━━━━\ 專業+實用 /━━━━ 熱門 Podcast《業務用威士忌指南》主持人酒廠打工仔 David 專業審訂!臺灣第一本專屬威士忌愛好者的威士忌歷程+品飲筆記全書!━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━★ 隨書附贈「林口威士忌寶庫Whisky Treasury Linkou」精選單桶威士忌品飲兌換券三張。★ 經典德國皮紋、方背硬殼封面、精裝書裝訂、可攤平書寫,簡約設計發揮極致工藝之美。★ 特別收錄2024年臺灣新蒸餾所。想好好品飲/選購威士忌卻又不知從何開始?那就絕對不能錯過這本書!◎本書的前幾章會帶你快速掌握威士忌的歷史、基礎知識,還有實用的品飲教學。後半段則是專屬你的威士忌品飲筆記區,讓你能隨時記錄每一次的威士忌品飲心得。內容實用又有趣,無論你是剛入門的新手,還是有經驗的威士忌愛好者,都能從中找到樂趣。◎初次品嘗、購買威士忌的人,或許常有「店員跟我說這款酒有果香,怎麼喝不出來?」、「不是年分越高越好喝嗎?」、「這支酒這麼貴,但喝起來和便宜的並沒有什麼不同。」等疑惑。無需懷疑自己,當你掌握品飲威士忌的訣竅,就能選到最適合自己的那支酒。【本書內含】HOW TO USE THE 「Tasting Journal :《Whisky Journey: From History to Tasting》」(1)威士忌歷程:從歷史到品味・使用說明 / Instruction・威士忌簡史 / A little bit of whisky history・威士忌基礎知識 / From basic to classic・風味基礎知識 / Flavour 101・品飲教學 / Easy way to enjoy a perfect dram・簡稱及專有名詞 / Lingo decoded: whisky edition・品飲筆記 / Tasting notes・酒友聯絡簿 /Let's get tipsy again・個人資料 / Just in case(2)經典硬殼品飲筆記【Point 1‧高質感硬殼封面,耐磨保護性高】德國皮紋、方背硬殼封面,精裝書裝訂,書名及封面設計打凹突顯質感。簡約設計發揮極致工藝之美。【Point 2‧尺寸為好攜帶的口袋大小】11.5*18cm是最適合酒友攜帶及書寫的尺寸,可以隨身攜帶補充威士忌知識、隨時皆能記錄自己的品飲筆記。【Point 3‧書籍印刷以
Since 2002 (the year it appeared on export markets) Japanese whisky has been consistently winning major international spirits awards. As export production increases and export markets - the USA and Fr
This highly accessible and enjoyable guide is full of practical and fascinating information about how to enjoy whisky. All whisky styles are covered, including (just whisper it) blends. Along the way
Rooms of Their Own travels around the world, examining the unique spaces in which famous writers created their most notable work. Rooms of Their Own travels around the world, examining the unique spaces, habits and rituals in which famous writers created their most notable work. The perennial question asked of all authors is 'How do you write?'. What do they require of their room or desk? Do they have favourite pens, paper or typewriters? And have they found the perfect daily routine to channel their creativity? Crossing centuries, continents and genres, Alex Johnson has pooled 50 of the best writers and transports you to the heart of their writing rooms – from attics and studies to billiard rooms and bathtubs.Discover the ins and outs of how each great writer penned their famous texts, and the routines and habits they perfected. Meet authors who rely on silence and seclusion and others who need people, music and whisky. Meet those who travel half-way across the world to a luxury writi