特別收錄:「內向者求生術.精華圖解拉頁」[配備內向者3大安全氣囊,帶你平安橫渡外向海洋]內向性格測驗、個性之謎的腦科學解釋、內向者的社交策略 第一本全方位探討內向性格的專書【25週年暢銷經典版】 •Part I 解開內向/外向之謎的腦科學解釋•Part II 剖析內向者在工作、社交、婚姻、教養中的難題•Part III 活用「內向者求生術」 「(本書)到處都讓人發出『原來如此』的讚歎
At least one out of four people prefers to avoid the limelight, tends to listen more than they speak, feels alone in large groups, and requires lots of private time to restore their energy. They're i
At least one out of four people prefers to avoid the limelight, tends to listen more than they speak, feels alone in large groups, and requires lots of private time to restore their energy. They're in