《識字的用途》採用民族志的研究方法,集中解讀了工人階級文化的價值與意義,刻畫與勾勒了20世紀前半葉英國的社會與文化,尤其是工人階級文化的巨大變遷,試圖證明二戰前的英國工人階級社區是具有傳統的有機社會的色彩的,其中有一種典型的工人階級的“十分豐富多彩的生活”(the full rich life)。大眾娛樂的形式以及鄰里和家庭關係的社會實踐之間的聯繫構成了一種複雜的整體,其中的公共價值和私人實踐是緊密地交織在一起的。1957年,霍加特的《識字的用途》出版。該書被公認為是英國文化研究的奠基性文本。此後,霍加特便成為英國最著名的公共知識分子和文化批評家之一。他的作品挑戰了根深蒂固的學科與社會界線,提出了包括文學、大眾文化和公共政策在內的一系列主題。霍加特的著作和文章體現了他對於規範性問題和公共話語始終如一的廣泛參與,並給予當代關於文化、讀寫能力、公民教育和社會民主等論爭以滋養。
Fifty years after Richard Hoggart's pioneering volume TheUsesofLiteracy reshaped the educational response to popular culture, John Hartley extends Hoggart's argument into digital media by introduci
This pioneering work examines how mass media changed the lives and values ofthe English working class. Mixing personal memoir with social history and cultural critique, Hoggart's approaches to cultur
When a society becomes more affluent, does it lose other values? Are the skills that education and literacy gave millions wasted on consuming pop culture? Do the media coerce us into a world ofthe su
What is a 'contemporary' understanding ofliteracy practices? How can 'literacy' be explained and situated? This book addresses literacy practices research, understanding it as both material and spati
"What is a 'contemporary' understanding ofliteracy practices? How can 'literacy' be explained and situated? This book addresses literacy practices research, understanding it as both material and spat
At the heart of this book lies a reappraisal of humanities research and its use in understanding the conditions of a consumer-led society. This is an open, investigative, critical, scientific task as
Securing the hearts and minds of ‘dangerous’ populations is a major concern for governments across the world. Governing Literate Populations shows how ‘governmentalities’ have deployed education and l
Securing the hearts and minds of ‘dangerous’ populations is a major concern for governments across the world. Governing Literate Populations shows how ‘governmentalities’ have deployed education and l
This handbook marks the transformation ofthe topic ofliteracy from the narrower concerns with learning to read and write to an interdisciplinary enquiry into the various roles of writing and reading in the full range of social and psychological functions in both modern and developing societies. It does so by exploring the nature and development of writing systems, the relations between speech and writing, the history ofthe social usesof writing, the evolution of conventions of reading, the social and developmental dimensions of acquiring literate competencies, and, more generally, the conceptual and cognitive dimensions ofliteracy as a set of social practices. Contributors to the volume are leading scholars drawn from such disciplines as linguistics, literature, history, anthropology, psychology, the neurosciences, cultural psychology, and education.
This handbook marks the transformation ofthe topic ofliteracy from the narrower concerns with learning to read and write to an interdisciplinary enquiry into the various roles of writing and reading in the full range of social and psychological functions in both modern and developing societies. It does so by exploring the nature and development of writing systems, the relations between speech and writing, the history ofthe social usesof writing, the evolution of conventions of reading, the social and developmental dimensions of acquiring literate competencies, and, more generally, the conceptual and cognitive dimensions ofliteracy as a set of social practices. Contributors to the volume are leading scholars drawn from such disciplines as linguistics, literature, history, anthropology, psychology, the neurosciences, cultural psychology, and education.
The disk displays the work of a German research project by linking passages of text, images, spoken commentaries, and animated sequences of images to present results in a more concentrated and succinc
Brian Street's volume investigates the meanings and usesofliteracy in different cultures and societies. These largely ethnographic essays bring together anthropological and linguistic work written o
This 1998 collection of studies examines the use ofthe written word in Celtic-speaking regions of Europe between c. 400 and c. 1500. Building on previous work as well as presenting the fruits of much new research, the book seeks to highlight the interest and importance of Celtic usesofliteracy for the study of both medieval literacy generally and ofthe history and cultures ofthe Celtic countries in the Middle Ages. Among the topics discussed are theuses and significance of charter-writing, the interplay of oral and literate modes in the composition and transmission of medieval Irish and Welsh genealogies, prose narratives and poetry, the survival of Celtic culture in Brittany and of Gaelic literacy in eastern Scotland in the twelfth century, and pragmatic usesofliteracy in later medieval Wales.
Literacy and Development is a collection of case studies ofliteracy projects around the world.The contributors present their in-depth studies of everyday uses and meanings ofliteracy and ofthe lite