and administration in Hong Kong.
定價:1080 元, 優惠價:79 853
Read It Yourself N/e PB 1: Peppa Pig: Fun at the Fair
作者:Ladybird  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2015/07/15 裝訂:平裝
Peppa and her family are visiting the funfair. Find out who gets scared on the rides and who wins lots of prizes. Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling reading series. For o
庫存 > 10
定價:274 元, 優惠價:1 274
Helping Hands-Cook It!
作者:Georgie Birkett  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2011/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Children love to imitate adult behaviour. This title helps you to encourage your child to help out and develop new skills as they share in the fun of more grown up activities.
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
101 Fun Outdoor Activities for Children ─ Have Fun Outside
作者:Fiona Bird  出版社:Cico Kidz  出版日:2018/02/13 裝訂:平裝
A practical, dip-in guide, packed with over 100 outdoor activities for children.In an era when the iPad is often more appealing than the park, it can be difficult to encourage kids to get off the couch and spend time outside. In this inspirational book, with ideas for children of all ages, there are over 100 imaginative ways for children to keep busy and have fun outdoors. They can enjoy outdoor crafts such as making leaf art bunting, a dream catcher, or their own toy raft, or get physical and burn off some energy with beach hopscotch, animal tracking, and developing their hunting and gathering skills. Or perhaps they would like to relax and enjoy some star-gazing or pond-dipping instead. There are fun activities to help kids get up close and personal with nature by making a wormery and a bug attractor, doing some investigative ant experiments, and putting on their own gastropod race! The book includes handy reference pics to help children identify plants, flowers, and wildlife, so as
定價:549 元, 優惠價:55 301
Helping Hands-Clean It! (平裝)
作者:George Birkett  出版社:UK Childs Play  出版日:2011/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Children love to imitate adult behaviour. This title helps you to encourage your child to help out and develop new skills as they share in the fun of more grown up activities.
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
Spend It! A Moneybunny Book
作者:Cinders McLeod  出版社:Nancy Paulsen Books  出版日:2020/08/04 裝訂:平裝
A charming introduction to simple money concepts in which a bunny learns he can't buy everything he wants with his allowance!Sonny gets three whole carrots a week for his allowance and wants to buy everything! But he quickly discovers his money won't go that far, and he has to make some choices. That doesn't sound like much fun to Sonny, especially when he learns that the bouncy castle he's been eyeing goes for ONE HUNDRED carrots. Ridiculous! But eventually, after a little math and a little more thinking, he has a blast discovering what's really important to him and worth spending his carrots on. This is one of the four books in the internationally acclaimed Moneybunny Books series that also includes Earn It!, Give It!, and Save It!
庫存 > 10
定價:315 元, 優惠價:79 249
Besties: Work It Out (The World of Click)
作者:Kayla Miller; Kristina Luu; Jeffrey Canino  出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  出版日:2021/10/19 裝訂:平裝
A fun and fresh graphic novel series spin-off of the New York Times bestselling Click series, featuring aspiring entrepreneurs Beth and Chanda The girls hope the path to fashion, fame, and fortune starts with taking up as many summer jobs as two besties can find, but nothing can prepare them for a dogsitting mishap that throws their business plan--and friendship--into chaos
庫存 > 10
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
Happy and You Know It! (咬咬書)
作者:Amy Pixton  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2021/08/31 裝訂:平裝
A new addition to the bestselling Indestructibles line of drool-proof, rip-proof, washable books for babies: The beloved song "If You're Happy and You Know It" makes read-aloud time into a fun and int
定價:226 元, 優惠價:79 179
Martha Maps It Out In Time
作者:Leigh Hodgkinson  出版社:Oxford University Press  出版日:2024/04/04 裝訂:平裝
Martha LOVES making maps! Step back in time with Martha's amazing maps, packed with cool facts and fun details. She meets dinosaurs, woolly mammoths, and ancient sea creatures as she travels all the way back to the beginning of time . .. and forwards to some of the fantastical things the future might bring! Martha learns on her time-travelling adventure that time never stops - and so she resolves to enjoy each tiny little bit of it. This is an inspiring, informative, and joyful exploration of the concept of time and the incredible history of our universe.Leigh Hodgkinson's stunning collage-style illustrations bring the STEM concepts to life in a fun and accessible way that will be sure to spark children's curiosity. Join curious and creative Martha and her sidekick Space Monkey on their second adventure, following on from the bestselling Martha Maps It Out.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
It Wasn't Me! (英國版)(平裝本)
作者:Marta Altes  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2024/04/25 裝訂:平裝
這是一本有關友情、爭執和寬恕的溫暖繪本。讓我們來認識艾利斯和查理:兩位朋友,快樂地生活在他們自己的小島上。無論做什麼事情,他們都是一起做,無論擁有什麼,他們都是一起分享。直到某些東西開始不見了……沒有人願意承認,沒有人對此感到高興。但如果不是艾利斯也不是查理,那麼是誰呢?孩子們會喜歡在這個有趣而引人入勝的故事中找出真正的罪魁禍首,而這個故事也展示了即使擁有堅固友情的朋友有時也會失和,了解在爭吵的過程中,寬恕將會是重回彼此懷抱的解藥。Hilarious, heartwarming and full of charm, It Wasn't Me! is a fun and reassuring tale of friendship, falling out and forgiveness from CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal nominee and BookTrust Time to Read favourite, Marta Altés.Meet Ellis and Charlie: two friends, living happily on their very own island. Everything they do, they do together, and everything they have, they share. Until, that is, things start to go missing . . .NOBODY is owning up and NOBODY is happy about it. But if it isn't Ellis and it isn't Charlie, then WHO IS IT?Children will love spotting the real culprit in this funny and engaging tale, which shows that even the firmest of friends sometimes fall out - but not, usually, for very long!
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Magic School Bus Phonics Fun Set (12平裝+1CD+Storyplus)
作者:Scholastic  出版社:Scholastic Asia  出版日:2023/03/01 裝訂:有聲書
Kids will dive into reading with Ms. Frizzle and all of her students in these absorbingly engaging phonics storybooks! Each book strengthens your child's reading abilitites by focusing on different aspects of phonics.魔法校車自然發音讀本,以魔法校車的主角,透過精心編寫的短篇故事與短句,輔以插圖,自然而然學會發音。Features:-Short Vowels (短母音)-Long Vowels (長母音)-Digraphs (複合子音)12本書的書目1. Book 1 Take a Nap (short a)2. Book 2 Falls from the Nest (short e)3. Book 3 Sticks to It (short i)4. Book 4 Drops the Trash (short o)5. Book 5 Pumps It Up (short u)6. Book 6 Makes Flakes (long a)7. Book 7 Falls with the Leaves (long e)8. Book 8 Rides the Wind (long i)9. Book 9 Gets So Cold! (long o)10. Book 10 Flies to the Moon (long u)11. Book 11 Ships Out! (sh)12. Book 12 Loses a Tooth (th) 關於音檔每本書皆有兩個音軌,一個為慢速朗讀並有翻頁提示音,一個為有背景音樂的朗讀版
庫存 > 10
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
A Day in the Life of an Astronaut, Mars and the Distant Stars:Space as You've Never Seen it Before
作者:Mike Barfield; Jess Bradley  出版社:Michael O'Mara Books Ltd  出版日:2023/02/16 裝訂:平裝
Take a colourful and comical tour through our galaxy and beyond with this fun new comic collection from Mike Barfield and Jess Bradley. Discover the poisonous clouds of Venus, the rings of Saturn and the raging storm on Jupiter. Venture inside nebulae, black holes, supernovas and far-flung galaxies.Find out about the historic figures who pioneered space travel, the animals who ventured to the stars so humans could follow and the ground-breaking technology that took them there. With over 90 fun-packed entries, children will laugh as they learn about the wonders of the universe. Each entry uses a colourful comic-strip style to delight and inform young readers in equal measure.Also available in the series:A Day in the Life of a Poo, a Gnu and You (Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2021) 9781780556468A Day in the Life of a Caveman, a Queen and Everything in Between 9781780557137
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
The British Museum: So You Think You've Got It Bad? A Kid's Life in Ancient Greece
作者:Chae Strathie; Marisa Morea  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2019/07/04 裝訂:平裝
Scottish Book Trust's Book of the MonthA kid's life in ancient Greece might sound like fun, what with all that brilliant sunny weather and watching the Olympic Games, but actually life for kids could
定價:494 元, 優惠價:75 371
Hegel in A Wired Brain
In Hegel and the Wired Brain, Slavoj Zizek gives us a reading of philosophical giant G.W.F. Hegel that changes our way of thinking about the new posthuman era. No ordinary study of Hegel, this work investigates what he might have had to say about the idea of the 'wired brain' - what happens when a direct link between our mental processes and a digital machine emerges.Zizek explores the phenomenon of a wired brain effect, and what might happen when we can share our thoughts directly with others. He hones in on the key question of how it shapes our experience and status as 'free' individuals and asks what it means to be human when a machine can read our minds. With characteristic verve and enjoyment of the unexpected, Zizek connects Hegel to the world we live in now, shows why he is much more fun than anyone gives him credit for, and why the 21st century might just be Hegelian.
定價:769 元, 優惠價:9 692
Failed It! ─ How to Turn Mistakes into Ideas and Other Advice for Successfully Screwing Up
作者:Erik Kessels (CON)  出版社:Phaidon UK  出版日:2016/04/04 裝訂:平裝
A fun and fabulous take on the art of making mistakes. Erik Kessels celebrates imperfection and failure and shows why they are an essential part of the creative process. Failed it! celebrates the powe
定價:547 元, 優惠價:9 492
A Regency Guide to Modern Life:1800s Advice on 21st Century Love, Friends, Fun and More
作者:Carly Lane  出版社:Dorling Kindersley Ltd  出版日:2023/02/02 裝訂:精裝
What would Darcy do? How can you be more Bridgerton? Take the Regency approach and be prepared for anything life throws at you - from dates to duels, manners to matters of the heart. You'll soon find yourself the catch of the season.Sick of indecent proposals from untrustworthy rakes? Be more discerning with your dance card and swipe right on only the most eligible and dashing suitors. Whether you want to avoid scandal, or embrace it, keep your name out of the gossip sheets and group chats with this modern take on the rules of polite society.Putting a fresh spin on real Regency etiquette advice, A Regency Guide to Modern Life is a tongue-in-cheek handbook to navigating friendship, dating, work, summer holidays, social events, self-confidence and more - the perfect gift for fans of period dramas and Jane Austen.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
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