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Emily St. John Mandel (10)
Allen Kurzweil/ Bret Bertholf (ILT) (1)
Andrea Bartz (1)
Charles Ray Willeford/ Elmore Leonard (INT) (1)
Emily St John Mandel (1)
Fiona Duncan/ Leonie Glass (1)
Helen Phillips (1)
Ruiyan Xu (1)
艾蜜莉.孟德爾 (1)

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Pan Macmillan (3)
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臉譜文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:艾蜜莉.孟德爾  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2024/10/03 裝訂:平裝
以最詩意柔細的的敘事聲音,道破最貪婪奢靡的金融騙局《如果我們的世界消失了》、《寧靜海的旅人》作者空靈絕美之作燦爛華美的空中樓閣終將解體,即使在樓塌夢醒時生還,也不代表能真正從碎片下逃出……✴暢銷作家好評推薦《風再度吹起》作者克莉絲汀‧漢娜:讓我讀得欲罷不能《女人死去的城市》作者艾薇‧波裘達:在心中盤桓不去✴歐巴馬2020年度推薦好書與《消失的另一半》、《隱谷路》、《傑克:基列系列第四部》並列✴北美重要文學獎項入圍肯定入圍加拿大吉勒獎決選、美國卡內基小說獎初選✴讀者評價、媒體書評雙重激賞柯克斯書評、書單雜誌、出版人週刊星號佳評美國亞馬遜網路書店文學小說類編輯選書Goodreads讀者票選獎年度最佳小說提名✴改編影集即將由HBO Max推出由《如果我們的世界消失了》影集版團隊再度攜手打造作者親自參與編劇┤故事簡介├同父異母的兄妹保羅和玟森在溫哥華島上豪華的「玻璃飯店」工作,擁有作曲才華的保羅夢想成為音樂家,但屢屢碰壁且藥癮纏身,玟森則如同變色龍般善於改變自己的外觀與舉止,真正的心思卻總是難以窺知。某天,持有飯店的金融大亨阿卡提斯來訪,保羅受一名神祕住客以高價委託,故意闖入飯店大廳破壞,因而被開除。這場風波意外地讓阿卡提斯對玟森一見鐘情,帶她進入美國東岸的上流社會,享受紙醉金迷的生活。但阿卡提斯的財富帝國其實只是一場龐氏騙局,千百名投資人受騙賠上畢生積蓄,真相曝光後導致眾多受害者家破人亡。其中一位受害者里昂是航運公司高層主管,原本事業版圖遍及世界各地,隨著詐騙案和經濟不景氣的接連打擊,他往昔永不停歇的船隊變成無貨可載、只有寥寥幾名船員維護的「幽靈船」,在海上漂流。多年後,一名背景如謎的貨輪廚師突然消失在航行於遠洋的船上,已經黯然退休的里昂被航運公司找回來擔任失蹤案調查顧問,竟發現失蹤者就是當年那場讓他失去一切的騙局中的要角……┤作品特色├「孟德爾宇宙」的遺落拼圖:本書與作者筆下另兩部小說《如果我們的世界消失了》及《寧靜海的旅人》互有角色穿梭串場,有時是隱藏在背景中的彩蛋,有時是串起故事情節的扣環,例如《寧靜海的旅人》其中一條故事線的要角玟森與保羅在本書首度登場, 創作《如果我們的世界消失了》中十一號太空站漫畫的米蘭達也出現在本書中的船運公司,雖然不需要讀過全部相關作品才能理解劇情,但這些熟悉角色的登場將帶給舊作書迷許多靈光乍現的趣味。寫實題材與詩意幻境氛圍的碰撞:孟德爾的
庫存 > 10
定價:450 元, 優惠價:79 355
The Glass Hotel
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2021/02/18 裝訂:平裝
The New York Times bestselling novel, from the author of Station Eleven.A damn fine novel . . .haunting and evocative and immersive George R. R. Martin Vincent is the beautiful bartender at the Hotel
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
The Glass Hotel
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2021/04/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
The Glass Hotel
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Random House  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:有聲書
“The Glass Hotel may be the perfect novel for your survival bunker.”—Ron Charles, The Washington PostA New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek, Bustle, Buzzfeed, GoodReads, Houston Chronicle, W
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:79 1201
The Glass Hotel
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:PBKRANLP  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:平裝
“The Glass Hotel may be the perfect novel for your survival bunker.”—Ron Charles, The Washington PostA New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek, Bustle, Buzzfeed, GoodReads, Houston Chronicle, W
定價:1102 元, 優惠價:79 871
The Glass Hotel : A novel
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Vintage  出版日:2021/02/16 裝訂:平裝
From the award-winning author of Station Eleven, an exhilarating novel set at the glittering intersection of two seemingly disparate events—a massive Ponzi scheme collapse and the mysterious disappear
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
The Glass Hotel (平裝本)(美國版)
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:平裝
A New York Times "20 Books We're Watching For in 2020"An Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek, Bustle, Buzzfeed, GoodReads, The Millions, Boston Globe, USA Today, and Women's Day Most Anticipated BookFrom t
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
The Glass Hotel (精裝本)(英國版)
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Pan Macmillan  出版日:2020/08/06 裝訂:精裝
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
The Glass Hotel (平裝本)(英國版)
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Picador UK  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:平裝
The extraordinary novel from the bestselling, award-winning author of Station Eleven.Vincent is the beautiful bartender at the Hotel Caiette, a five-star glass-and-cedar palace on the northernmost tip
定價:839 元, 優惠價:79 663
The Glass Hotel (精裝本)(美國版)
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2020/03/24 裝訂:精裝
“The Glass Hotel may be the perfect novel for your survival bunker.”—Ron Charles, The Washington PostA New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Newsweek, Bustle, Buzzfeed, GoodReads, Houston Chronicle, W
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
Eyewitness Travel Top 10 Amsterdam
作者:Fiona Duncan; Leonie Glass  出版社:Dk Pub  出版日:2011/01/17 裝訂:平裝
Whether you're looking for the best restaurants and bars, a hotel to suit your budget, or want to find the best places in Amsterdam to shop, Eyewitness Top 10 Amsterdam is the perfect pocket-sized com
定價:532 元, 優惠價:79 420
Leon And The Spitting Image
作者:Allen Kurzweil; Bret Bertholf (ILT)  出版社:HarperCollins US  出版日:2005/05/01 裝訂:平裝
This book is about a hotel full of animals. And an evil ice maker. And glass eyeballs -- oh, and really old panty hose and Possibly Fake Hair. But mostly, it's about Leon Zeisel and his epic quest to
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
The Lost and Forgotten Languages of Shanghai
作者:Ruiyan Xu  出版社:St Martins Pr  出版日:2011/10/11 裝訂:平裝
Li Jing, a happily married businessman, is dining at a grand hotel in Shanghai when a gas explosion rips through the building. A shard of glass pierces Jing's forehead, obliterating his ability to spe
定價:874 元, 優惠價:79 690
The Need (National Book Awards Longlist)
作者:Helen Phillips  出版社:Simon & Schuster  出版日:2020/07/07 裝訂:平裝
***LONGLISTED FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD IN FICTION***“An extraordinary and dazzlingly original work from one of our most gifted and interesting writers” (Emily St. John Mandel, author of The Glass Hotel). The Need, which finds a mother of two young children grappling with the dualities of motherhood after confronting a masked intruder in her home, is “like nothing you’ve ever read before…in a good way” (People).When Molly, home alone with her two young children, hears footsteps in the living room, she tries to convince herself it’s the sleep deprivation. She’s been hearing things these days. Startling at loud noises. Imagining the worst-case scenario. It’s what mothers do, she knows.But then the footsteps come again, and she catches a glimpse of movement.Suddenly Molly finds herself face-to-face with an intruder who knows far too much about her and her family. As she attempts to protect those she loves most, Molly must also acknowledge her own frailty. Molly slips down an existential
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
Miami Blues
作者:Charles Ray Willeford; Elmore Leonard (INT)  出版社:Vintage Books  出版日:2004/08/01 裝訂:平裝
After a brutal day investigating a quadruple homicide, Detective Hoke Moseley settles into his room at the un-illustrious El Dorado Hotel and nurses a glass of brandy. With his guard down, he doesn't
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
We Were Never Here
作者:Andrea Bartz  出版社:Ballantine Books  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
A REESE'S BOOK CLUB PICK A backpacking trip has deadly consequences in this chilling new novel from Andrea Bartz, the bestselling author of The Lost Night and The Herd.Emily is having the time of her life―she's in the mountains of Chile with her best friend, Kristen, on their annual reunion trip, and the women are feeling closer than ever. But on the last night of the trip, Emily enters their hotel suite to find blood and broken glass on the floor. Kristen says the cute backpacker she brought back to the room attacked her, and she had no choice but to kill him in self-defense. Even more shocking: The scene is horrifyingly similar to last year's trip, when another backpacker wound up dead. Emily can't believe it's happened again―can lightning really strike twice? Back home in Wisconsin, Emily struggles to bury her trauma, diving head-first into a new relationship and throwing herself into work. But when Kristen shows up for a surprise visit, Emily is forced to to confront their violen
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:Emily St. John Mandel  出版社:Alfred a Knopf Inc  出版日:2022/04/19 裝訂:平裝
《Station Eleven》、《The Glass Hotel》作者2022年新作。溫哥華小島到虛構的月球城市,橫跨數世紀傳遞人性。The award-winning, best-selling author of Station Eleven and The Glass Hotel returns with a novel of art, time, love, and plague that takes the reader from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the moon five hundred years later, unfurling a story of humanity across centuries and space.Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an ill-conceived diatribe at a dinner party. He enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and suddenly hears the notes of a violin echoing in an airship terminal―an experience that shocks him to his core. Two centuries later a famous writer named Olive Llewellyn is on a book tour. She’s traveling all over Earth, but her home is the second moon colony, a place of white stone, spired towers, and artificial beauty. Within the text of Olive’s best-selling pandemic novel lies a strange pass
Sea of Tranquility
作者:Emily St John Mandel  出版社:KNOPF  出版日:2022/04/05 裝訂:精裝
The award-winning, best-selling author of Station Eleven and The Glass Hotel returns with a novel of art, time, love, and plague that takes the reader from Vancouver Island in 1912 to a dark colony on the moon three hundred years later, unfurling a story of humanity across centuries and space. Edwin St. Andrew is eighteen years old when he crosses the Atlantic by steamship, exiled from polite society following an ill-conceived diatribe at a dinner party. He enters the forest, spellbound by the beauty of the Canadian wilderness, and suddenly hears the notes of a violin echoing in an airship terminal--an experience that shocks him to his core. Two centuries later a famous writer named Olive Llewellyn is on a book tour. She's traveling all over Earth, but her home is the second moon colony, a place of white stone, spired towers, and artificial beauty. Within the text of Olive's best-selling pandemic novel lies a strange passage: a man plays his violin for change in the echoing corridor of
定價:950 元, 優惠價:79 751



