生命的終點是一扇門,門的後面別有一番不可思議的風景問題是:你準備好怎麼打開門走過去了嗎?1992年索甲仁波切的作品《西藏生死書》(The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying)問世,翻譯成三十多種文字,在全世界掀起了生死學和臨終關懷的風潮。而藏傳佛教的《西藏度亡經》正是《西藏生死書》的原本。《西藏度亡經》原為印度經典,由蓮華生大士傳入西藏並由藏僧譯為藏文,由喀齊達瓦桑杜喇嘛(Lama Kazi Dawa-samdup)於1919年譯成英文,並由其弟子美國學者伊文思溫慈(W. Y. Evans Wentz)於1927年編輯出版,名為《西藏度亡經》(The Tibetan Book of the Dead),傳入西方,成為英語世界深遠影響的藏傳佛教經典。「凡夫之人,報盡命終,將入已入,中陰境界。有上妙法,使之聽聞,即得救度,是名中陰救度密法。」人在捨報之後,由於沒有了身體的煩惱束縛,覺性反而更加廓然分明,學佛人這時候更加應該生起菩提心以證悟法性。佛陀以一大事因緣出興於世,正是要救度眾生出三界火宅,永離生死流轉。世人聞說此法,無論是臨終者或是亡者,都可以因而解除種種「中陰險難」的恐怖,證入不生不滅的法性。「從一七、二七,乃至七七,不斷導示,提醒亡者識神,使得著落。究竟不離實相,處處呼令識自本心。離開有喜樂忿怒等觀境,已指示其未在心識以外。時時囑念觀世音,尤相應於無緣大慈悲主,誠哉度亡妙法。」
The third book in a magnificent new series about a girl who can navigate between the worlds of the living and the dead by #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noel Since arriving in Enchantmen
FROM THE BEST-SELLING AUTHOR & WINNER OF THE TAIWAN LITERATURE AWARDChen Tien-Hong, the only and desperately yearned for son of a traditional Taiwanese family with seven daughters, runs away from the oppression of his village to Berlin in the hope of finding acceptance as a young gay man.The novel begins a decade later, when Chen has just been released from prison for killing his boyfriend. He is about to return to his family’s village, a poor and desolate place. With his parents gone, his sisters married, mad, or dead, there is nothing left for him there. As the story unfurls, we learn what tore this family apart and, more importantly, the truth behind the murder of Chen’s boyfriend.Told in a myriad of voices, both living and dead, and moving through time with deceptive ease, Ghost Town weaves a mesmerizing web of family secrets and countryside superstitions, the search for identity and clash of cultures.中文版為《鬼地方》陳思宏著 鏡文學出版https://www.sanmin.com.tw/Product/index/007407226
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