當克雷科設計的病毒大爆發如洪水來襲後,幾乎毀掉地球上所有的人類,一處處廢墟重新為植物覆蓋,新種生物恣意橫行……當代文學女王、《使女的故事》作者瑪格麗特.愛特伍耗時十年,巔峰時期代表作!《使女的故事》製作公司 Hulu 即將改編電視影集這故事講的完全是此時此刻。──《每日郵報》 ★《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》最受注目好書★2011年都柏林文學獎入圍 共同推薦:馮品佳|交通大學外文系終身講座教授、醫療人文跨領域研究中心主任伍軒宏|文學評論者、作家李屏瑤|作家紀大偉|作家、學者郭強生|作家、學者陳栢青|作家駱以軍|作家...在近未來的世界,文明極度發展,世界被一些彼此競爭的高科技生物公司所控制,它們開發各種免疫和抗病毒藥物,在動物身上進行基因嫁接試驗,以培育供人類移植用的器官,甚至蓄意研發病毒,然後再提供藥品以牟取暴利。在網路色情和電腦遊戲中長大的「克雷科」,是一個危險的天才,大學畢業後在一家大公司主持一個研發長生不老藥物的項目,也許是出於對人類墮落的絕望,克雷科在藥物中暗藏了一種病毒,當克雷科所設計的病毒大爆發如洪水來襲後,幾乎毀掉地球上所有的人類,一處處廢墟重新為植物覆蓋,新種生物恣意橫行。人類在騷亂中走向毀滅,只留下克雷科兒時的朋友「雪人」,在世界的廢墟上孤獨地生活著。故事在第一部《劍羚與秧雞》畫下尾聲,到了第二部《洪水之年》轉至完全不同的視角,原來人類並未完全毀滅,除了「雪人」之外,倖存的人類還有「上帝之園丁會」的成員。那場被稱為「無水之洪」的大瘟疫發生之前,領袖「亞當一」仿效諾亞方舟,致力保全所有生命,建立了「屋頂崖伊甸園」,試圖找出新的烏托邦,但他們也只能眼睜睜看著毀滅降臨。幸運存活的人,孤伶伶面對這個世界,曾為園丁的桃碧,試圖以書寫抵抗死之欲望,並漸漸找到其他倖存者芮恩,背景性格完全不同的兩名女子,各自在命運牽引下加入早已預言毀滅終將到來的園丁會。究竟她們眼中的末日為何種樣貌?而當那時刻來臨時,她們又會以什麼方式面對?在這令人驚嘆的三部曲小說中,愛特伍再次將我們帶入了一個既熟悉又超出我們想像的近未來世界。愛特伍以她一貫犀利敏銳的筆觸、豐富多元的敘事策略,呈現了一個令人震撼的荒誕世界,反思人類對自然的破壞,更深入挖掘了兩性、自然與文化之間的衝突,以及一個秩序崩壞的世界中人類的生存危機。這三部曲以瘟疫和基因工程塑造的黑暗未來為背景,將我們從世界的盡頭,帶至一
看漫畫學科普Science Comics新書,以冒險故事的形式,帶讀者深入認識禿鷹、老鷹等擁有利爪、具有速度的掠食性鳥類。除了介紹動物習性、食物鏈位置高低,同時圖文相輔解釋生字。Spread your wings with Science Comics: Birds of Prey, the latest volume of First Second's middle grade nonfiction series!Every volume of Science Comics offers a complete introduction to a particular topic―dinosaurs, the solar system, volcanoes, bats, robots, and more. Whether you're a fourth grader doing a natural science unit at school or a thirty-year-old with a secret passion for airplanes, these books are for you!In this book, you’ll meet some of the world’s most skilled hunters up close and personal, from the majestic eagle to the oft-maligned scavenger vulture! Armed with razor-sharp claws, keen eyesight, powerful wings, and killer instincts, these stealthy predators can make a meal of rodents, fish, snakes, lizards, monkeys, and even kangaroos! Discover how these amazing birds, who are often at the top of the food chain, play an integral role in many different ecosystems around the world.
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Salt to the Sea and Between Shades of Gray comes a gripping, extraordinary portrait of love, silence, and secrets under a Spanish dictatorship.Madrid, 1957. Under the fascist dictatorship of General Francisco Franco, Spain is hiding a dark secret. Meanwhile, tourists and foreign businessmen flood into Spain under the welcoming promise of sunshine and wine. Among them is eighteen-year-old Daniel Matheson, the son of an oil tycoon, who arrives in Madrid with his parents hoping to connect with the country of his mother's birth through the lens of his camera. Photography--and fate--introduce him to Ana, whose family's interweaving obstacles reveal the lingering grasp of the Spanish Civil War--as well as chilling definitions of fortune and fear. Daniel's photographs leave him with uncomfortable questions amidst shadows of danger. He is backed into a corner of difficult decisions to protect those he loves. Lives and hearts collide, revealing a
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