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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:羅寶-漫畫; 桑原-編劇  出版社:奇幻基地  出版日:2024/05/02 裝訂:平裝
★紅衣小女孩影視製作公司最新奇幻重磅改編力作原著漫畫!★台灣LINE WEBTOON近4000萬瀏覽次數超人氣本土原創作品!擁有靈能感應的少年,意外死後來到靈界,竟成了引領亡者的「引路人」……使命引領靈體,前路命運未卜聽說人死了以後會變成靈魂,藉由引路人七爺八爺的牽引,去到另一個世界。然而,引路人的工作內容是什麼?另一個世界又是如何運轉呢?周聖于在一次意外中喪生,原本在陽世毫不起眼的他,因緣際會下步上了引路人之途。在前方等待他的,不只有台灣本土的神祇、妖怪,還有眾生百態的人生故事與悲歡離合……好評推薦——(按姓名筆劃排序)HOM|漫畫家Pony|漫畫家人桀|漫畫家千年雨|PTT Marvel版人氣作家林奕辰|漫畫家阿慢|漫畫家烏鴉小翼|漫畫家笭菁|華文靈異天后陳漢玲|台南應用科技大漫畫系助理教授謝東霖|漫畫家——✴✴✴——名家讚譽:引路人不只帶領了靈魂的去向,也藉由陰間的職人文化,與人們真摯的故事,讓我們品嘗生命中最純粹的感動。——漫畫家,HOM完美新譯台灣在地文化的熱血少年作品!大推!——漫畫家,人桀平時不太看條漫的我,也情不自禁地一話接一話往下滑,精彩細膩且扣人心弦的故事,不改編成電影或電視劇實在暴殄天物。——漫畫家,林奕辰很喜歡引路人裡面用台灣在地文化跟傳說,重新詮釋鬼怪跟神明的另一面,超喜歡!——漫畫家,阿慢充滿台灣本土文化的王道少年漫畫!必推!——漫畫家,烏鴉小翼因為字數限制,我只能告訴你,《引路人》很好看!如果要說詳細一點,不誇張,每個章節都可以寫小論文。除了冒險成長的王道熱血戰鬥,還有讓我噴淚的人情故事,不僅用想像力具現出神人鬼妖的世界,更以精巧的編劇將歷史民俗融入其中,讓娛樂與深度達到優秀的平衡,我很喜歡這套漫畫,也希望有更多人可以看到他!——漫畫家,謝東霖——✴✴✴——讀者熱推:推爆!!!讓我更了解了台灣本土的民俗人物設定與心境轉折還有成長都刻畫的很棒,性格描寫鮮明,每次都期待角色有什麼新的故事,喜歡了很久,劇情真的很棒,貼圖也是毫不猶豫就買了,引路人根本神作啊!——FB讀者,王守故事新穎,題材新鮮,台灣神明的故事,與我們息息相關,看了很有感。超級推薦!!!——FB讀者,艾蓮喜歡這個故事的畫風+劇情,內容取材非常非常用心,看了這部漫畫才認識好多民間鬼神文化,覺得很棒!!——FB讀者,妮又譨真的好喜歡引路人❤利用台灣在地文化,民間傳說讓我更認識自己生
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
作者:羅寶-漫畫; 桑原-編劇  出版社:奇幻基地  出版日:2024/05/02 裝訂:平裝
★紅衣小女孩影視製作公司最新奇幻重磅改編力作原著漫畫!★台灣LINE WEBTOON近4000萬瀏覽次數超人氣本土原創作品!擁有靈能感應的少年,意外死後來到靈界,竟成了引領亡者的「引路人」……使命引領靈體,前路命運未卜周聖于在七爺與八爺兩位師父的帶領下,開始跌跌撞撞的實習生生涯,他發現地府的一切都不如想像那樣簡單,仍然有各方勢力角逐與制衡,而人間生與死的距離時常只在一念之差。同時,傳聞中戰力高強,冷酷無情的「小王爺」也即將出現在他的面前……好評推薦——(按姓名筆劃排序)HOM|漫畫家Pony|漫畫家人桀|漫畫家千年雨|PTT Marvel版人氣作家林奕辰|漫畫家阿慢|漫畫家烏鴉小翼|漫畫家笭菁|華文靈異天后陳漢玲|台南應用科技大漫畫系助理教授謝東霖|漫畫家——✴✴✴——名家讚譽:引路人不只帶領了靈魂的去向,也藉由陰間的職人文化,與人們真摯的故事,讓我們品嘗生命中最純粹的感動。——漫畫家,HOM完美新譯台灣在地文化的熱血少年作品!大推!——漫畫家,人桀平時不太看條漫的我,也情不自禁地一話接一話往下滑,精彩細膩且扣人心弦的故事,不改編成電影或電視劇實在暴殄天物。——漫畫家,林奕辰很喜歡引路人裡面用台灣在地文化跟傳說,重新詮釋鬼怪跟神明的另一面,超喜歡!——漫畫家,阿慢充滿台灣本土文化的王道少年漫畫!必推!——漫畫家,烏鴉小翼因為字數限制,我只能告訴你,《引路人》很好看!如果要說詳細一點,不誇張,每個章節都可以寫小論文。除了冒險成長的王道熱血戰鬥,還有讓我噴淚的人情故事,不僅用想像力具現出神人鬼妖的世界,更以精巧的編劇將歷史民俗融入其中,讓娛樂與深度達到優秀的平衡,我很喜歡這套漫畫,也希望有更多人可以看到他!——漫畫家,謝東霖——✴✴✴——讀者熱推:推爆!!!讓我更了解了台灣本土的民俗人物設定與心境轉折還有成長都刻畫的很棒,性格描寫鮮明,每次都期待角色有什麼新的故事,喜歡了很久,劇情真的很棒,貼圖也是毫不猶豫就買了,引路人根本神作啊!——FB讀者,王守故事新穎,題材新鮮,台灣神明的故事,與我們息息相關,看了很有感。超級推薦!!!——FB讀者,艾蓮喜歡這個故事的畫風+劇情,內容取材非常非常用心,看了這部漫畫才認識好多民間鬼神文化,覺得很棒!!——FB讀者,妮又譨真的好喜歡引路人❤利用台灣在地文化,民間傳說讓我更認識自己生長的這塊土地,傳遞社會該重視的議題,給予正面能量。——
定價:399 元, 優惠價:9 359
Below Stairs ─ The Classic Kitchen Maid's Memoir That Inspired "Upstairs, Downstairs" and "Downton Abbey"
作者:Margaret Powell  出版社:St Martins Pr  出版日:2013/01/15 裝訂:平裝
Brilliantly evoking the long-vanished world of masters and servants portrayed in Downton Abbey and Upstairs, Downstairs, Margaret Powell’s classic memoir of her time in service, Below Stairs, is the r
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
The Houdini Inheritance:From bestselling author of LETTERS FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE
作者:Emma Carroll  出版社:Faber & Faber  出版日:2024/07/04 裝訂:平裝
Magic shows and mysteries abound in this showstopping new standalone from a bestselling author who has sold close to a million copies of these middle-grade adventures! The English seaside, 1920sA world famous escape artist . . .A suitcase full of secrets . . .And a death-defying stunt . . .When Harry Houdini comes to visit the seaside town of Sidford-on-Sea, Glory and her friend Dennis are first in-line to see him. He is there to perform a daring trick: he will jump off the town pier in chains, pitching himself into the water below. But when Glory outsmarts the infamous Houdini, she is suddenly sucked into his world, and finds herself tasked with looking after his precious trunk - the one that contains all his secrets.With Houdini in danger, Glory and Dennis are thrown deep into an adventure that takes them all the way to Coney Island in America, and the dark underbelly of its amusement parks . . .'Utterly thrilling.' Abi Elphinstone'Magical.' Katya Balen'An absolute cracker.' Hilary M
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
The Underland: A Branches Book (The Last Firehawk #11)(平裝本)
作者:Katrina Charman; Judit Tondora  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2022/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Tag, Skyla, and Blaze must travel to a new land to save Perodia, in this action-packed fantasy series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter book line, Branches, aimed at newly independent readers. With easy-to-read text, high-interest content, fast-paced plots, and illustrations on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and stamina. Branches books help readers grow!Tag and Skyla have returned to Perodia to begin their warrior training. But when their friend Blaze returns with troubling news that her mother has gone missing, Tag and Skyla’s warrior skills are quickly put to the test. To find Blaze’s mother, the friends must travel to a creepy world below the ground called The Underland. There, they meet a terrible new enemy: a king rat named Skull, who has his own big plans for Perodia! Will the friends be able to defeat this new enemy? Or will The Shadow return to Perodia once again…This fully illustrated series makes a great introd
定價:228 元, 優惠價:75 171
Animal Homes : A lift-the-flap book of discovery
作者:Libby Walden; Clover Robin  出版社:Caterpillar UK  出版日:2019/08/08 裝訂:硬頁書
Welcome to the wonderful world of animal homes, incredible habitats where creatures rest high above our heads, and where burrowing beasts dig deep into the earth below our feet. Lift the flaps in this beautifully illustrated book to uncover some astonishing homes and the animals that live within.
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Wrecked:A Deep Dive into the World's Most Famous Shipwrecks
作者:Rebecca Siegel; Howard Gray  出版社:Hachette Children's Group  出版日:2025/03/27 裝訂:精裝
Take a journey deep below the waves, down to the seabed and explore some of the most famous shipwrecks, including the Titanic, the Odysseus and the Endurance...There are over three million shipwrecks on Earth. They are many things at once: memorials to lives lost, science experiments, treasure chests, works of art, and home to millions of living creatures.They are time machines, allowing modern explorers a glimpse into the past.From spacecraft and fighter planes to exploration vessels, merchant ships and cruise liners, discover the gripping stories of conflict and courage behind some of the world's most iconic shipwrecks.With stunning illustrations from natural history illustrator Howard Gray, this is a fascinating visual exploration into the incredible world of shipwrecks.Contains the following shipwrecks: the SS Eduard Bohlen, the Endurance, USS Kittiwake, Nanhai One, Clotilda, Titanic, the Odysseus, HMS Victoria, HMAS Sydney, HSK Cormoran and Vasa.
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 737
#23: I Survived the Great Alaska Earthquake, 1964 (I Survived)
作者:Lauren Tarshis  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2023/11/07 裝訂:平裝
The Great Alaska Earthquake is the largest and most powerful recorded earthquake in US history. Lauren Tarshis's story of one child surviving this terrifying natural disaster pounds with page-turning action and heartwarming hope.It was 1964 in the brand-new state of Alaska, a vast land of staggering beauty and heart-stopping dangers. Eleven-year-old Jack had grown up living happily with his parents in an off-the-grid cabin, miles from their closest neighbors. Grizzlies and wolves outnumbered people, and dark winter days were 30 degrees below zero. Jack had always thought of himself as strong -- “Alaska tough”. But then the most powerful earthquake in American history -- the Good Friday Earthquake -- struck.The 9.2 magnitude quake lasted nearly five minutes, destroying downtown Anchorage and sending 30-foot tsunamis into coastal cities, wiping out entire communities. Its vibrations were felt around the world. In the end, it caused billions of dollars in damage and the death of 129 peopl
庫存 > 10
定價:266 元, 優惠價:75 199
Illuminoceans:Dive deep into the ocean with your magic three-colour lens (英國版)
作者:Barbara Taylor; Carnovsky  出版社:Wide Eyed Editions  出版日:2023/10/05 裝訂:精裝
The ocean is a big, mysterious place. With the magic three-colour lens included in Illuminoceans, shed some light on the darkest depths of our watery world, and encounter the creatures, seascapes and surprising underwater features of all of Earth's oceans. From the mighty Pacific to the polar seas, Illuminoceans takes readers on a journey of discovery through the most mysterious environments known to science.Meet majestic mammals like blue whales, orcas and dolphins, shoals of colourful fish, and whole oceans full of weird and wonderful reptiles, plants and tentacled titans. With your lens in hand, explore the worlds of wonder hidden just below the surface. Your red lens will uncover the fish from each habitat, from the beautiful but deadly lionfish to the gentle giant, the whale shark.Use your blue lens to meet the other creatures that call the oceans home, including the elusive giant squid and fearsome leopard seal. The green lens sheds light on the environments in which these
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:79 869
Adventures with Land Animals
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2021/08/25 裝訂:平裝
從地面上到地底下──在本書中可以身歷其境地接觸20多名來自不同棲息地的居民!我們為什麼要欣賞蚯蚓?環尾狐猴想告訴我們什麼?是什麼讓非洲塞倫蓋提(Serengeti)的牛羚穿越鱷魚出沒的水域?與紅蟹一起漫遊聖誕島,小心袋鼠強而有力的拳腳,跟白掌長臂猿一起在樹梢上盪鞦韆!從寒冷的山區到乾旱的沙漠,從茂密的森林到廣闊的草原,一起體驗壯觀的陸地動物世界吧!Adventures with Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats on — and below! — the ground. Why should you appreciate the earthworm? What's the ring-tailed lemur trying to say? What makes the Serengeti wildebeest cross crocodile-infested waters? Roam Christmas Island with the red crab. Stay clear of the kangaroo's powerful kick. And swing in the treetops with the white-handed gibbon! From icy mountains to arid deserts, and from dense forests to open grasslands, experience the spectacular world of land animals as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
作者:Patricia Hegarty; Britta Teckentrup  出版社:Little Tiger Press UK  出版日:2017/09/07 裝訂:精裝
Have you ever wondered why the moon shines in the night-time sky? As the moon waxes and wanes above, the world below is full of busy night-time creatures; from turtles laying their eggs on white sandy
定價:659 元, 優惠價:79 521
Adventures with Land Animals
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2021/08/25 裝訂:精裝
從地面上到地底下──在本書中可以身歷其境地接觸20多名來自不同棲息地的居民!我們為什麼要欣賞蚯蚓?環尾狐猴想告訴我們什麼?是什麼讓非洲塞倫蓋提(Serengeti)的牛羚穿越鱷魚出沒的水域?與紅蟹一起漫遊聖誕島,小心袋鼠強而有力的拳腳,跟白掌長臂猿一起在樹梢上盪鞦韆!從寒冷的山區到乾旱的沙漠,從茂密的森林到廣闊的草原,一起體驗壯觀的陸地動物世界吧!Adventures with Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats on — and below! — the ground. Why should you appreciate the earthworm? What's the ring-tailed lemur trying to say? What makes the Serengeti wildebeest cross crocodile-infested waters? Roam Christmas Island with the red crab. Stay clear of the kangaroo's powerful kick. And swing in the treetops with the white-handed gibbon! From icy mountains to arid deserts, and from dense forests to open grasslands, experience the spectacular world of land animals as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Adventures with More Land Animals精裝
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《與更多陸地動物一起冒險》身臨其境的接觸20多個不同棲息地的居民。鹿角和牛角有什麼區別?為什麼樹懶的行動如此緩慢?你能發現黑豹的……斑點嗎?在螞蟻大軍中前進。來一次公路旅行,驚嘆於駝鹿的魅力,與椰子蟹搏鬥,還遇見令人難忘的長鼻猴!從北極荒野到安第斯山脈,從遙遠的草原到隔壁的花園,比以往更近距離地認識更多的陸地動物!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with More Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats above and below ground. What's the difference between antlers and horns? Why does the sloth move so slowly? Can you spot the black panther's ... spots? March in an army of ants. Take a road trip to marvel at the moose. Wrestle with the coconut crab. And meet the unforgettable proboscis monkey! From the Arctic wilderness to the Andean Mountains, and from faraway grasslands to gardens next door, experience more land animals up closer than ever before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Winter Sleep: A Hibernation Story
作者:Sean Taylor; Alex Morss; Cinyee Chiu  出版社:Aurum Press  出版日:2021/09/07 裝訂:平裝
In this cozy bedtime story, follow a child and his grandma through a winter landscape to explore how the Earth goes to sleep for winter. Spot the sleeping animals as the tale unfolds, then learn about their hibernation habits from the information pages at the end. Co-authors Sean Taylor (picture book author) and Alex Morss (ecologist, journalist, and educator) offer a gentle introduction to the concept of hibernation.In the frosty, quiet forest, the snow blankets the ground and the trees have shed their leaves. Where have all the animals gone? Are they asleep too? In each cutaway scene, see what the child cannot - that underground below his feet are dens with sleeping creatures, and within the hollow trunks of trees, animals are nesting. After the story, annotated illustrations explain the hibernation facts for each animal and what they will do when they wake up for spring.Cozy up as you expand your and your child's knowledge of the natural world.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Spin to Survive: Pirate Peril
作者:Emily Hawkins; Ruby Fresson  出版社:Wide Eyed Editions  出版日:2023/09/07 裝訂:精裝
The third book in the unique Spin to Survive series takes you centuries into the past and onto the high seas, where you will cross swords with swashbuckling scoundrels and mutinous marauders. Your father, the good-hearted pirate Captain Samuel Swift, has entrusted you with his cutlass and the tattered map leading to his buried treasure. But this is the Caribbean in the 18th century; danger is on the horizon, just below the surface, and perhaps even on board your very own ship...Will you head out to search for the treasure, sign on with a crew of pirate-hunters, or embark on the riskiest course of all: joining forces with the pirates who betrayed your father? With your trusty Survival Spinner (included), make your choice and spin to survive. Flip back and forth through the book as you play through a new adventure with every read, where each scenario might lead to certain death, fame and fortune, or any number of unexpected surprises. On every page, explore a lawless world where ruthless
定價:1100 元, 優惠價:79 869
Adventures with More Land Animals
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《與更多陸地動物一起冒險》身臨其境的接觸20多個不同棲息地的居民。鹿角和牛角有什麼區別?為什麼樹懶的行動如此緩慢?你能發現黑豹的……斑點嗎?在螞蟻大軍中前進。來一次公路旅行,驚嘆於駝鹿的魅力,與椰子蟹搏鬥,還遇見令人難忘的長鼻猴!從北極荒野到安第斯山脈,從遙遠的草原到隔壁的花園,比以往更近距離地認識更多的陸地動物!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with More Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats above and below ground. What's the difference between antlers and horns? Why does the sloth move so slowly? Can you spot the black panther's ... spots? March in an army of ants. Take a road trip to marvel at the moose. Wrestle with the coconut crab. And meet the unforgettable proboscis monkey! From the Arctic wilderness to the Andean Mountains, and from faraway grasslands to gardens next door, experience more land animals up closer than ever before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
inFact Level 1: Under Our Feet
作者:Charlotte Raby  出版社:Oxford Reading Tree UK  出版日:2016/09/08 裝訂:平裝
Discover more about the world under our feet. Beneath a tree live moles, rabbits and earthworms. Under bustling cities people visit shops and park their cars. Trains travel above and below the ground,
定價:275 元, 優惠價:79 217
Elephant and Piggie Collection (8平裝套書)(英國版)
作者:Mo Willems  出版社:Walker Books  出版日:2015/02/25 裝訂:平裝
兩個超級好朋友的故事,8本平裝本合輯Discover the wonderful world of Mo Willems with these 8 delightfully humorous tales for beginner readers.Includes below 8 books:1. Today I will FlyIn Today I will Fly! Piggie wa
庫存 > 10
定價:4400 元, 優惠價:23 999
Minecraft: Heart of Cobblestone Volume 1 (Graphic Novel)
作者:Andrew Clemson; Jeremy Lawson  出版社:Dark Horse Comics U.S.  出版日:2024/10/15 裝訂:平裝
Build skyward in this brand new graphic novel set in the world of Minecraft!Farmer Cobb likes to keep his crops as neat as possible, which is frustrating when he has neighbors who like to chow down on his fresh produce without asking and villagers who can’t stop themselves from planting potatoes in his field without rhyme or reason. After a rough encounter with an Enderman he finally decides to get as far away from everyone and everything as he can . . . building a tower up into the sky!When a stranger shows up on his new sky island and reveals a whole town full of people who desired peace and quiet just like Cobb, he accepts an invitation to join the town of like-minded hermits and moves onto a plot they so generously give him. But he learns that his neighbors in the sky might be even more disruptive than those on the ground. As tensions rise sky high, he is reminded that he didn’t just have neighbors down below, but caring friends. Friends he may need to protect.Join writer Andrew Cl
庫存 > 10
定價:418 元, 優惠價:79 330
The World Below ─ A Novel
作者:Sue Miller  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2002/08/01 裝訂:平裝
The questions, discussion topics, and suggestions for further reading that follow are designed to enhance your group's reading of Sue Miller's The World Below , a moving, often surprising exploration
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
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