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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:喬納森‧克雷蒙  出版社:樂金文化  出版日:2021/01/06 裝訂:平裝
★★★亞馬遜4.5星讀者好評★★★WILEY經典「The Little Book」系列《投資金律》作者威廉‧伯恩斯坦 專文推薦《金錢超思考》《慢慢致富》作者喬納森‧克雷蒙用21堂理財通識課,帶你過一個不為金錢焦慮的人生!金錢和人際關係、感情一樣,被視為人生最大的幾個焦慮來源之一,從日常生活的食衣住行,到結婚基金、孩子的教育經費、退休金的準備,大多數人每天總是在為缺錢而煩惱,而金錢更幾乎與快樂畫上等
庫存 > 10
定價:320 元, 優惠價:79 252
作者:羅伯‧哈契  出版社:遠流  出版日:2021/11/26 裝訂:平裝
★入圍2021商業書獎(BUSINESS BOOK AWARDS 2021)★★商業周刊1777期選書推薦★ 在這讓人分心的世界中,我們失去了對時間與注意力的掌控權掌握自己的時間與注意力,是成功的第一步! 當你能有意識地把注意力放在對自己重要的事物上,就能改變人生你可以決定你的一天要怎麼度過。改變,就從現在開始! 你常滑手機滑到不知不覺就過了一小時?你為自己訂下新目標卻經常半途而廢?你在工作上常常被各種死線追著跑?你常覺得自己很忙卻沒看到什麼成果? 這是因為你可能沒有意識到,你的時間與注意力沒有用在對的地方!行銷人士、軟體公司都無所不用其極地吸引你的注意力,那你是不是也應該重視自己的注意力呢? 這是一個讓人分心的世界,每天我們都接收到無數資訊,手機上的小紅點提醒我們有未讀的訊息,這些花掉我們許多時間與注意力,但弔詭的是,它們大部分其實根本就不重要!我們想達成的目標、想過的生活,才是最重要的。那麼,要如何找回我們的時間與注意力,把它們放在對自己重要的事情上呢? 本書提供了一套「把成功放在眼前」的架構,透過簡單決策的方式,幫助我們在讓人分心的世界中,將時間與注意力放在重要的事情上,使我們的行動能與目標一致,達成想要的成功,過上理想的生活。 ◎本書核心概念【把成功放在眼前】把成功放在眼前(put success in your way),是指辨認出你為了達成目標所需的最重要元素,把這項元素放在眼前,包括事先移除障礙或讓人分心之物。 【簡單決策的力量】每個決定都要花費精力、都是一種分心,尤其是「當下」的決定。消除分心,就是去減少「當下」的決定。方法為:提前決定好要做的事,並訂下和遵守自己的規則。 【從成功經驗中學習】人們常會反省自己的失敗,但與其從失敗中學習,更積極的概念是去了解過去成功的原因。將注意力放在成功經驗上,就能得出一個架構,讓你在其他地方也能複製此成功模式。 【建立自己的系統】有目標固然重要,但更重要的是,了解需要做什麼來達成目標並建立系統來做這些事。這個系統可以支持你,幫你在當下做出最佳決定,並採取最重要的行動。而你的系統由你自己來設計。 ◎實用方法搶先看1.利用五項元素,為自己打造一段專
定價:380 元, 優惠價:9 342
The Shape Song Swingalong (1平裝+1影音CD)
作者:Stevesongs (COR); David Sim (ILT)  出版社:Barefoot Books  出版日:2011/11/01 裝訂:有聲書
What can you make with a line, a circle or square? This inspiring book, based on an original song by children’s singer SteveSongs, shows how simple shapes can be transformed into anything you can imag
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
On the Day You Were Born
作者:Debra Frasier  出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt  出版日:2012/04/03 裝訂:精裝
A newly designed book and CD of a beloved classic. Debra Frasier’s simple words and radiant collages celebrate the earth and extend an exuberant welcome to each member of our human family. Accompanied
定價:760 元, 優惠價:79 600
作者:蘿拉.戴夫  出版社:春天出版國際  出版日:2023/04/28 裝訂:平裝
全球最大書評網站Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳推理驚悚小說No.1,逾十六萬四千則★★★★★書評狂推! .榮登紐約時報暢銷榜No.1!霸榜長達四十八週! .全球狂銷突破1,800,000冊!當今討論度最高的驚悚懸疑小說! .瑞絲・薇斯朋讀書俱樂部選書,並由其擁有的製片公司Hello Sunshine製作影集,將由珍妮佛・嘉納主演並身兼監製。 .亞馬遜、Apple、Vogue、Real Simple年度選書 .美國書商協會Indie Next List選書 .英國「理查與茱蒂讀書俱樂部」選書 .Book List Queen年度最佳推理小說 .WH史密斯書店選書 令人昏眩的懸疑情節,加上優美文筆,《殘句線索》探討了有關信任、婚姻,以及家庭真義的艱難課題,最高等級的愛不釋手之作!──萊利.塞傑,《最後的女孩》作者 在歐文.麥可斯失蹤之前,他想盡辦法偷送了張字條給他的新婚妻子漢娜:保護她。儘管處於恐懼不安,漢娜很清楚歐文需要她保護的是誰──他的十多歲女兒,貝莉,在她小時候,母親因意外不幸過世,而她完全不想與自己的新繼母有任何牽扯。 漢娜不斷試圖打電話給歐文,但卻一次又一次轉進語音信箱。音訊全無的歐文老闆因詐欺被捕,警方找上漢娜釐清案情,漢娜這才驚覺她先生並非他所宣稱的那個人,而貝莉可能知道歐文真正身分以及失蹤原因的關鍵…… 歐文在哪裡?他為什麼需要逃跑? 當他已經恐懼到無法對我說出真相的時候,我又疏忽了什麼?媒體名人盛讚 一部充滿驚濤駭浪的驚悚小說。以沉痛深刻的方式探索愛與家庭,正是這部懸疑構局精采、處處充滿曲折之作的重點,必讀佳作!──郭珍芳,《紐約時報》暢銷書《Searching for Sylvie Lee》作者 蘿拉.戴夫展現高超技巧,以不妨礙角色變化的俐落節奏逐步揭露真相。這部作品的豐厚肌理來自於漢娜與貝莉面對可怕傷害、了解到她們需要彼此的過程;兩人之間逐漸增長的互相信任的確令人動容。因為女兒與繼母最後都得到了體悟,「這就是大家填補空白的方式──靠著深愛妳的人所說出的故事與回憶。」──《紐約時報書評》 蘿拉.戴夫完成了一部兼具新鮮感與熟悉感的作品:一開始教人坐立難安、而後又令人釋然的家庭懸疑小說。它與《控制》或是《殺人紀念日》的建構方式恰恰相反,在《殘句線索》中,表象醜惡,狀況棘手,但幾乎每一個涉事者的內心都存有基本良善面。蘿
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
作者:葉莉菁  出版社:春天出版國際  出版日:2023/08/31 裝訂:平裝
以積極的態度面對悲劇,才能從痛苦中學到真正的價值。《當呼吸化為空氣》作者遺孀感動推薦.榮登亞馬遜綜合排行榜第一名、紐約時報、巴諾書店暢銷榜.亞馬遜、時代雜誌、Real Simple、Good Housekeeping年度選書.Read with Jenna Book Club選書.入圍全球最大書評網站Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳回憶錄,逾三千九百則★★★★★書評狂推!.英美大社編輯被文采與思想深深感動,各以六位數重金搶拿版權葉莉菁,一生奮鬥,過著難以置信的自律人生。在這本回憶錄中,隨著生命的流逝,她拆解,並重新定義了勝利。在她筆下,不僅審視了自己的殘疾和病痛,敘事中也包括了在自己苦難中文化、醫學上的意義。也審視了愛、真實性、希望、自我主義,甚至憤怒。我不認識莉菁,但透過這些文字,我逐漸愛上了她。──露西.卡拉尼蒂,《當呼吸化為空氣》作者遺孀 「天氣好的時候去散散步吧,經常去旅行或者用護照收集蓋章吧。今天起,請開始為了『明天』而活。」#視覺障礙者 #逃亡美國 #哈佛 #律師#結腸癌 #人生 #幸福我們在健康的時光裡浪費了健康,在我們活著的時候浪費了生命。直到我三十九歲被醫生宣判癌症末期,才覺悟了這道理。在我死前,有句話一定要跟大家說。各位請記住,你認為理所當然的日常生活,對於像我這樣的人來說,是一種莫大的快樂。請樂觀看待人生,盡量積極正面思考,別管成功的機率,不糾結於今日的苦楚。各位,請活著。只要活著。這樣就足夠了。 天生失明的越南難民女孩,以堅強的意志從哈佛畢業順利當上律師,卻在三十七歲被診斷出患有第四期大腸癌……一個在人生巔峰時期面對死亡的年輕女律師,她遺留給現在活著的世人的最後紀錄。親愛的米雅和伊莎貝兒,我已經處理好所有在我死後,會留下來的種種生活大小問題:我幫妳們爸爸雇了價格合理的廚師;留了清楚的指示清單……之後幾天,我會錄一支影片,交代這間公寓裡所有收入和支出,這樣大家都會知道空氣濾淨器濾網在哪,以及奇伯吃什麼牌子的狗糧。但我意識到,這些都不是什麼重要的,也都是相對容易解決的日常瑣事。同時我明白,身為妳們的母親,要是不能減輕妳們的喪親之痛,會十分失格,這有可能是妳們人生早年會面臨最重要的問題,我至少該試著處理。我不知道我的話是否能減輕妳們的痛苦。但要是我連試都沒試,那我就太不盡責了。要是我能選擇,我會選擇陪著妳們,但若妳們能從我的死
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
人間冥煙 (中英雙語):香港紙紮文化
作者:高峰  出版社:香港中文大學出版社  出版日:2022/10/01 裝訂:精裝
紙紮世界是香港的縮影,反映了這座城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。134件紙紮品.中英雙語攝影文集看見極樂世界的衣食住行、吃喝玩樂捕捉薪火燒不盡的香港人情在紙紮的花花世界裏,祭品的形態和種類五花八門:日常用品從一把傘、一籠點心到一張八達通 ;抑或是億元紙鈔、豪華別墅與配備司機的轎車等奢侈品......祭祀者總能從林林總總的設計和款式中找到最切合逝者的祭品――每件紙紮品都代表著跨越陰陽的親密牽絆。紙紮世界也是香港的縮影,反映了這個城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。紙紮一件燒、一件現,化作煙縷穿越人間與冥界,在另一個國度建構一個更豐富多彩的香港。A bilingual photo book on Hong Kong's paper offerings for the afterlife•The world of paper offerings is a microcosm of Hong Kong that reflects the city's aspirations,obsessions and desires.•Featuring 134 paper offerings with texts in both Chinese and English.•Find everything you could want for a happy afterlife, from everyday needs to extravagantluxuries.•Capturing Hong Kong's undying love and devotion.Discover the fascinating and moving world of Hong Kong’s paper offerings for the afterlife. These carepackages for lost loved ones and ancestors in the next life include everything from creature comfortsand simple everyday needs, to extravagant luxuries and curious fancies. Individually, each offering is atouching manifestation
庫存 > 10
定價:620 元, 優惠價:79 489
Work the System (5th Edition): The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less
作者:Sam Carpenter  出版社:GREENLEAF BOOK GROUP PR  出版日:2024/08/27 裝訂:精裝
定價:1710 元, 優惠價:1 1710
World of Reading Level 1: Meet Five Marvel Super Heroes
作者:Marvel Press Book Group  出版社:Disney Press  出版日:2022/09/20 裝訂:平裝
The This is line of World of Reading early readers is designed to offer reluctant readers books they will want to read by featuring the origin stories of characters they love.Learn how Kamala Khan finds out that she's an Inhuman with super powers and becomes Ms. Marvel, how Peter Parker puts his powers to good use and becomes the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, how Jane Foster becomes The Mighty Thor, how Shang-Chi uses his martial arts skills to becomes an Avenger, and how Kate trains to be the ultimate super hero.Discover how Marvel's most popular characters became the Super Heroes they are today in this bind-up of 5 stories perfect for reluctant readers.Features:large, easy-to-read printshort, simple sentencesfun illustrations Complete your Marvel World of Reading collection and get to know the origin stories for each of your favorite heroes!This is Black PantherThis is Miles MoralesThis is Captain MarvelThis is Black WidowThis is ThorThis is Doctor StrangeThis is FalconFor r
庫存 > 10
定價:304 元, 優惠價:79 240
World of Reading Level 1: Avengers Mech Strike
作者:Marvel Press Book Group  出版社:Disney Press  出版日:2021/10/26 裝訂:平裝
The This is line of World of Reading early readers is designed to offer reluctant readers books they will want to read by featuring the origin stories of characters they love. When the Avengers face an all-new, overwhelming threat, they're forced to engage in some creative thinking (and inventing) to level up their villain-fighting game. Each Avenger is given their very own mechanical suit (mech suit) that not only aligns with the look of their hero costume, but amplifies and complements their powers Readers will be introduced to each hero's mech suit through an action-packed story perfect for fans learning to read. This Level 1 Early Reader introduces the Avengers and their mech suits with simple sentences that are perfect for young readers.Features fan-favorite Super heroes: Captain AmericaBlack PantherCaptain MarvelIron ManSpider-ManThorHulkComplete your Marvel World of Reading collection and get to know the origin stories for each of your favorite heroes This is Spider-ManThis is B
定價:190 元, 優惠價:79 150
No Grid Survival Projects Book 2024: The Simple DIY guide for reliable power, bountiful food supply and building a formidable home
作者:Clement M. David  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/08/11 裝訂:平裝
定價:816 元, 優惠價:1 816
The Witch's Book of Spells: Simple Spells for Everyday Magick
作者:Lindsay Squire  出版社:LEAPING HARE  出版日:2024/08/20 裝訂:精裝
定價:874 元, 優惠價:79 690
Disney Baby 100 First Words Lift-the-Flap
作者:Disney Book Group (COR); Disney Storybook Art Team (COR)  出版社:Disney Pr  出版日:2018/01/02 裝訂:硬頁書
Babies discover the world with their hands, and this delightful, value-packed oversized board book opens a world of vocabulary learning with a simple lift of a flap! Easily organized by theme, Baby ca
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
The Book of Revelation Made Simple: Messages of Hope From a God of Love
作者:Hft Ministries  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/08/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:480 元, 優惠價:1 480
Spend it!:Learn simple money lessons
作者:Cinders McLeod  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2022/01/06 裝訂:平裝
A charming picture book for young children to learn simple facts about spending money. Welcome to Bunnyland, where carrots are money!Sonny gets three carrots for his allowance every week but wants to buy EVERYTHING with it. He wants a toy rocket, a pogo stick AND a bouncy castle! When he discovers he doesn't have enough carrots for it all, he'll need to make some decisions about what's most important to him.It's never too early to teach your little bunny about money! Collect all the books in the Moneybunny series:Earn It! (A Moneybunny Book)Give It! (A Moneybunny Book)Save It! (A Moneybunny Book)
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Save It!:Learn simple money lessons
作者:Cinders McLeod  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2022/01/06 裝訂:平裝
A charming picture book for young children to learn simple facts about saving money. Welcome to Bunnyland, where carrots are money! Honey earns two carrots a week for taking care of her little siblings, but they're very bouncy and VERY loud! All Honey wants is to buy a playhouse of her own for some peace and quiet, and with a bit of maths, decision-making and patience, Honey learns that she can save up to achieve her big dreams. It's never too early to teach your little bunny about money! Collect all the books in the Moneybunny series:Spend It! (A Moneybunny Book)Earn It! (A Moneybunny Book)Give It! (A Moneybunny Book)
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Give It!:Learn simple money lessons
作者:Cinders McLeod  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2022/01/06 裝訂:平裝
A charming picture book about giving money to help others. Welcome to Bunnyland, where carrots are money! Chummy has big plans for the ten carrots his gran gave him for his birthday. He wants to buy a superhero costume and save the world from dragons! But when there are no dragons to fight in Bunnyland, Chummy soon learns that there are other creatures who could use his help and that there's more than one way to be a hero.It's never too early to teach your little bunny about money! Collect all the books in the Moneybunny series: Spend It! (A Moneybunny Book)Earn It! (A Moneybunny Book)Save It! (A Moneybunny Book)
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
Earn It!:Learn simple money lessons
作者:Cinders McLeod  出版社:Ladybird UK  出版日:2022/01/06 裝訂:平裝
A charming picture book for young children to learn simple facts about earning money. Welcome to Bunnyland, where carrots are money! Bun loves to sing and just wants to be rich and famous. When her mum reminds her that stardom takes time and hard work, Bun realises that she'll need to start earning some carrots to make her dreams come true! It's never too early to teach your little bunny about money! Collect all the books in the Moneybunny series:Give It! (A Moneybunny Book)Save It! (A Moneybunny Book)Spend It! (A Moneybunny Book)
定價:384 元, 優惠價:79 303
I Forgive Alex:A Simple Story About Understanding
作者:Kerascoet Kerascoet; Sebastien Cosset  出版社:RANDOM HOUSE STUDIO  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:精裝
《I Walk with Vanessa》作者夫婦新作。操場上的一次意外,讓大家不願意再和Alex玩了。全插畫繪本引導孩子以同理心思考書中角色的感受,傳達人際關係裡的重要課題:道歉與諒解,兩者需要的勇氣與溫柔同等重要。A simple, yet powerful, picture book--from New York Times bestselling creators, Kerascoët―about compassion and forgiveness.Alex’s enthusiasm and energy can sometimes be a challenge for his classmates. He loves to play ball on the playground with his friends, but when his rambunctious behavior inadvertently upsets one of the other students, he finds himself at odds with the whole class.A perfect companion to the picture book I Walk with Vanessa, which Parents magazine named the Best Book of the Year about kindness, this story explores the difficult feelings that come with apologies and forgiveness. In a story that sees the perspective of both sides, Alex learns quickly that the right thing to do is say he’s sorry, leaving it up to his friend to find the compassion and empathy to accept it.This wordless picture book is a good reminder that it’s important to take responsibility for
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:Brian Housman  出版社:OXFORD UNIV PR USA  出版日:2024/11/08 裝訂:平裝
Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS) was the first cardiothoracic application of a minimally invasive surgical technique. In the right patient, the VATS lobectomy approach has meaningful advantages. VATS can offer better visualization, shorter operative times, less pain from smaller incisions, and a reduced length of stay. Beyond that, the technique preserves tactile feedback and works with a large variety of instruments--all at a lower cost than robotic surgery. Despite this fact, there are limited materials available to teach VATS Surgery. The few resources that do teach lobectomy often lose the forest in the trees (or the PA in the parenchyma). Key anatomy is obscured by diagrams with overwhelming detail, or live operative pictures that are often difficult to identify. The VATS Lobectomy Book aims to establish a standardized approach to lobectomy, utilizing a picture-based approach that shows the anatomy as it normally lies and how it changes after each step in the procedure. The
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