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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

天真的人類學家:小泥屋筆記 & 重返多瓦悠蘭【理想青年跨世代經典合訂本】
作者:奈吉爾.巴利  出版社:麥田  出版日:2024/05/09 裝訂:平裝
★★★★★八○年代英美青年人手一本的暢銷經典★★★★★◢◤◢◤◢◤一部無人能出其右的人類學家田調筆記◢◤◢◤◢◤ 一九八○年代的奈吉爾.巴利還是個初出茅蘆的年輕學者,一位尚未下過田野的「天真的」人類學家,帶著(事後證實不僅不足還提領不出的)研究經費、打了(讓他把所有症狀得了個遍的)諸多疫苗,當然還有尚未被消磨的職業熱情,前往了非洲喀麥隆的原始部落進行田調。他在克服一連串荒謬的官僚程序之後,「找到一個在母雞下蛋後立即宰殺牠們『以保存雞肉精力』的嚮導,結識了從不錯過每一場部族宴會卻又從不回請的酋長,在這個魚龍混雜的地方還塞滿了各式各樣的奇怪人種:整日與混亂秩序和破舊機器奮戰的新教牧師、遠涉重洋前來佈道的年輕美國夫婦(誰知道他們是不是CIA的探子)、還有騎重型摩托車四處捻花惹草的無政府主義者……秩序在這裡是根本不存在的東西,他還必須從多瓦悠人的幽默戲謔中挖掘他們的文化真諦……」 巴利以令人捧腹的英式幽默記錄了那段趣事不斷的經歷,將人類學家如何克服乏味、災難、生病、敵意真實呈現在讀者面前,出版後更激盪出對人類學和田調本質的激辯與思索,暢銷多年經典不墜。「不同於那些嚴肅而充滿了讓外行百思不得其解的術語的人類學書,這也是一本關於人類學家自己的書。」 ◢◤人類學界激盪思考之作◢◤黃道琳/前中研院民族所助理研究員、《菊花與劍》譯者 導讀 趙恩潔/中山大學社會學系教授、《辶反田野》共同主編 專文推薦 強納森‧史托克(Jonathan Stock)/前英國雪菲爾大學民族音樂學教授 專文推薦 郭佩宜/中央研究院民族學研究所專任研究員、《田野的技藝》共同主編、林浩立/清華大學人類學研究所副教授、《芭樂人類學2》共同主編=跨世代共讀共筆推薦=◢◤文化界百讀不膩的幽默經典◢◤董成瑜/鏡文學總經理暨總編輯簡莉穎/大慕影藝內容總監朱嘉漢/作家李拓梓/專欄作家=書架典藏多年鍾愛推薦=簡莉穎:「因為天真的人類學家,考上人類學系是我高中的第一志願,輾轉來到戲劇的領域仍然持續的對人類感到好奇。這本書太好笑太自嘲了,那是真的好好平視他人與自己的文化才能長出的幽默視角。」李拓梓:「多瓦悠蘭和當代的文化衝擊,多年後重讀依然妙趣橫生,所有有志於田野調查的朋友都該一讀。」 ◢◤全球讀者捧腹激賞◢◤「適合
定價:550 元, 優惠價:9 495
Corrupting the Innocent
作者:P Rayne  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers Inc  出版日:2024/12/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 433
Why Kill the Innocent
作者:C. S. Harris  出版社:Berkley Pub Group  出版日:2019/02/26 裝訂:平裝
A brutal murder draws nobleman Sebastian St. Cyr into the tangled web of the British royal court in this gripping historical mystery from the national bestselling author of Where the Dead Lie.London,
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:Scott Turow  出版社:Grand Central Pub  出版日:2017/05/30 裝訂:平裝
The sequel to the genre-defining, landmark bestseller Presumed Innocent, INNOCENT continues the story of Rusty Sabich and Tommy Molto who are, once again, twenty years later, pitted against each other
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
The Rag and Bone Shop
作者:Robert Cormier  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2003/05/01 裝訂:平裝
Twelve-year old Jason is accused of the brutal murder of a young girl. Is he innocent or guilty? The shocked town calls on an interrogator with a stellar reputation: he always gets a confession. The c
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
作者:亞蘭‧布斯  出版社:馬可孛羅文化  出版日:2022/09/10 裝訂:平裝
人一生至少要有一次這樣的「大壯遊」!!用最原始的旅行工具,雙腳,一步一腳印,從北海道的極北到九州極南端縱長2000哩,實心體驗日本質樸的民情風味…… 一個在日本住了七年、說著一口流利日語的英國人,唱起日本的經典民謠和演歌,往往讓在場聽眾拍手叫好又嘖嘖稱奇!由於對日本的熱愛,也熟悉日本的歷史文化,因此本書作者亞蘭.布斯決定來一場縱走日本的「壯舉」。這段旅程從北海道的極北端宗谷岬,往南直抵九州的佐多岬,縱長2000哩、長達一百二十八天;徒步的路線儘量沿著海岸線道路、城鎮的偏遠郊區行進,非不得已才走入城市。晚上留宿的不是青年旅館便是小村裡的民宿,在居酒屋裡跟當地人一起喝酒、跳舞,或穿著過小的浴衣、腳踩木屐一拐一拐的去泡湯。有時索性睡袋一攤戶外睡將起來。旅行的率性卻也讓布斯偶有悲慘不堪、哭笑不得的遭遇。途中,布斯雖然說著流利日語,也十足的入境隨俗,但還是常常成為大家指指點點的對象,要找住宿地方,旅館主人還會用盡各種方式"拒絕”讓他住宿,比方:「你不會說日語」,天曉得此刻他們正用日語交談著呢!「今天的晚餐是生魚片,外國人不敢吃的……」,哈,布斯其實最愛吃的是「沙西米」了……這些待遇雖然會讓他沮喪、感覺孤單寂寞,但也有許多素昧平生淳樸的村民視他如家人朋友,讓他內心充滿溫馨感動。亞蘭.布斯透過溫暖又幽默的筆觸,寫景詳實、寫情動人心弦,呈現的是日本最不一樣的風情韻味。 【名家媒體讚譽】文筆流暢,見聞廣博,其見解透徹儼然如諾曼‧道格拉斯(Norman Douglas)、伊夫林‧沃(Evelyn Waugh)以及V.S.奈波爾之流旅行名家的優異傳統。他的真知灼見與精確記憶,令人讀之栩栩如生。——《泰晤士報文學副刊》布斯對於日本庶民生活之了解,堪稱精湛不凡。——《紐約時報書評》亞蘭‧布斯的日本之旅敘述親切又貼近事實,對於路上的奇遇皆能提供非凡的見解。——奈吉爾‧巴利(Nigel Barly),《天真的人類學家》(The Innocent Anthropologist)作者布斯悲憫又敏銳的觀察力,使他擠身於一流旅行作家之列,並經得起時間的考驗。——《柯克斯書評》亞蘭‧布斯給了我們一本令人難忘、美麗異常的書。——《亞洲華爾街日報》一本讓人獲益良多的書。——《經濟學人》
定價:490 元, 優惠價:9 441
作者:Innocent (University of Johannesburg Musonda South Africa); Adetayo Onososen; Thembani Moyo  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2025/02/12 裝訂:精裝
Presumed Guilty:The Sunday Times Bestselling Author (Presumed Innocent, 3)
作者:Scott Turow  出版社:Swift Press  出版日:2025/02/13 裝訂:精裝
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:79 869
A Visit to William Blake's Inn ─ Poems for Innocent and Experienced Travelers
作者:Nancy Willard; Alice Provensen  出版社:ODYSSEY CLASSICS HARCOURT.INC.  出版日:1987/09/01 裝訂:平裝
Introduction to William Blake's Inn. William Blake's Inn for innocent and experienced travelers. Blake's wonderful car delivers us wonderfully well. A rabbit reveals my room. The sun and moon ci
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
The Star Outside My Window
作者:Onjali Q. Raúf  出版社:Random House Childrens Books  出版日:2022/02/08 裝訂:平裝
From the award-winning author of The Boy at the Back of the Class comes a middle grade novel about the power of hope to sustain even when tragedy strikes. Ten-year-old Aniyah and her little brother Noah find themselves living in foster care after the sudden disappearance of their mum. With her life in disarray, Aniyah knows just one thing for sure: her mum isn't gone forever. Aniyah believes that the people with the brightest hearts never truly disappear. They become stars. When scientists discover a new star acting strangely, Aniyah knows it's really her mum. To make sure everyone else knows, too, she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime--one that involves breaking into the Royal Observatory of London, and meeting the biggest star in Hollywood. This is an honest yet empathetic exploration of how people respond to difficult circumstances, told through the innocent voice of a ten-year-old girl.
定價:342 元, 優惠價:79 270
From the Desk of Zoe Washington
作者:Janae Marks  出版社:Katherine Tegen Books  出版日:2020/01/14 裝訂:精裝
#1 Kids Indie Next List * Parents Magazine Best Book of the Year * Chicago Public Library Best of the Best Book of the Year * SLJ Best Book of the Year * Kirkus Best Book of the Year * Junior Library Guild Selection * Edgar Award Nominee * Four Starred Reviews * Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year *From debut author Janae Marks comes a captivating story full of heart, as one courageous girl questions assumptions, searches for the truth, and does what she believes is right--even in the face of great opposition.Zoe Washington isn't sure what to write. What does a girl say to the father she's never met, hadn't heard from until his letter arrived on her twelfth birthday, and who's been in prison for a terrible crime?A crime he says he never committed.Could Marcus really be innocent? Zoe is determined to uncover the truth. Even if it means hiding his letters and her investigation from the rest of her family. Everyone else thinks Zoe's worrying about doing a good job at her bakery i
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
Lost (Shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal 2024)
作者:Mariajo Ilustrajo  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens UK  出版日:2023/02/09 裝訂:精裝
A new book from award-winning illustrator Mariajo Ilustrajo, Lost is the story of a polar bear who finds himself lost, in a big concrete city. He politely asks the city folk for help but everyone is much too busy and impatient to help the newcomer. He finds himself travelling on the subway only to be noticed, finally by a little girl.The girl takes the homesick bear by the paw and under her innocent wing. Under the nose of her seemingly unaware mum, she feeds him dinner, gives him a bath and they read stories together. When the polar bear wistfully looks at a poster of the North Pole on her bedroom wall, the little girl realises that her friend needs help to get home.This is a story about the power friendship has to help you feel found, and even to transport you home.
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
The Sparkle Dragons (book 1)(graphic novel)
作者:Emma Carlson Berne; Luke Flowers  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/04/12 裝訂:平裝
Join the spunky and powerful Sparkle Dragons as they blast their glitter fire and put their brains together to save the queendom from polka-dotted pollution in this hilarious, easy-to-read graphic novel.Meet the Sparkle Dragons: the spunkiest crew in all of Princess Puff's queendom! Trixie is fierce with brains and beauty. Rue is tough as nails with a heart of shimmering gold. And, last but not least, Glinda, who often has her head in the clouds, but her out-of-the-box problem-solving can be her strongest asset. With their unique powers combined, they are an unstoppable force! And let's be honest: fighting off bad guys with glitter beams can be pretty hilarious . . . and sticky! Bad guys can be quite clever in this queendom, but the Sparkle Dragons don’t miss a trick. When the Rain River is polluted with polka dots, Robert—not Bob—the Troll takes the heat for it. But he says he is innocent! Not to worry—the Sparkle Dragons are hot on the tails of the true culprits. That is, if Princess
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
Survivors of the Holocaust ― True Stories of Six Extraordinary Children
作者:Kath Shackleton; Zane Whittingham (ILT); Ryan Jones (ILT)  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2019/10/01 裝訂:精裝
This important and moving graphic novel chronicling how six children survived the Holocaust is a timely reminder of the horrors that can be inflicted on innocent people, and serves as a way to introdu
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
Survivors of the Holocaust ― True Stories of Six Extraordinary Children
作者:Kath Shackleton; Zane Whittingham (ILT); Ryan Jones (ILT)  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2019/10/01 裝訂:平裝
This important and moving graphic novel chronicling how six children survived the Holocaust is a timely reminder of the horrors that can be inflicted on innocent people, and serves as a way to introdu
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
The Winter Frost (School for Unusual Magic #2)
作者:Liz Montague  出版社:SCHOLASTIC  出版日:2024/11/12 裝訂:精裝
Three friends discover magic and mayhem around every corner of their school in this illustrated series from New Yorkercartoonist and NAACP Image Award nominee Liz Montague that's perfect for fans of Witchlings and The Wizards of Waverly Place.After a chaotic semester of Elementary Magic, Rose, Amethyst, and Lav have found themselves with new magical skills up their sleeves which will come in handy when they begin Middle Magic next year. But school is the last thing on their minds over winter break. Tensions are high between the Land Walkers and the Merfolk's mysterious leader Frost. Worse, Amethyst's mom has gone missing with an extremely illegal wand, and everyone--their classmates, Principal Ivy, the Committee--thinks she's somehow involved in the disappearance of Rose's cousin Heather. But Amethyst is determined to find her mother and set everything right. Her mom just has to be innocent!When a secret about Amethyst's identity is revealed, her whole world comes c
定價:525 元, 優惠價:79 414
Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Taking the Blame
作者:Louie Stowell  出版社:Walker Books Us  出版日:2023/05/09 裝訂:精裝
About Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Taking the BlameWhen Thor’s hammer goes missing, trickster god Loki, still trapped as a cranky eleven-year-old boy, is determined to prove he’s innocent (for once!). The hilarious series continues in this second volume, available in paperback.Norse god Loki records the highs and lows of living on Earth as an eleven-year-old in grumbles, snarks, and doodles in his enchanted diary. He might not have shown any moral improvement (yet), but Odin has given Loki another chance to prove himself worthy of Asgard. Earning everyone’s trust isn’t easy, however. So far, Loki has managed to make only one human friend, Valerie. But he is irritated to learn that Valerie has made another friend. Then, at Thor’s birthday party (a pointless mortal ritual, though luckily there is cake), the magical hammer Mjolnir is stolen—and everyone suspects Loki! Can Loki find Thor’s hammer, discover who the real thief is, and clear his name—or will his jealousy over Valerie’s new frie
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
The Frozen River: A GMA Book Club Pick : A Novel (NYT Bestseller)
作者:Ariel Lawhon  出版社:Vintage  出版日:2024/11/05 裝訂:平裝
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • GMA BOOK CLUB PICK • AN NPR BOOK OF THE YEAR • From the New York Times bestselling author of I Was Anastasia and Code Name Hélène comes a gripping historical mystery inspired by the life and diary of Martha Ballard, a renowned 18th-century midwife who defied the legal system and wrote herself into American history."Fans of Outlander’s Claire Fraser will enjoy Lawhon’s Martha, who is brave and outspoken when it comes to protecting the innocent. . . impressive."—The Washington Post"Once again, Lawhon works storytelling magic with a real-life heroine." —People MagazineMaine, 1789: When the Kennebec River freezes, entombing a man in the ice, Martha Ballard is summoned to examine the body and determine cause of death. As a midwife and healer, she is privy to much of what goes on behind closed doors in Hallowell. Her diary is a record of every birth and death, crime and debacle that unfolds in the close-knit community. Months earlier, Martha documented the details
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Skeleton Man: A Leaphorn and Chee Novel
作者:Tony Hillerman  出版社:Harpercollins  出版日:2022/01/18 裝訂:平裝
"In his masterly reworking of this powerful myth, Hillerman creates a kachina for contemporary times. . . . No wonder Hillerman's stories never grow old. Like myths, they keep evolving with the telling."-- New York Times Book ReviewFrom the enduring national and literary cultural sensation (Los Angeles Times) Tony Hillerman, a crackling tale of myth, mystery, and murder featuring the legendary Leaphorn and Chee.Though he may be retired, Navajo Tribal Police Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn hasn't lost his curiosity or his edge. He's eager to help Sergeant Jim Chee and his fianc嶪 Bernie Manuelito with their latest case--clearing an innocent kid accused of robbing a trading post. Billy Tuve claims he received the precious diamond from a strange old man in the canyon. Could it be one of the gems that went missing in an epic plane crash decades earlier? Now that it may have resurfaced, it's attracted dangerous strangers to the Navajo lands. Proving Billy's innocence won't be easy. Leaphorn, Chee, a
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
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