「不投林白就是選擇戰爭!」預言美國後九一一與川普時代的警鐘之書◆HBO迷你劇集《美國外史》改編原作◆◆《紐約時報》二十一世紀百大選書 #60 ◆◆2005年美國歷史學家協會歷史小說獎得主◆(Society of American Historians Prize for Historical Fiction)在這些所有記憶中,永久盤據的恐懼勝過了一切。當然,沒有人的童年是完全沒有恐懼的,但我總想,如果林白沒有當選總統,或如果我不是猶太人的孩子,會不會少一點恐懼?一九四〇年,時年七歲的男孩菲利普.羅斯,與任保險業務員的父親、家庭主婦的母親及富有藝術天分的哥哥同住在紐華克市的威奎依猶太社區,和樂融融。菲利普受美國最著名的集郵家羅斯福總統啟發,從小熱中集郵,最大的願望就是收集到人人稱羨不已的夢幻郵票。一切都在林白上台後改變。羅斯福在總統大選中慘敗給這位年輕氣盛的傳奇飛行英雄,退隱故居;林白則與阿道夫.希特勒及軸心國結盟,誓言不讓這個偉大的國家捲入世界大戰,以此捍衛美國的核心價值。劇變衝擊了羅斯一家,在一次目睹父親崩潰嚎哭之後,菲利普知道快樂的童年一去不返,從今以後只剩恐懼。這裡,從來不是他的國家。美國當代名家菲利普.羅斯遊走虛實之間,以其尖銳筆鋒重返二戰時空,從「可能的美國」當中思及美國浩瀚、多樣性的複雜面貌。◆聯合推薦黃崇凱 小說家蔡易澄 作家顏擇雅 出版人、作家◆各界推薦「菲利普.羅斯再次出版了一本你必須一讀的小說,現在就讀……出色的傑作。」——《基督科學箴言報》(The Christian Science Monitor)「這不是預言,而是夢魘;隨著故事推進,夢魘越來越可怕,同時也變得越來越可笑、越來越詭異……迂迴而又高明的作品。」——《紐約客》(The New Yorker)「貼身觀察到各個角色陷入了社會上最深沉、最苦澀的壓力當中,會是如何……這本書就是最高明的折磨手段,讓人無法放下。」——《新聞週刊》(Newsweek)「(羅斯的聲音)從未如此細膩……精雕細琢地如此美麗……一名小說家在這四十五年來一直不斷改造自己,而《反美陰謀》就是最為出色的作品。」——《波士頓全球報》(The Boston Globe)「傑出之作……羅斯的文筆優美而有力,旋繞著、起舞著、憤怒著……似乎從來沒有如此精確而明朗。」——《沃斯堡星報》(Fort Worth Star-Telegram
Based on a close reading of Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu’s extant films, this book provides insights into the ways the director created narrative structures and used symbolism to construct meaning in his films. Against critics’ insistence that Ozu was indifferent to plot and unlikely to use symbols, Geist demonstrates otherwise, revealing the director’s subtle iconographic paradigms. Her incisive understanding of the historical and cultural context in which the films were conceived amplifies her analysis of the films’ structure and meaning. Ozu: A Closer Look guides the reader through Ozu’s early, silent films and his sound films made during Japan’s wars in Asia and the subsequent American Occupation, then takes up specific themes relevant to his later, better-known films. These themes include religion, gender, and the influence of traditional Japanese painting. Geist also examines the impact that Ozu’s films had on specific directors in Europe, America, and Japan. Intended for film
Never more relevant than now, this national bestseller will challenge all who believe that “it can't happen here.” “A terrific political novel . . . Sinister, vivid, dreamlike . . . creepily plausi
When the renowned aviation hero and rabid isolationist Charles A. Lindbergh defeated Franklin Roosevelt by a landslide in the 1940 presidential election, fear invaded every Jewish household in America
In an astonishing feat of empathy and narrative invention, our most ambitious novelist imagines an alternate version of American history. In 1940 Charles A. Lindbergh, heroic aviator and rabid isolati
Soon to be an HBO miniseries from The Wire's David Simon, premiering March 16.“A masterwork of counterfactual history.”―The New YorkerWhen the renowned aviation hero and rabid isolationist Charles A.
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Philip Roth's bestselling alternate history novel--the chilling story of what happens to one family when an America elects a charismatic, isolationist president--is soon to be an HBO limited series.In
COVER DESIGNS THAT COME TO LIFE! ANIMATE THE COVER WITH THE FREE INSERTED SHEETWhen the renowned aviation hero and rabid isolationist Charles A. Lindbergh defeated Franklin Roosevelt by a landslide in
The definitive Philip Roth edition continues with three novels written in his late sixties and early seventies. The Dying Animal (2001) marks the final return of David Kepesh from The Breast (1972) and The Professor of Desire (1977). Now an eminent cultural critic in his sixties, Kepesh expertly seduces a beautiful twenty-four-year-old daughter of Cuban exiles only to find himself torn by sexual jealousy and the anguish of loss. As The Plot Against America (2004) begins, aviation hero Charles A. Lindbergh has defeated Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940 presidential election, and fear invades every Jewish household in America. Lindbergh has publicly blamed the Jews for pushing America toward a pointless war with Nazi Germany, and now in office, he negotiates a cordial “understanding” with Adolf Hitler. What follows for Jews during the Lindbergh presidency—most particularly in the Newark household of the boy Philip Roth—is the subject of an extraordinary work of historical imagination. With
US and British scholars of literature examine three recent works by American novelist Roth (b. 1933). Their topics include subverting history, and the racial and national uncanny in American Pastoral;
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