「二十世紀最有智慧之光的心靈。」——《波士頓環球日報》「漢娜‧鄂蘭最有魅力亦最引人深思的著作。」——《紐約時報書評》「一個充滿熱情與人文智慧的心靈, 探索著心智如何運作的基本問題。」——《新聞週刊》葉浩(國立政治大學政治系 副教授) 導讀漢娜‧鄂蘭 (Hannah Arendt) 是二十世紀思想家中最重要的成員之一,其所撰寫的《極權主義的起源》(The Origins of Totalitarianism)為二十世紀政治哲學以及政治學領域的經典之作,而她諸多作品中的原創性思想更廣為引用。《心智生命》(The Life of The Mind)是鄂蘭最後遺作,以更為哲學性的思維探討人類的三種心智活動:思考、意志與判斷,隱約呼應著大哲學家康德(Kantian)的三大批判理論:純粹理性批判、實踐理性批判以及判斷力批判。全書分為上卷〈思考〉及下卷〈意志〉兩個部分,上卷最初是1972年鄂蘭在英國亞伯丁大學(University of Aberdeen)的季佛講座 (Gifford Lectures)的演講,參加此講座的演講者皆是鼎鼎有名,如杜威、柏格森、維廉.詹姆斯、懷德海等人;下卷〈意志〉的開頭也是在同一場合所發表的演講,兩卷在作者漢娜‧鄂蘭過過世後,後由瑪莉.麥卡錫 (Mary McCarthy)以好友兼文學遺產執行者的身份,於1978年將手稿整理付梓。在這部著作中,鄂蘭不同於其他政治理論方面的著作,審視「思想」並再度回歸到哲學上的思考,探究思想在當代生活中的各種面貌—— 認為「思想」這件事,是人最基本的心智活動,亦即思考、意志與判斷。鄂蘭在「行動世界」的框架裡進行哲學探索,探討思想是否能夠增益人的行動、明辨真理、分別美醜的能力?《心智生命》是鄂蘭一反過去關注外在事務,轉趨內在哲學的思考,是她留給後世少見的寶貴哲學遺產,不僅是鄂蘭的另一本重要著作,更可視為她對自身思想的最終結論。
'How could such a book speak so powerfully to our present moment? The short answer is that we, too, live in dark times' Washington Post Hannah Arendt's chilling analysis of the conditions that led to
Hannah Arendt's definitive work on totalitarianism and an essential component of any study of twentieth-century political history The Origins of Totalitarianism begins with the rise of anti-Semitism
In The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt sought to provide a historical account of the forces that crystallized into totalitarianism: The ebb and flow of nineteenth-century anti-Semitism (she
We are used to distinguishing the despotic regimes of the 20th century - communism, fascism, National Socialism, Maoism - very precisely according to place and time, origins and influences. But what s
In this long recognized cornerstone work, Drucker explains and interprets fascism and Nazism as fundamental revolutions. It is a social and political effort to explain the subjective consequences of t
The first volume of Arendt’s celebrated three-part study of the philosophical origins of the totalitarian mind. This volume focuses on the rise of antisemitism in Europe in the late nineteenth
In the final volume, Arendt focuses on the two genuine forms of the totalitarian state in history-the dictatorships of Bolshevism after 1930 and of National Socialism after 1938. Index.
The only book of its kind, The New Inquisitions is an exhilarating investigation into the intellectual origins of totalitarianism. Arthur Versluis unveils the connections between heretic hunting in ea