我們和所有物種一樣,終將滅絕。動物物種平均約可存在兩百萬年,至少在這方面已獲得充分研究的生物分類族群皆如是。如果只考量我們所屬的物種―─智人,這表示我們還有一點時間。▍想要探究人類未來的命運,首先要知道:我們在生物歷史的什麼位置?就生物學的生命演化樹來看,那些最古老又最龐大的枝幹上面,都是我們得用顯微鏡才看得到的單細胞生物所構成的演化分支。在生物學界,這早就不是新觀念,而是很久以前就知道的事實──我們,哺乳類動物,只是生命演化樹上的其中一個小細枝。▍人類還剩下多少時間?生物法則告訴我們的是……動物物種平均約可存在兩百萬年,人類還剩多少時間?如果我們不至於太過揮霍的話。人類的生存活動已經足以改變地球的氣候、生物的分布與移動。但「生物法則」是一條鐵律,在所有的人類行為中發揮著無形的作用。當我們透過卓越的創新能力、運用科技,「懂得使用蒸氣與燃煤產生動力,也會使用核能、空調與中央暖氣,還興建海水淡化廠,打造其他光鮮亮麗的現代化設備,人類的生態棲位偏偏就是縮小了」。▍企圖掌控大自然的我們,是否讓自然走到了盡頭?1989年,比爾.麥克齊本(Bill McKibben)出版了知名的《自然的盡頭》(The End of Nature)。麥克齊本登高一呼,替自然發出反抗之聲,以強大的動能促成保育行動以及減緩氣候變遷的嘗試。但本書作者唐恩告訴我們:❝這些情況和自然走到盡頭無關。人類走到盡頭的時間,遠比自然走到盡頭要早得多。❞人類對於這個世界的生物所知依然太少,但可以從作者揭示的生物法則中瞭解:當一個物種──比如人類──滅絕以後,大自然會持續依照「規則」進行調整,最後達到某種動態平衡。這並不是說,人類可以繼續破壞自然。而是我們並沒有自己想像中那麼偉大。若是要讓人類能夠在這個星球上存活久一點,我們需要趕緊把握時間。▍我們能否打造一個讓所有物種都活下來的方舟?諾亞方舟的故事中,人類打造了一艘圓船,讓所有動物們乘坐以渡過洪災。生物學家發現,由於人類造成的氣候變遷,動物們也必須遷移才能生存──找到適合的氣候棲位(climate niche)。因此透過對自然法則的理解,建造物種移動所需要的「廊道」,就是生態保育的重要關鍵;作者所參與的夏蘭大計畫(Charlanta project)正是協助我們打造一艘「方舟」以延續物種生命的研究。密西西比河的一再氾濫,是自然給予人類的啟示。生物學家羅伯・唐恩透過各
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In the usual order of things, lives run their course and eventually one becomes who one is. Bodily and psychic transformations do nothing but reinforce the permanence of identity. But as a result of serious trauma, or sometimes for no reason at all, a subject’s history splits and a new, unprecedented persona comes to live with the former person - an unrecognizable persona whose present comes from no past and whose future harbors nothing to come; an existential improvisation, a form born of the accident and by accident. Out of a deep cut opened in a biography, a new being comes into the world for a second time. What is this form? A face? A psychological profile? What ontology can it account for, if ontology has always been attached to the essential, forever blind to the aléa of transformations? What history of being can the plastic power of destruction explain? What can it tell us about the explosive tendency of existence that secretly threatens each one of us?Continuing her reflections
The authors of the #1 New York Times bestselling Walk in My Combat Boots salute America's most courageous military heroes. From the storied battlefields of American military action, here are vivid, authentic stories from the men and women who gave themselves--and even their lives--serving in overseas conflict from World War II to Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. For their extraordinary selflessness, camaraderie, and patriotism...for engaging combatants while outnumbered, under pressure, under fire...for their service and sacrifice, they merited the US military's highest awards for valor, including: Medal of Honor Distinguished Service Cross Bronze and Silver Stars In the words of Medal of Honor winner Patrick Brady: "Soldiers believe life has no meaning unless it's lived for the benefit of future generations. That's why they protect America."
預防下一場疫病大流行發生成為各國重要議題。Bill Gates以世界級專家的知識與蓋茲基金會對抗重大疾病的經驗為基礎,深入淺出解析傳染病,並提出國與國之間,政府與民間單位聯手合作,不只能阻擋下一場疫病,更有機會消滅所有呼吸道相關疾病。A new book by Bill Gates that lays out a clear plan to prevent future pandemics The COVID-19 pandemic isn't over. But even as governments around the world try to get it under control, they're also starting to talk about what happens next. How can we prevent another pandemic from killing millions of people and devastating the global economy? Can we even hope to accomplish this? Bill Gates believes the answer is yes, and he has written a largely upbeat book that lays out clearly and convincingly what the world should learn from COVID-19, explains the science of fighting pandemics, and suggests what all of us can do to help prevent another one. Given the worldwide success of How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (which debuted at #1 on the New York Times best seller list), Gates is more respected than ever for his approach to solving the world's biggest challenges.
報章雜誌般的內文排版佐以全彩插圖,帶領讀者關注氣候變遷議題。除了解釋相關議題,每章節亦加入讀後活動,鼓勵讀者化身環保尖兵,為地球展開行動。更介紹「氣候正義」概念,深入認識氣候變遷與人權之間的關係。This Book Will Save the Planet is a vital and timely illustrated study of the climate crisis that tells us exactly what we can do to help save the world we live in.A rousing and radical investigation into the climate crisis, its causes, and how to fight for the most vulnerable people affected by it, This Book Will Save the Planet is a vibrantly illustrated study of one of humanity’s most significant threats.With this third title in the New York Times #1 best-selling Empower the Future series, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of climate change and climate justice.Our planet is in crisis. The ice caps are melting, sea levels are rising, wildfires are raging… and those most affected by global warming are marginalized communities across the globe. But all is not lost―there’s still time for each and every one of us to make a difference.Through the lens of intersectionality, author Dany Sigwal
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From the author/illustrator of Fangbone! and Goodnight Goon comes a zany and hilarious graphic novel that shines a light on the humanity inside all of us―-even if you’re a robot.He’s a super-nice kid in an ultra-mean world.He believes even the worst people are good inside.He’ll always be there for you…even if you boot him out of your castle, pit him against a mechanical giant, put him on top of a pole in a lightning storm, and trap him in a booming dance party that lasts all night long.He’s Your Pal Fred.In a brutal world far in the future where only the savage survive, a life-size toy suddenly activates. Fred was built to be a best buddy, and his relentless kindness never fades, even when everyone else is rude. Determined to make the world a better place, he has the bright idea to talk the two most powerful and battle-hungry warlords, Lord Bonkers and Papa Mayhem, into being friends. It’s a mission doomed to fail, unless Fred can find a way to inspire everyone to play nice!
In this first young-adult fantasy novel in a trilogy, Alex London launches a soaring saga about the memories that haunt us, the histories that hunt us, and the bonds of blood between us. The people of Uztar have long looked to the sky with hope and wonder. Nothing in their world is more revered than the birds of prey and no one more honored than the falconers who call them to their fists. Brysen strives to be a great falconer—while his twin sister, Kylee, rejects her ancient gifts for the sport and wishes to be free of falconry. She’s nearly made it out, too, but a war is rolling toward their home in the Six Villages, and no bird or falconer will be safe.Together the twins must journey into the treacherous mountains to trap the Ghost Eagle, the greatest of the Uztari birds and a solitary killer. Brysen goes for the boy he loves and the glory he's long craved, and Kylee to atone for her past and to protect her brother's future. But both are hunted by those who seek one thing: power.Prai
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Looks at the history of water power as an alternative energy source, the ways in which it is currently being used around the world, and its potential for the future.