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平裝 (13)
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Bree Wolf (2)
Kresley Cole (2)
Tim Burt (2)
Chris Attwood/ Janet Attwood/ Sylva Phd Dvorak (1)
Diana Gabaldon (1)
Grace Burrowes (1)
Janet Attwood/ Chris Attwood (1)
Janet Bray Attwood,Geoff Affleck (1)
Jason Wood/ Maria Mejia (1)
Kenneth Grahame/ Arthur Rackham (ILT) (1)
LEGO (1)
Larry Tremblay/ Sheila Fischman (1)
Mingmei Yip (1)
Susan Adams (1)
Vince Lombardi (1)
珍妮特.艾特伍德(Janet Attwood)、克里斯.艾特伍德(Chris Attwood) (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (2)
First Second (2)
Random House Inc (2)
Chronicle Books Llc (1)
Createspace Independent Pub (1)
Delacorte Pr (1)
Kensington Pub Corp (1)
McGraw-Hill (1)
Persona Publishing (1)
Plume (1)
Pocket Books (1)
Pocket Star (1)
Sourcebooks Casablanca (1)
Sourcebooks Inc (1)
Talonbooks Ltd (1)
采實文化 (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:珍妮特.艾特伍德(Janet Attwood); 克里斯.艾特伍德(Chris Attwood)  出版社:采實文化  出版日:2024/07/25 裝訂:平裝
工作倦怠、生活迷茫、自我懷疑、厭世躺平……這些失去熱情的狀態,反而是讓人生變更好的契機! \暢銷超過18年、風靡全球75國、千萬人實證/《祕密》受訪導師、行銷之神、國際暢銷作家、主流媒體……★一致盛讚★ 獻給疲憊不堪,卻渴望活出理想人生的你! ★ 蟬聯《紐約時報》暢銷榜,Amazon.com讀者評價4.5顆星★《有錢人想的和你不一樣》作者T.哈福.艾克專文推薦★《心靈雞湯》系列創始人傑克.坎菲爾親測大推 ►少了熱情,就算成功也不快樂曾任職於矽谷科技公司的珍妮特.艾特伍德,擁有人人稱羨的高薪和職位,是別人眼中的成功人士,但她卻過得不快樂,常常覺得自己毫無成就感。 她因緣際會參加了一場講座,主講人分享了一份調查報告,研究發現100位最有影響力且富裕的超級菁英,他們都有一個共通點,那就是——「實現了活出理想人生最重要的五件事」。 主講人「活在熱情」的狀態,也讓珍妮特茅塞頓開,她才意識到,成功和快樂的關鍵是「發現生命熱情、做自己熱愛的事」。 ►熱情,是校準人生軌跡的正向情緒講座結束後,珍妮特開始思考自己的熱情,她發現,熱情不只是長期或短期目標,而是讓人生回到正軌的導航,更重新詮釋「熱情」的定義: .生命熱情就是由心而發、會讓雙眼發亮的事.熱情與愛不可分割,都源於內心深處.大腦會釋放多巴胺、腦內啡,降低壓力荷爾蒙.熱情不等於使命,卻是通往人生使命的線索與鑰匙.就算遭遇挫折,還是會感到充滿能量、有意義、喜悅和滿足 ►沒動力時,隨時進行「熱情測試」珍妮特設計了一套「生命熱情測試系統」,成功幫自己走出迷惘,找回對工作和生活的動力,確立了自己的使命。她把這套系統分享給伴侶、親朋好友,獲得許多正向回饋。在口碑相傳之下,珍妮特陸續舉辦工作坊、撰寫電子書,三十多年來,這套系統影響了全球成千上萬人,就連國際暢銷作家、企業家、醫師、導演⋯⋯各界專業人士都受益良多: .列出這一生最想做和體驗的15件事,再挑出最重要的五大熱情.如何辨識你的「真熱情」和「假熱情」.運用「熱情評分」、「熱情卡片」等工具,打造熱愛的生活.為自己創建「熱情標誌」,設定意圖,保持專注.活出熱情的七大法則 本書會逐步引導你完成熱情測試,並提供許多工具、步驟和心法,還會分享作者的精采故事和成功人士的經驗談,幫你找到自己
庫存 > 10
定價:420 元, 優惠價:79 331
The Passion Test ─ The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose
作者:Janet Attwood; Chris Attwood  出版社:Plume  出版日:2008/09/30 裝訂:平裝
The life-transforming New York Times bestseller. Can a simple test change a personA's life? Through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspire
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
Inspired by the Passion Test:The #1 Tool for Discovering Your Passion and Purpose
作者:Janet Bray Attwood; Geoff Affleck  出版社:Persona Publishing  出版日:2017/05/02 裝訂:平裝
定價:693 元, 優惠價:95 658
From a Warrior's Passion and Pain
作者:Jason Wood; Maria Mejia  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2014/05/19 裝訂:平裝
Passages from the book:The rapid HIV blood test took HIV testing to the next level. HIV testing centers sprang up just as quickly as HIV awareness. It soon became common knowledge the HIV virus wasn’t
定價:870 元, 優惠價:1 870
Curious About Nature ― A Passion for Fieldwork
作者:Tim Burt  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/03/31 裝訂:平裝
Notwithstanding the importance of modern technology, fieldwork remains vital, not least through helping to inspire and educate the next generation. Fieldwork has the ingredients of intellectual curiosity, passion, rigour and engagement with the outdoor world - to name just a few. You may be simply noting what you see around you, making detailed records, or carrying out an experiment; all of this and much more amounts to fieldwork. Being curious, you think about the world around you, and through patient observation develop and test ideas. Forty contributors capture the excitement and importance of fieldwork through a wide variety of examples, from urban graffiti to the Great Barrier Reef. Outdoor learning is for life: people have the greatest respect and care for their world when they have first-hand experience of it. The Editors are donating all royalties due to them to the environmental charity, The Field Studies Council, to support student fieldwork at the Council's field centres.
定價:2099 元, 優惠價:9 1889
作者:Tim Burt  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2020/03/31 裝訂:精裝
Notwithstanding the importance of modern technology, fieldwork remains vital, not least through helping to inspire and educate the next generation. Fieldwork has the ingredients of intellectual curiosity, passion, rigour and engagement with the outdoor world - to name just a few. You may be simply noting what you see around you, making detailed records, or carrying out an experiment; all of this and much more amounts to fieldwork. Being curious, you think about the world around you, and through patient observation develop and test ideas. Forty contributors capture the excitement and importance of fieldwork through a wide variety of examples, from urban graffiti to the Great Barrier Reef. Outdoor learning is for life: people have the greatest respect and care for their world when they have first-hand experience of it. The Editors are donating all royalties due to them to the environmental charity, The Field Studies Council, to support student fieldwork at the Council's field centres.
The Bride and Groom Happiness Test: Test Your Compatibility Before You Say "I Do"
作者:Susan Adams  出版社:Sourcebooks Casablanca  出版日:2007/11/01 裝訂:平裝
All those little differences that seem trivial when you're falling in love can become major issues once passion cools with the reality of living together.
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
作者:Kenneth Grahame; Arthur Rackham (ILT)  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:1993/10/01 裝訂:精裝
Since its first publication in 1908, generations of adults and children have cherished Kenneth Grahame’s classic, The Wind in the Willows. For in this entrancing, lyrical world of gurgling rivers and whispering reeds live four of the wisest, wittiest, noblest, and most lovable creatures in all literature—Rat, Mole, Badger, and Toad of Toad Hall. Like true adventurers, they glory in life’s simplest pleasures and natural wonders. But it is Toad, cocky and irrepressible in his goggles and overcoat, whose passion for motorcars represents the free and fearless spirit in all of us; just as it’s Toad’s downfall that inspires the others to test Grahame’s most precious theme—the miracle of loyalty and friendship.From the Paperback edition.
The Bicycle Eater
作者:Larry Tremblay; Sheila Fischman  出版社:Talonbooks Ltd  出版日:2005/11/30 裝訂:平裝
Singularly obsessed with his all-consuming passion for Anna, the object of his adolescent desire, the photographer Christophe Langelier is beside himself. Ten years ago, he failed the test of eating a
定價:682 元, 優惠價:1 682
Petals from the Sky
作者:Mingmei Yip  出版社:Kensington Pub Corp  出版日:2010/02/23 裝訂:平裝
Ming Neng, entering a retreat to test her karma as a Buddhist nun, becomes trapped between her long-held spiritual quest and forbidden passion when she succumbs to temptation with the young American d
定價:760 元, 優惠價:1 760
The Essential Vince Lombardi ─ Words and Wisdom to Motivate, Inspire, and Win
作者:Vince Lombardi  出版社:McGraw-Hill  出版日:2002/11/01 裝訂:精裝
Vince Lombardi lived each day with urgency, passion, and conviction. His uncanny ability to inspire greatness, and to motivate his followers to test the limits of their endurance, made him the standar
定價:1155 元, 優惠價:1 1155
A Hunger Like No Other
作者:Kresley Cole  出版社:Pocket Star  出版日:2006/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Acclaimed author Kresley Cole introduces a sizzling new series with this tale of a fierce werewolf and a bewitching vampire -- unlikely soul mates whose passion will test the boundaries of life and de
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
A Hunger Like No Other
作者:Kresley Cole  出版社:Pocket Books  出版日:2015/09/29 裝訂:平裝
In New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Kresley Cole’s sizzling series, a fierce werewolf and a bewitching vampire become unlikely soul mates whose passion will test the boundaries of life
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
Lego Ideas Minifigure Space Mission 1000-Piece Puzzle
作者:LEGO  出版社:Chronicle Books Llc  出版日:2022/06/07 裝訂:盒裝
Grab friends, family, or dive in solo—this fan-designed 1000-piece LEGO® puzzle is a true celebration of the creativity, passion, and imagination of LEGO fans of all ages.This LEGO® puzzle is unlike any that have come before it! These 1000 pieces come together to reveal a stunning LEGO image designed and chosen by . . . the fans! Launched in an online contest on LEGO Ideas, this puzzle features the winning design from a global call for submission and fan vote. Perfect for the whole family, this puzzle showcases the boundless creativity and passion of LEGO fans and builders.BROAD APPEAL: This puzzle is perfect for all types of LEGO fans—from hardcore LEGO lovers to casual builders to parents sharing their love of the brand with their children.CREATIVE AND CHALLENGING: This delightful 1000-piece puzzle will test your skills as it showcases the creative spirit integral to the LEGO brand.Perfect for: Ages 9+, adult LEGO fans, LEGO fans, gift givers, puzzlersLEGO, the LEGO logo, and the Bri
定價:682 元, 優惠價:79 539
Maker Comics: Design a Game!
作者:Bree Wolf  出版社:First Second  出版日:2022/11/15 裝訂:平裝
Inside Maker Comics: Design a Game!, the latest volume of First Second's DIY comic series, you'll find step-by-step instructions for six tabletop game design projects!Siblings Shen, Shondra, and Shontoya arrive at Ludum Omega Summer Camp with a passion for games, and Professor Zephyr is excited to teach this year’s students all about the art and science of game design! What makes a game fun? What kinds of games are out there? How can designers turn an okay game into a great one?With Maker Comics: Design a Game! as your guide, you’ll play and modify classic games to learn the fundamentals of design and build and test a prototype of a new game that’s all your own!
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
作者:Grace Burrowes  出版社:Sourcebooks Inc  出版日:2011/10/04 裝訂:平裝
"Grace Burrowes passes 'the hair rose on the back of my neck' test...{her} voice embeds itself in your brain." -USA Today A luminous holiday tale of romance, passion, and dreams come true from rising
Maker Comics: Design a Game!
作者:Bree Wolf  出版社:First Second  出版日:2022/11/15 裝訂:精裝
Inside Maker Comics: Design a Game!, the latest volume of First Second's DIY comic series, you'll find step-by-step instructions for six tabletop game design projects!Siblings Shen, Shondra, and Shontoya arrive at Ludum Omega Summer Camp with a passion for games, and Professor Zephyr is excited to teach this year’s students all about the art and science of game design! What makes a game fun? What kinds of games are out there? How can designers turn an okay game into a great one?With Maker Comics: Design a Game! as your guide, you’ll play and modify classic games to learn the fundamentals of design and build and test a prototype of a new game that’s all your own!
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
Dragonfly in Amber
作者:Diana Gabaldon  出版社:Delacorte Pr  出版日:1992/08/01 裝訂:平裝
From the author of Outlander... a magnificent epic that once again sweeps us back in time to the drama and passion of 18th-century Scotland...For twenty years Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returning with her grown daughter to Scotland's majestic mist-shrouded hills. Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as stunning as the events that gave it birth: about the mystery of an ancient circle of standing stones...about a love that transcends the boundaries of time...and about James Fraser, a Scottish warrior whose gallantry once drew a young Claire from the security of her century to the dangers of his ....Now a legacy of blood and desire will test her beautiful copper-haired daughter, Brianna, as Claire's spellbinding journey of self-discovery continues in the intrigue-ridden Paris court of Charles Stuart a race to thwart a doomed Highlands uprising...and in a desperate fight to save both the child and the man she loves....
定價:1368 元, 優惠價:79 1081
作者:Chris Attwood; Janet Attwood; Sylva Phd Dvorak  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2014/10/21 裝訂:精裝
From the New York Times bestselling authors of The Passion Test comes a book that will teach readers to harness the power of ritual to unlock their unique gifts and create a life of love, wealth, and



