By indulging in the experience of being alone, we can be inspired to find our own rewards and ultimately lead richer, fuller lives. Our fast-paced society does not approve of solitude; being alone is so often considered anti-social and some even find it sinister. Why is this so when autonomy, personal freedom and individualism are more highly prized than ever before? Sara Maitland answers this question in How to Be Alone by exploring changing attitudes throughout history.Offering experiments and strategies for overturning our fear of solitude, she helps us to practise it without anxiety and encourages us to see the benefits of spending time by ourselves. The School of Life looks at new ways of thinking about life’s biggest questions. Discover more fascinating books from the series with How to Stay Sane and How to Think More About Sex.
An engaging book to help young children develop a positive mindsetPoor Toby hasn't been feeling very happy recently; things just aren't going his way. But on a trip to a sunny beach, he comes across Miss Molly's School of Happiness - the perfect place to learn how to deal with the ups and downs of life. Follow Toby as he tests out a 'recipe for happiness' - which includes running around outside, having fun, showing kindness and building good friendships. He also discovers the importance of OTHER emotions when happiness isn't an option. A gentle, enlightening book to share with curious children, featuring a cast of friendly animal characters.
The book reflects the author's opinions, and not necessarily the views of EHGBooks.The Harmonious Culture Development Foundation (HCDF), Juexue Culture Center, was established in 2013 in Texas, USA, by North American disciples of the Chan Buddhism Zen School. As a charitable organization committed to promoting peace, improving health, popularizing Awakening Study cultural education, and fostering social harmony, it upholds the Buddhist spirit of worldly engagement combined with the essence of self-cultivation from the Zen School. The foundation seeks to make positive contributions to society and benefit the public.The foundation's mission is to deeply explore the inner value and meaning of life, with a focus on "awakening individual life." It strives to facilitate communication, interaction, and the integration of information and energy within life systems; optimize these systems, purify the mind, and cultivate character; practice the values of life; and create an environment defined b
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