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Brian L. Keeley (2)
Alan Garner (1)
Roo Borson/ Kim Maltman (1)
Samuel Hopkins Adams (1)
Sandy Fussell/ Rhian Nest James (ILT) (1)
尼克‧查特 (1)
尼克.查特 (1)

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Yale Univ Pr (2)
商周文化 (2)
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HarperCollins Publishers (1)
House of Anansi Pr (1)
Penguin Uk (1)
Poisoned Pen Pr (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:尼克.查特  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2024/05/04 裝訂:平裝
知覺是片斷的,心智是淺薄的,所謂的內心世界只是大腦拼湊出來的騙局!★ 英國國家學術院院士帶你走進一場最精采的心智之旅☆ 華威商學院超高人氣開放課程,顛覆對心智運作的想像,讓你重新認識你自己!★ 《衛報》、《新科學人》、《旁觀者》各大權威媒體一致盛讚☆ 國際學界大力推崇-- 喬治.羅文斯坦|知名行為經濟學家 喬許.特寧堡|麻省理工學院認知科學與計算教授 提姆.哈福特|《誰賺走了你的咖啡錢》作者 焦傳金|國立清華大學生命科學暨醫學院分子醫學研究所特聘教授 黃貞祥|國立清華大學生命科學暨醫學院分子與細胞生物研究所副教授 鄭國威|PanSci泛科學共同創辦人暨知識長★ 謝伯讓|腦科學家/《大腦簡史》作者 專文推薦「自我只是一束知覺。」──大衛.休姆(David Hume)每個人都覺得內心深處藏著一個世界,只要知道怎麼接觸這個潛意識,就能了解自己的信念及欲望從何而來,以及為什麼看似堅定的政治信仰、個人喜好、浪漫愛情,往往反覆無常。百年來,無數的心理學家與精神科醫師不斷探索心智表層下的祕密。英國國家學術院院士尼克‧查特用腦神經科學、行為心理學、知覺心理學等實驗與視錯覺圖形,證明這個想法大錯特錯:我們的思考、選擇和行動都是大腦當下的即興發揮,所根據的只是過去的經驗,毫無深層的動機可循。如此一來,藉由大腦對知覺的不斷重新詮釋,人類的想像力得以衝破過去的框架,讓我們能隨時應付未知的變化,文明和智慧皆得以進展。★各界讚譽「太了不起了,尼克.查特這本作品讓我眼界大開,讓我相信腦子運作的方式完全和我想的不一樣,我一直忍不住要和別人討論這本書裡的觀念。」──提姆.哈福特(Tim Harford),《轉角遇見經濟學》、《誰賺走了你的咖啡錢》作者「非常精妙地闡述各種科學發現。」──史提芬.波爾(Steven Poole),《衛報》(Guardian)「這本書太出色了。心智相關的書要不是解釋為什麼我們這麼笨,要不就是解釋我們為什麼這麼聰明。查特只用一個理論就優雅地解釋了這兩者:何以大腦經常達不到我們的期望、讓我們一頭霧水,同時卻又遠遠超過目前人工智慧的成果。」──喬許.特寧堡(Josh Tenenbaum),麻省理工學院認知科學教授「本書的前言
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
Treacle Walker (2022 Booker Prize Longlist)
作者:Alan Garner  出版社:HarperCollins Publishers  出版日:2022/08/04 裝訂:平裝
自稱賣藥人的舊貨商用一塊洗衣石和一個治百病妙藥的空瓶,交換了男孩喬瑟夫的睡衣和羊肩肉,一段神奇的友誼就此萌芽…布克獎入圍,高齡87歲的Alan Garner再次發揮無邊想像力,融合魔法與民間故事,帶給我們一段無比驚喜的閱讀旅程。shortlisted for the BOOKER PRIZE 2022A NEW STATESMAN BOOK OF THE YEAR A TLS BOOK OF THE YEAR A GUARDIAN BEST FICTION BOOK OF 2021 Treacle Walker is a stunning fusion of myth and folklore and an exploration of the fluidity time, vivid storytelling that illuminates an introspective young mind trying to make sense of everything around him. 'Ragbone! Ragbone! Any rags! Pots for rags! Donkey stone!' Joe looked up from his comic and lifted his eye patch. There was a white pony in the yard.It was harnessed to a cart, a flat cart, with a wooden chest on it. A man was sitting at a front corner of the cart, holding the reins. His face was creased.He wore a long coat and a floppy high-crowned hat, with hair straggling beneath, and a leather bag was slung from his shoulder across his hip. Joe Coppock squints at the world with his lazy eye. He reads his comics, collects birds' eggs and
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
作者:尼克‧查特  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2018/10/04 裝訂:平裝
★繼《快思慢想》後,又一顛覆思考的重磅鉅作 ★華威商學院超高人氣開放課程,領你進入一場精采的心智之旅 ★《衛報》、《新科學人》、《旁觀者》各大權威媒體一致盛讚 ★《誰賺走了你的咖啡錢》作者提姆‧哈福特、麻省理工學院教授喬許‧特寧堡、知名行為心理學家喬治‧羅文斯坦 各界學者大力推崇 ★謝伯讓|腦科學家/《大腦簡史》作者 專文推薦 ★焦傳金|清華大學系統神經科學研究所特聘教授、黃貞祥│國立清華大學生命
The Mind is Flat
作者:Nick Chater  出版社:Penguin Uk  出版日:2019/03/28 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
The Mind Is Flat ― The Remarkable Shallowness of the Improvising Brain
作者:Nick Chater  出版社:Yale Univ Pr  出版日:2018/08/07 裝訂:精裝
Psychologists and neuroscientists struggle with how best to interpret human motivation and decision making. The assumption is that below a mental “surface” of conscious awareness lies a deep and compl
定價:1140 元, 優惠價:1 1140
The Mind Is Flat ― The Remarkable Shallowness of the Improvising Brain
作者:Nick Chater  出版社:Yale Univ Pr  出版日:2019/10/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:684 元, 優惠價:9 616
作者:Sandy Fussell; Rhian Nest James (ILT)  出版社:Candlewick Pr  出版日:2011/05/10 裝訂:平裝
Can a one-legged boy become a great samurai warrior? Meet some unique aspiring champions in this kick-off to an exciting new martial arts series.Niya Moto is the only one-legged samurai kid in Japan, famous for falling flat on his face in the dirt. The one school that will accept him is the Cockroach Ryu, led by the legendary sensei Ki-Yaga. He may be an old man overly fond of naps, but Ki-Yaga is also known for taking in kids that the world has judged harshly: an albino girl with extra fingers and toes, a boy who is blind, a big kid whose past makes him loath to fight. A warrior in his time, Ki-Yaga demands excellence in everything from sword fighting to poetry. But can the ragtag Cockroaches make the treacherous journey to the Samurai Trainee Games, never mind take on the all-conquering Dragons? In a fast-moving, action-filled tale that draws on true details of feudal Japan, Niya finds there’s no fear they can’t face as long as they stick together — for
Paul Churchland
作者:Brian L. Keeley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/10/10 裝訂:平裝
For over three decades, Paul Churchland has been a provocative and controversial philosopher of mind and of science. He is most famous as an advocate of 'eliminative materialism', whereby he suggests that our commonsense understanding of our own minds is radically defective and that the science of brain demonstrates this (just as an understanding of physics reveals that our commonsense understanding of a flat and motionless earth is similarly false). This collection offers an introduction to Churchland's work, as well as a critique of some of his most famous philosophical positions. Including contributions by both established and promising young philosophers, it is intended to complement the growing literature on Churchland, focusing on his contributions in isolation from those of his wife and philosophical partner, Patricia Churchland, as well as on his contributions to philosophy as distinguished from those to Cognitive Science.
定價:1494 元, 優惠價:9 1345
作者:Brian L. Keeley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2005/10/10 裝訂:精裝
For over three decades, Paul Churchland has been a provocative and controversial philosopher of mind and of science. He is most famous as an advocate of 'eliminative materialism', whereby he suggests that our commonsense understanding of our own minds is radically defective and that the science of brain demonstrates this (just as an understanding of physics reveals that our commonsense understanding of a flat and motionless earth is similarly false). This collection offers an introduction to Churchland's work, as well as a critique of some of his most famous philosophical positions. Including contributions by both established and promising young philosophers, it is intended to complement the growing literature on Churchland, focusing on his contributions in isolation from those of his wife and philosophical partner, Patricia Churchland, as well as on his contributions to philosophy as distinguished from those to Cognitive Science.
Box Kite ― Prose Poems
作者:Roo Borson; Kim Maltman  出版社:House of Anansi Pr  出版日:2016/04/05 裝訂:平裝
A piece of paper with writing on it is flat, but when what is written on that paper fills the mind of a reader, it takes off into the wind like a box kite on a windy day,” writes Baziju the shared voi
定價:758 元, 優惠價:1 758
Average Jones
作者:Samuel Hopkins Adams  出版社:Poisoned Pen Pr  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:平裝
Solve humorous cases as you travel across early 20th century New York City with amateur sleuth Average Jones!Average Jones is a brilliant young man of independent means, thanks to the bequest of a wealthy yet jaded uncle. Five years after graduating college, he finds himself bored with travel and his bon vivant lifestyle, and restless for some meaningful hobby to occupy his mind. On the advice of a friend, he decides to set up a business as an "Ad-Visor," warning potential buyers of goods and services of potential scams. Each "ad-vising" case turns into a crime-detecting story showcasing the amateur sleuth's deductive reasoning, a la Sherlock Holmes. At times bizarre, at times humorous, this collection is highly entertaining, featuring stories such as "The B-flat Trombone," "The Man Who Spoke Latin," and "The Million-Dollar Dog."
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450



