Born out of a decade of discussion and collaboration between an international management consultant and the head of state and spiritual leader of Tibet, THE LEADER'S WAY is an inspiring manifesto for
Brought completely up to date for this new edition, Business The Bill Gates Way not only reveals the secrets of Gates' remarkable success but also draws out the universal lessons and identifies strate
Mega-mogul Bill Gates is quite simply the richest and most successful businessman of all time. His remarkable vision and obsessive desire to win have created a leadership style radically different to
Looking for ways to make your company great, motivate your employees, and grow profits? Then THE RELATIONAL LEADER is a must read for you. Many business books today focus on a particular way of doing
Who's delivering for you? Who has your back? Who’s burnishing your brand and expanding what you can get done in this world?Sponsorship is a two-way alliance where a leader partners with junior talent