In 1902, Jack London purchased some secondhand clothes, rented a room in the East End, and set out to discover how the London poor lived. His research makes shocking reading. Moving through the slums
二十世紀初英國倫敦貧民生活全揭露傑克.倫敦報導文學代表作從深淵底部傳來的獸鳴般哀號聲,百年後依然清晰可辨。百年前的倫敦東區,是什麼樣的地方?福爾摩斯短篇故事集〈歪嘴的人〉以此處為背景,最大特色就是對鴉片煙館的描寫。而約略同時期的「開膛手傑克」(Jack the Ripper)奇案,就是發生在當地的白教堂地區。知名美國記者傑克.倫敦出身於一個貧困農家,對於下層人民生活關注甚多,並發表過不少報導文學作
Nowhere in the streets of London may one escape the sight of abject poverty, while five minutes’ walk from almost any point will bring one to a slum; but the region my hansom was now penetrating was o