Sports figures cope with a level of celebrity once reserved for the stars of stage and screen. In Game Faces , Sarah K. Fields looks at the legal ramifications of the cases brought by six of them--gol
In making decisions, we often seek advice. Online, we check Amazon recommendations,eBay vendors' histories, TripAdvisor ratings, and even our elected representatives' voting records.These online reput
The reputation of the financial industry could hardly be worse than it is today in the painful aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. New York Times best-selling economist Robert Shiller is no apolog
In making decisions, we often seek advice. Online, we check Amazon recommendations, eBay vendors' histories, TripAdvisor ratings, and even our elected representatives' voting records. These online rep
Exploring the new professional scenes in digital and freelance knowledge, this innovative book provides an account of the subjects and cultures that pertain to knowledge work in the aftermath of the c
In 1994, medieval historian Bullough was still working on what was to be a two-volume account of the Anglo-Saxon scholar Alcuin (735-804). Sometime after that, he died with the project unfinished. He
The Royal Historical Society Transactions offers readers an annual collection of major articles representing some of the best historical research by some of the world's most distinguished historians. Volume six of the sixth series, first published in 1997, includes: 'The Peoples of Ireland, 1110–1400: III. Laws and Customs', the third Presidential Address from Rees Davies; the winner of the Alexander Prize, 'Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France (1385–1422)', Rachel Gibbons; and the 1995 Prothero Lecture ”An Airier Aristocracy”: The Saints of War', Christopher Holdsworth. Also included, contributions from Sarah Foot, Nicholas Orme and John Stevenson, a special collection of papers taking the theme 'Honour and Reputation in Early-Modern England', and the annual Report of Council.
Sports figures cope with a level of celebrity once reserved for the stars of stage and screen. In Game Faces , Sarah K. Fields looks at the legal ramifications of the cases brought by six of them--gol
Street gangs are a major concern for residents in many inner-city communities. However, gangs’ secretive and, at times, delinquent tendencies limit most people’s exposure to the realities of gang life
In 1865, Job Carr paddled a canoe to his new homestead on a small harbor that would become Old Tacoma. The area's notorious reputation--as "The Wildest Port North of San Francisco's Barbary Coast"--ha
Medford, Oregon, pioneered aviation in Southern Oregon and has long enjoyed a reputation for being an air-minded city. When the City of Medford built Newell Barber Field in 1920, it established the f
Traders, bazaaris and shop-keepers constitute a very important social and economic category in the Middle East. Based upon extensive fieldwork carried out by Annika Rabo among the traders of Aleppo, i
Behind National Geographic’s worldwide reputation as a powerhouse of photography lies one of the finest, most extensive, and most unique graphic resources on Earth: the National Geographic Image Colle
Smithville's reputation is that of a railroad town, yet it offers an even richer history. Fertile land and the Colorado River attracted pioneers with energy, dreams, and a hunger to build. After Thoma
Beginning with its first settlement in the 1880s, La Jolla established its reputation as a Southern California seaside community known for incredible beauty and natural wonders, shores washed by the s
If Azusa lived up to the reputation aggrandized from the glib assessment that it was the city with "everything from A to Z in the U.S.A.," no one would want to live anywhere else. Hy
Trousdale County has a history as fascinating as it is long. The region's early reputation stemmed from its well-known race track, a forum that attracted to town such notables as Andrew Jackson and Sa
French Politics and Society is the ideal companion for all students of France and French Politics with a strong reputation for its lucidity and lively exposition of the French polity. This third editi