The Indo-European languages are a family of several hundred languages and dialects including most of the major languages of Europe as well as many in West, Central and Southern Asia. Indo-European is
Written forms of nearly all the oral presentations are among the 35 papers, which cover a wide range of issues and questions regarding verbs in Paleo-Indo-European and the oldest languages in the fami
In "The Reflexes of the Proto-Indo-European Laryngeals in Celtic," Nicholas Zair for the first time collects and assesses all the words from the Celtic languages which contained a laryngeal, and ident
The Indo-European Languages presents a comprehensive survey of the individual languages and language clusters within this language family.With over four hundred languages and dialects and almost three
This comprehensive linguistic survey of the Indo-European groups synthesizes the vast amount of information contained in the spe-cialized handbooks of the individual stocks.?The text begins with an in
The Iranian languages form the major eastern branch of the Indo-European group of languages, itself part of the larger Indo-Iranian family. Estimated to have between 150 and 200 million native speaker
Before the advent of writing and before the development of the Indo-European language, Europe enjoyed much greater linguistic diversity with a whole host of other languages (Hispanic, Baltic, Slavic,