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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:愛卡  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2021/09/30 裝訂:平裝
★國內首見,以占星「四大天王」──月亮、太陽、上升與上升守護星切入解讀星盤的專書。★銜接基礎星座書與占星專業書籍的最佳教材。★由符號意義切入,詳解占星文法,幫助學習者直接掌握核心語彙,按部就班上手。★用故事說星盤,透過詳解案例看懂人生與星盤的對應,也看見人如何超脫命運,活出自我。很多時候,一旦明白了生活現狀背後的推動機制,便能莫名放下執著,自動從某個僵局中鬆綁…… ──愛卡/本書作者占星學無疑是當代風行的神祕學方法,理論上,要了解一個人,整張星盤都要看,然而星盤呈現的訊息如此浩瀚,解讀一張星盤要怎麼開始? 天王級占星前輩麗茲.格林(Liz Greene)與霍華.薩司波塔斯(Howard Sasportas),曾提到上升星座的特質會動員太陽與月亮,鋪起前往太陽星座道路,這在本書作者、資深占星師愛卡多年的經驗中屢屢得到驗證。愛卡的經驗顯示,人一生的發展可以說是從月亮(舒適習慣)經過上升星座與上升守護星(面對現實世界)而抵達太陽(成就內心英雄)的歷程,因此,由這「四大天王」──月亮、太陽、上升星座與上升守護星作為解讀星盤的切入點,能迅速掌握星盤主人重要的生命質地。在本書裡,愛卡透過十二個上升星座的真實故事,將她運用「四大天王」的豐富心得精彩演繹。她認為,學習占星的價值,是透過生命經驗與星盤訊息的交織對話,幫助自己與他人積極面對困境。一如愛卡所說:「有人說認識占星之後會變得宿命,仕途/戀愛/婚姻不順大概是因為星盤裡的某顆星長歪了……我卻認為,透過占星認識自己,會更有意識地知道生命的哪些樣貌是來自『原廠設定』,一旦跳脫設定,就能跳脫循環宿命……」‧夏荷,工廠老闆娘,獨立堅毅(上升牡羊),經歷中年喪夫的痛,轉而照顧全公司員工的健康(太陽巨蟹)……‧蘇芮緒,靈活的街頭小子(上升雙子),與人為善,開啟眾多合作契機(太陽天秤),正一步步光復家族榮耀……‧小虎,演奏家出身,卻善於事務性工作(上升處女),轉型成為策展人,推動台灣藝文活動重生,發揮更深影響力(太陽天蠍)……星盤記錄著生命,本書所提供的豐厚訊息與獨特方法,將幫助讀者找到學習的切入點,不僅掌握看懂星盤所需的知識,更透過十二個故事豐厚生命的體驗,看懂人生的起伏跌宕在星盤上的對應。如此,解讀星盤的過程彷如心靈煉金之旅,看清了人生際遇的真諦,也看見了解鎖困局的方向,從而我們能活得更像自
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
作者:麗茲‧格林; 霍華‧薩司波塔斯  出版社:心靈工坊文化  出版日:2024/09/25 裝訂:平裝
本書特色★ 有助深入了解太陽與月亮的本質。占星中的太陽與月亮永遠比我們想的更深、更廣。本書引領讀者透過神話、透過字源、透過榮格心理學深度認識太陽與月亮的象徵意涵,回歸兩大星體的本質與重要性。★ 透過問答促進思考、獲得新知並增加印象,也會忍不住研究自己的星盤。搶先一窺精彩問答:「我看到有好幾個人舉手。別問了,我很清楚其中會有人問:『日月同星座又會有什麼樣的表現?』對吧,我看到有人點頭。每次都會有人問這種問題。我要把這個問題刻在我的墓碑上,順便加上『空宮的意涵』,但這其實是很荒謬的問題,因為各位都很清楚,宮位絕對不會是空的,每個宮位都會有一個星座,也要考量守護該宮位的行星。」★ 收錄案例解析,幫助初學者學習、也幫助進階者提升解盤能力。收錄八張星盤,從個人星盤到祖孫三代星盤的解析,讓占星學習更加完整、全面。其中第三部的祖孫三代星盤比對探討,就中文占星書而言更是珍稀少見,絕對可滿足占星饕餮的求知欲!了解日、月作為人格特質的描述只是理解占星的起點,發展發光體象徵的能量,讓我們成為自己內在潛力的完美載具,才是我們能展現的最高成就。────麗茲‧格林、霍華‧薩司波塔斯 太陽與月亮,天空中最顯眼的兩個星體,在早期占星理論中稱為發光體,是「啟迪的引導者」,定義人們渴望之所在。太陽是動態的原則,其象徵意象會在生命各階段發展開來;月亮則是私密、本能的需求面向,對滋養生活不可或缺。探索太陽、月亮在占星、心理成長的意涵,對於認識自己來說,意義重大。 這本《發光體》是由心理占星界的天后天王────麗茲‧格林、霍華‧薩司波塔斯的講座編輯而成。他們妙語如珠、深入淺出,將太陽與月亮的神話地圖做了輻射梳理,引用史學、神話傳說與心理學理論,娓娓道出日、月的象徵意涵,更對生命本質作了撼人的探問,令人不時停下閱讀腳步檢視自身。 《發光體》也是一本從初學者到占星老手都值得珍藏的傑作。初學者可透過本書深化對日、月意涵的體認;對於老手而言,本書第三部端出的祖孫三代星盤比對探討,在中文占星書裡前無古人,而關於月相的討論,更完備了日、月占星的論述,滿足占星饕餮的求知欲。 生命往復變化(月亮),卻也存在著某種永不消逝的質地(太陽);在反覆又紛亂的生活中看見持續的召喚、邁向整合,是認識太陽與月亮的目的。當自身平衡了,生活中的起落都是成就自我的養分。專業推薦我經常告訴學生,如果在星盤裡迷路,月亮和太陽就是你回家的路
定價:580 元, 優惠價:79 458
作者:Kang  出版社:INDEPENDENT CAT  出版日:2024/12/10 裝訂:精裝
定價:1150 元, 優惠價:1 1150
East of the Sun and West of the Moon
作者:Rob Waring  出版社:東華書局  出版日:2016/01/01 裝訂:平裝
DescriptionEast of the Sun and West of the Moon Level 6-10Magice makes a prince become a white bear in the day but a man at night. Nina is happy living with the white bear, but she wants to see the ma
定價:155 元, 優惠價:95 147
作者:Pd Stewart  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/11/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:1500 元, 優惠價:1 1500
A Warm Letter from the Sun: The Heart Passed Through Clouds, Wind, and Forest
作者:Lily Moon  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/11/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:720 元, 優惠價:1 720
太陽和月亮躲在門裡Everything Under the Sun and Moon
作者:Cindy Wang王怡璇  出版社:田園城市文化  出版日:2019/10/31 裝訂:平裝
定價:460 元, 優惠價:9 414
Aristarchus of Samos: On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon:Greek Text, Translation, Analysis, and Relevant Scholia
作者:Christian C. Carman; Rodolfo P. Buzon  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/12/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:2729 元, 優惠價:9 2456
Our Universe series -Sun/Earth/Moon/Ocean/Mars/Our Planet/Pluto) (7本平裝本)
作者:Stacy McAnulty; Stevie Lewis  出版社:Henry Holt & Co  出版日:2023/03/01 裝訂:平裝
本套書包含以下7本平裝科普知識繪本With characteristic humor and charm, Stacy McAnulty channels the voice of Mars in this next celestial "autobiography" in the Our Universe series. Rich with kid-friendly facts and beautifully brought to life by Stevie Lewis, this is an equally charming and irresistible picture book.Pluto! : Not a Planet? Not a Problem! Pluto! is a light-hearted nonfiction picture book about the history of the dwarf planet seen through the eyes of Pluto itself. Hot diggity dog! Meet Pluto! The runt of a litter of eight planets. Pluto may not be the biggest or fastest planet to revolve around the Sun, but it has a unique story to tell. From the tale of how it was found by humans to its naming as a dwarf planet, it’s Pluto’s turn to take the spotlight and properly re-introduce itself.Ocean! Waves for AllFrom the author of Earth! My First 4.54 Billion Years comes a new picture book in the Our Universe series: a hilarious and fact-filled story about the formation and history of the Ocean―uni
庫存 > 10
定價:2203 元, 優惠價:37 799
Peekaboo Moon-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2021/09/02 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a gentle rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this adorable, comforting board book for babies and toddlers. With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is sure to become a favourite bedtime read. From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series.Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this delightful interactive book - and want to read it again and again. Also available: Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Love
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Isadora Moon系列成長橋梁書#9-15 (雙色印刷平裝本)(共7本)
作者:Harriet Muncaster  出版社:Oxford University Press  出版日:2022/06/02 裝訂:平裝
9780192772572 #9 Isadora Moon Makes Winter MagicIsadora loves playing in the snow, especially when her creations come to life! But snow magic can't last forever. Will she be able to save her new friends before they melt away?9780192771643 #10 Isadora Moon Goes on HolidayWhen Isadora wins an amazing holiday for her whole family she's ready for sun, sea, and sand! But there's work to be done when she and her mermaid friend Marina discover a baby turtle in trouble. Can Isadora help the turtle find a way home?9780192777188 #11 Isadora Moon Puts on a ShowIt's almost time for the vampire ball, and Isadora can't wait! There's just one problem: she's got to compete in a talent show with the other vampire children. Isadora's talents aren't very vampire-y, what if the audience laugh at her? The show must go on, but will Isadora be brave enough to perform. . . ?9780192773548 #12 Isadora Moon Meets the Tooth FairyIsadora has a wobbly tooth. Should she give her fang to her dad s
定價:2688 元, 優惠價:79 2124
The Lottery
作者:Shirley Jackson  出版社:Penguin Books Ltd  出版日:2022/08/25 裝訂:精裝
誰是抽中大獎的幸運兒?收錄這位南方哥德文學名家戰慄經典。一如傑克森的其他作品,以一貫的日常開頭,卻愈發不對勁,在精準入微的觀察及解剖刀般的銳利筆鋒下,眾生外皮下的人性顯露無遺。6月27日,天氣和煦,卻令人不寒而慄。Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil.Step into the unsettling world of Shirley Jackson with a collection of her finest, creepiest short stories, revealing the queen of American gothic at her mesmerising best. This selection includes 'The Lottery', Jackson's masterpiece and one of the most terrifying and iconic stories of the twentieth century. 'An amazing writer ...If yo
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Peekaboo Car-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/08/03 裝訂:硬頁書
A new vehicle-themed title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute car book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby and Peekaboo Lion
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Zoo-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2024/08/01 裝訂:硬頁書
Take a trip to the zoo in this new animal-themed title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders and a mirror!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love finding all the friendly zoo animals in this book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby, Peekaboo Pumpkin, Peekaboo Car, Peekaboo Lion, Peekaboo Santa, Peekaboo Dinosaur, Peekaboo Dog
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Chick-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/02/03 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, super-cute faces and a surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish interactive board book for babies and toddlers! With a total of 10 ingenious mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread. From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play and it's why the very youngest of children will love this adorable book - and want to read it again and again! Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo Moon
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Lion-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/05/04 裝訂:硬頁書
A new title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders and a host of safari animals!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute safari-themed book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick and Peekaboo Baby
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Baby-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/06/16 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where’s Mr? series.Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It’s why the very youngest of children will love this cute baby-themed book – and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon and Peekaboo Chick
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
How Our Solar System Began:The Planets, Their Moons and Beyond
作者:Aina Bestard  出版社:Thames & Hudson Ltd  出版日:2023/01/12 裝訂:精裝
A large format, beautifully designed book that takes readers on an incredible journey into space.We live in an amazing planetary system. From the yawning Valles Marineris on Mars and the ocean hiding beneath the ice crust of Jupiter's moon Europa, to the eerily Earth-like terrain of Saturn's moon Titan and the Sun's blazing corona, our solar system brims with wonders.This book takes children on a trip across the Solar System with the aid of marvellous illustrations, lift-up flaps and a comprehensive text that helps them understand the amazing variety of landscapes within our planetary system. Lift up the layers to discover how the Sun was formed and explore the amazing landscapes of our neighbouring planets. Readers will find out which moons are the most like the Earth, what Saturn's rings are made of, where comets come from, and what lies in the Kuiper Belt, outside the very edge of the solar system.
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:79 868
Peekaboo Santa-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2023/11/09 裝訂:硬頁書
A sparkling new Christmas title in the hit novelty series with multiple sliders!Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where's Mr? series. Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It's why the very youngest of children will love this cute Christmas-themed book - and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick, Peekaboo Baby, Peekaboo Pumpkin and Peekaboo Lion
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
Peekaboo Pumpkin-with 10 sliders and a mirror! (硬頁書)
作者:Camilla Reid; Ingela P Arrhenius  出版社:Nosy Crow UK  出版日:2022/09/15 裝訂:硬頁書
Easy-to-use peekaboo sliders, a funny rhyming text and surprise mirror ending combine in this stylish and interactive board book for babies and toddlers!With a total of 10 smooth mechanisms to push, pull or turn on every spread this beautiful book is packed full of Halloween fun!From Camilla Reid and Ingela P Arrhenius, the award-winning team behind the bestselling Felt Flaps Where’s Mr? series.Connecting with faces and playing peekaboo is one of the first games that babies play. It’s why the very youngest of children will love this cute Halloween-themed book – and want to read it again and again.Also available: Peekaboo Cow, Peekaboo Apple, Peekaboo Bear, Peekaboo Sun, Peekaboo Love, Peekaboo House, Peekaboo Moon, Peekaboo Chick and Peekaboo Baby
庫存 > 10
定價:439 元, 優惠價:75 329
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