Honey is so good at her job as a scouting bee, finding lots of pollen for her hive, that she’s being awarded a petal medal by the Queen Bee!But while Honey and her hive are celebrating, the other bees in the neighbourhood are struggling, there’s just not enough pollen left for them. When Honey finds out she’s really worried and tries to help the other bees find pollen too, but not all the bees in the hive think she should help outsiders.Then the wasps come, and they attack the hive! Thankfully, all the other bees in the neighbourhood come to help their new friend Honey. Honey and her hive all realise how important it is to share and make friends.
Honey is a young bee buzzing with ambition, who can't find her role in her small hive. Just when she thinks she's found a job she likes, a swarm threatens the whole hive! Honey makes her escape, and discovers a rooftop paradise at the top of a tower block - the perfect place to set up a new hive. Fighting off a swarm of angry wasps, and working together with her friends, Honey saves the day and builds a new home for her and her community!The first book in an exciting new series from New York Times bestseller Mo O'Hara, packed with bee facts and stunning illustrations by Aya Kakeda.
"How doth the little busy bee improve each shining hour / and gather honey all the day from every opening flower!" This famed Isaac Watts verse reveals the enduring fascination that bees have held for
When his best childhood friend is found shot in the local lover’s lane, Tom Britton, Sheriff of New Hamilton County, is determined to bring his friend’s killer to justice. When he begins his investiga
The Bee Tree is a magical story about giant bees, about trees that are higher than your eye can see in a forest that is more dark than light, and about a young boy named Nizam who soon will become a man.Nizam lives in a village near the rainforest preserve surrounding PeduLake, just below the Thai border in Peninsular Malaysia. His grandfather Pak-Teh is the leader of the honey hunting clan. It is Pak-Teh who has the high honor of climbing the tall Tualang tree in the annual hunt to gather honey from the nests of giant honey bees.But Pak-Teh is getting older and is now ready to prepare someone to take his place. He believes that Nizam is the one. Even though Nizam has climbed the mighty Tualang—the bee tree—in the daylight, he has never done it at night. Will he be brave enough?On the first moonless night of the honey hunt, Nizam and Pak-Teh and the other honey hunters enter the dark rainforest. Pak-Teh starts the hunt with a prayer and a traditional story. Then he begins to climb. Niz
"A stunning children's picturebook."?Midwest Book ReviewThe Bee Tree tells the magical story of a honey hunt in the dense rainforest of Malaysia. The story is narrated by Nizam, a young boy whose grandfather Pak Teh is the leader of the honey hunting clan, the one who has the honor of climbing up the 120-foot tualang tree in the annual honey hunt. But Pak Teh is getting older and is now ready to prepare someone to take his place. He believes that Nizam is the one.
Follow the flight of a honey bee as she searches for nectar to sustain her hive and, along the way, pollinates flowers to produce seeds and fruits.A tiny honey bee emerges from the hive for the first
Suitable for nature lovers and scientists-to-be, this book explores the fascinating life of a honeybee, gleaning golden tidbits of knowledge to pollinate their young minds. It includes an environmenta
First published in 1956, this classic work on the anatomy of honey bee by R. (Robert) E. Snodgrass is acclaimed as much for the author's remarkably detailed line drawings of the various body parts and
A tiny honeybee emerges from the hive for the first time. Using sunlight, landmarks, and scents to remember the path, she flies in search of pollen and nectar to share with the thousands of other bees