Doing homework becomes a thing of the past! Meet the D Squad, a foursome of fifth graders at the Grand Canyon School made up of a geek, a class clown, a teacher's pet, and a slacker. They are bound
Snik, Brenton, Judy, and Kelsey haven’t stayed in the best touch since last year’s big homework-machine scandal. But they are all pulled back together again when Brenton realizes that the most powerfu
Brenton, Snik, Judy, and Kelsey are all back for another year of school and another mystery. When they discover that the superchip that made The Homework Machine possible has fallen into the wrong han
Four of Dan Gutman’s funniest novels are now available together in a paperback boxed set for the first time!Middle school is hard enough but throw in an out of control machine that does your homework
There's a light on in the attic. I can see it from outside, And I know you're on the inside ...lookin' out. Step inside the mind of Shel Silverstein and you'll discover a magic homework machine, a Pol
Discover two sides of history with the Time Travel Twins!Twins, Scarlett and Thomas, are studying the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons at school and they have a homework project to do. When Thomas is struggling for inspiration, Grandad comes to the rescue with his time machine. Thomas is catapulted onto a Viking long ship and it’s not long before he’s being told oral tales, fitted out with armour and weapons and is getting ready to attack a Saxon village.But uh oh, his sister Scarlett has landed in a Saxon village, in a pile of pig poo to be exact. Things seems to be getting better when she befriends the young Alfred the Great, but watch out, Scarlett, there’s a Viking ship on its way.
Metal cutting is widely used in producing manufactured products. The technology has advanced considerably along with new materials, computers and sensors. This new edition considers the scientific principles of metal cutting and their practical application to manufacturing problems. It begins with metal cutting mechanics, principles of vibration and experimental modal analysis applied to solving shop floor problems. There is in-depth coverage of chatter vibrations, a problem experienced daily by manufacturing engineers. Programming, design and automation of CNC (computer numerical control) machine tools, NC (numerical control) programming and CAD/CAM technology are discussed. The text also covers the selection of drive actuators, feedback sensors, modelling and control of feed drives, the design of real time trajectory generation and interpolation algorithms and CNC-oriented error analysis in detail. Each chapter includes examples drawn from industry, design projects and homework probl
Metal cutting is widely used in producing manufactured products. The technology has advanced considerably along with new materials, computers and sensors. This new edition considers the scientific principles of metal cutting and their practical application to manufacturing problems. It begins with metal cutting mechanics, principles of vibration and experimental modal analysis applied to solving shop floor problems. There is in-depth coverage of chatter vibrations, a problem experienced daily by manufacturing engineers. Programming, design and automation of CNC (computer numerical control) machine tools, NC (numerical control) programming and CAD/CAM technology are discussed. The text also covers the selection of drive actuators, feedback sensors, modelling and control of feed drives, the design of real time trajectory generation and interpolation algorithms and CNC-oriented error analysis in detail. Each chapter includes examples drawn from industry, design projects and homework probl
This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering taking a course commonly called Principles of Turbomachinery or Aerospace Propulsion. It begins with a review of basic thermodynamics and fluid mechanics principles to motivate their application to aerothermodynamics and real-life design issues. This approach is ideal for the reader who will face practical situations and design decisions in the gas turbine industry. Among the features of the book are: • An emphasis on the role of entropy in assessing machine performance • A timely review of flow structures • Revisiting the subsonic and supersonic De Laval nozzle as it applies to bladed turbomachinery components • An applied review of boundary layer principles • And highlighting the importance of invariant properties across a turbomachinery component in carrying out real computational tasks. The text is fully supported by over two hundred figures, numerous examples and homework
This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering taking a course commonly called Principles of Turbomachinery or Aerospace Propulsion. It begins with a review of basic thermodynamics and fluid mechanics principles to motivate their application to aerothermodynamics and real-life design issues. This approach is ideal for the reader who will face practical situations and design decisions in the gas turbine industry. Among the features of the book are: • An emphasis on the role of entropy in assessing machine performance • A timely review of flow structures • Revisiting the subsonic and supersonic De Laval nozzle as it applies to bladed turbomachinery components • An applied review of boundary layer principles • And highlighting the importance of invariant properties across a turbomachinery component in carrying out real computational tasks. The text is fully supported by over two hundred figures, numerous examples and homework
Can you ever really trust a machine? It is the near future. A couple are struggling to conceive, but fortunately their company has the perfect solution. A woman waits in a VR metaverse to do homework
The tenth edition of Operating System Concepts has been revised to keep it fresh and up-to-date with contemporary examples of how operating systems function, and to improve learning and the student's experience with the material. It combines instruction on concepts with real-world applications so that students can understand the practical usage of the content. End-of-chapter practice exercises help to further reinforce important concepts.Each chapter also includes homework exercises and additional suggested readings on core topics. The text provides several example programs written in C and Java for use in several programming environments and a Linux Virtual Machine that can be run on Windows 10, Linux, or macOS.
Acquire complete knowledge of the basics of air-breathing turbomachinery with this hands-on practical text. This updated new edition for students in mechanical and aerospace engineering discusses the role of entropy in assessing machine performance, provides a review of flow structures, and includes an applied review of boundary layer principles. New coverage describes approaches used to smooth initial design geometry into a continuous flow path, the development of design methods associated with the flow over blade shape (cascades loss theory) and annular type flows, as well as a discussion of the mechanisms for the setting of shaft speed. This essential text is also fully supported by over 200 figures, numerous examples, and homework problems, many of which have been revised for this edition.
Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design isintended for students beginning the study of mechanical engineering design.Students will find that the text inherently directs them into familiarity withboth the basics of design decisions and the standards of industrial components.It combines the straightforward focus on fundamentals that instructors havecome to expect with a modern emphasis on design and new applications. Thisedition maintains the well-designed approach that has made this book thestandard in machine design for nearly 50 years. McGraw Hill Education's Connectis also available as an optional add on item.Connect is the only integratedlearning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliverprecisely what they need when they need it how they need it so that class timeis more effective. Connect allows the professor to assign homework quizzes andtests easily and automatically grades and records the scores of the student'swork. Problems are randomized to prevent sha