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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:凱倫・海勒  出版社:悅知  出版日:2024/05/10 裝訂:平裝
應用色彩心理學的國際領導人物──凱倫・海勒Karen Haller獻給每個人的「自信色彩聖經」,以美好色調來革新日常、取悅自己!★英國《星期日泰晤士報》年度設計好書★亞馬遜4.5顆星好評,提供最實用的色彩靈感★各國色彩設計專業人士好評,已售出18國版權★設計及流行產業專業人士必備色彩圖鑑★易懂的色彩原理及應用,第一本為個人打造的色彩使用指南★國際品牌指定商業色彩形象大師,合作品牌有:英國百年老店瑪莎百貨(Marks & Spencer)、知名品牌「多芬」(Dove)、全球市占率最高塗料品牌「得利」(Dulux)「我開始見證色彩所帶來的轉變能量,以及色彩如何為生活與工作空間、企業行號與個人生活帶來超乎想像的改變。色彩並不只是一種妝點,而是人人手邊最簡便的工具,用來提升正面情緒、改善生活,而且只需要一下子便能完成。色彩能讓人覺得與自己、身邊的人有所連結。當我們與他人產生連結,便較能感到愉快,便能過著更開心滿足的生活。當你喜歡色彩,色彩也會同樣回饋你。」──作者凱倫・海勒【第一本為個人打造的色彩使用指南】◎超準確色彩人格測驗 ◎配色不踩雷色彩屬性表格大全 ◎超有趣色彩冷知識◎歷史、文化及語言學的色彩理論◎情感行銷及產品定位◎美好典藏精裝本【你有以下配色煩惱嗎?此書就是你必備的色彩字典!】◎身處設計、流行產業,卻是配色苦手◎不確定自己的設計風格,對於顏色選擇不知所措◎萬年只穿白上衣、黑褲等安全牌,深怕用錯顏色◎東西買回家才發現根本和自己、家中風格都不搭◎想為生活創造更多色彩,卻不知起點為何◎想跟隨流行趨勢,卻找不到適合色調來建立自我風格色彩不只是妝點日常,而是改善生活最必要的美麗工具!◆色彩的文化奧祕色彩影響我們的感覺、思想和行為,此書從科學、歷史、語言學、心理學等各面向探索色彩的祕密,例如:我們為何喜歡或討厭特定的色彩、粉紅色和藍色為何會成為女孩和男孩的代表色,而藍莓根本是紫色的。◆色彩設計翻轉人生有趣的「色彩人格測驗」讓你找到專屬的色彩組合,瞭解自己及他人潛意識下的私密面向,也透過合適的色彩搭配增強信心、舒緩身心;提供各生活場域運用色彩的實用技巧,讓你盡情翻轉、設計自己的人生。◆色彩創造美好生活色彩可應用至生活各種層面,從居家設計、辦公室布置、衣著穿搭出發,改善生活中的色調也同時修補你的情緒,日子只會變得更有動力、身心更健康,創造多采多姿的幸福人生,各種地點、時
定價:580 元, 優惠價:9 522
The Colour Monster (Pop-up)
作者:Anna Llenas  出版社:Templar Publishing  出版日:2015/08/01 裝訂:立體書
A fun, bright pop-up book about a monster who explores colour through his emotions. The story of a sweet little monster who wants help from his friend to understand the feelings he experiences. On eac
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
Super Happy Magic Forest and the Humongous Fungus:NOW IN COLOUR!
作者:Matty Long  出版社:OUP Oxford  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:平裝
SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST ADVENTURES NOW IN COLOUR! Winner of The Sheffield Children's Book Award Emerging Reads category winner and Overall Winner 2021A Super Happy Magic Forest chapter book packed with illustrations and plenty of humour-this is the perfect read for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants (6+). Fun-filled frolics from award-winning author Matty Long. The Super Happy Magic Forest is the friendliest, most frolic-filled place in all the world, but very occasionally some evil-doer likes to come along and disturb the peace.That's when our five brave heroes to step up to save the day-there's Blossom the unicorn, Twinkle the pixie, Herbert the gnome, Hoofius the faun, and a plucky little mushroom called Trevor. In Super Happy Magic Forest and the Humongous Fungus the heroes of the forest must fight against Fungellus the evil mushroom. Prepare for epic adventures, the odd picnic-break, and plenty of fun-filled frolics!For more laugh-out-loud adventures with the Super Happy Magi
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Little People, BIG DREAMS: Iris Apfel
作者:Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara  出版社:Frances Lincoln Childrens Books  出版日:2021/08/03 裝訂:精裝
In this book from the critically acclaimed, multimillion-copy bestselling Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Iris Apfel, the vivacious (and accidental) fashion icon. Growing up in Queens, New York, little Iris was the only child at family events. Her grandmother would open a giant bag of fabric, filled with every colour and pattern, and let her play with fabric scraps.This inspired a lifelong love of fashion. Famous for her eclectic style, built around oversized glasses, bright colours and bold jewellery, Iris was the subject of an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art when she was just 84 years young. This inspiring book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the style icon's life.Little People, BIG DREAMS is a bestselling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists an
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
I'm a Little Scientist Series (Set 3)
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/30 裝訂:平裝
《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
定價:1156 元, 優惠價:9 1040
My Little Pony: Colouring with Friends
作者:Egmont Publishing UK  出版社:Egmont Books UK  出版日:2020/08/06 裝訂:平裝
Bring the magical world of Equestria to life with a splash of colour and imagination. Get creative and discover all your favourite My Little Pony pals in this vibrant colouring book. With a mix of bot
定價:384 元, 優惠價:55 211
Leonardo Da Vinci Coloring Book
作者:Inge Sauer  出版社:Prestel UK  出版日:2011/08/09 裝訂:平裝
Big art for little hands, these enchanting activity books allow young artists to explore the world's masterpieces on their own terms and with plenty of space to colour outside the lines. ILLUSTRATION
定價:329 元, 優惠價:9 296
The Time Garden: A magical journey and colouring book
作者:Daria Song  出版社:Ebury Press UK  出版日:2015/07/23 裝訂:平裝
Immerse yourself in the magical adventures of a little girl as she travels across an enchanted globe. Bring colour to her world and customise her adventures with your own doodles as the author invites
定價:824 元, 優惠價:55 453
Shaun the Sheep Movie - Flock in the City Sticker Activity Book
作者:Aardman Animations Ltd  出版社:Walker Books  出版日:2014/12/04 裝訂:平裝
A must-have for Shaun fans, this sticker activity book puts readers right in the middle of the film's events!When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he baa-gained for! Shaun's mischief accidentally causes the Farmer to be taken away from the farm, so it's up to Shaun and the flock travel to the Big City to rescue him. In this book, readers can help Shaun solve all his predicaments. It features an assortment of activities and puzzles, such as a maze, drawing exercises, a crossword, connect-the-dots and more. Includes 100-plus full-colour stickers.商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
定價:274 元, 優惠價:79 216
I Can Change the World... with the Flick of a Switch
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
Poon Sing正要出去和朋友們一起踢足球,但媽媽阻止了他。Poon Sing在離開家之前忘了什麼呢?跟Poon Sing和他的媽媽一起發現,Poon Sing的一個小動作是如何對我們的世界的永續性產生巨大影響的。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Poon Sing was about to go out and play soccer with his friends when his mother stopped him. What had Poon Sing forgotten to do before leaving? And why did it matter? Follow Poon Sing and his mother as they discover just how one little action from him could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
I Can Change the World... with the Turn of a Tap精裝
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:精裝
Wendy和Sarah準備去學校時,兩姊妹在浴室裡發生了爭吵。她們究竟為了什麼爭吵呢?跟著Wendy和Sarah一同探索,一個小動作如何對世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Wendy and Sarah were preparing to go to school when they got into a tiff in the bathroom. What did they disagree about? And why did it matter? Follow Wendy and Sarah as they explore how one little action from them could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
I Can Change the World... with the Choice of My Food精裝
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:精裝
平日他像是一名「美食部落客」,樂於在社群媒體上分享他最愛的食物照片......但在週末,他會化身為鄰里的環保鬥士──「惜食先生」,追捕正在浪費珍貴食物的人。跟著「惜食先生」,他將向我們介紹,我們的一個小動作如何對世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。He is Mr Food Snapper on weekdays, a food enthusiast who shares photographs of his favourite food on social media ... and Mr Food Saver on weekends, our neighbourhood eco-warrior on the prowl for people wasting precious food. Follow Mr Food Saver as he explains how one little action from us could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
I Can Change the World... with the Choice of My Food
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
平日他像是一名「美食部落客」,樂於在社群媒體上分享他最愛的食物照片......但在週末,他會化身為鄰里的環保鬥士──「惜食先生」,追捕正在浪費珍貴食物的人。跟著「惜食先生」,他將向我們介紹,我們的一個小動作如何對世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。He is Mr Food Snapper on weekdays, a food enthusiast who shares photographs of his favourite food on social media ... and Mr Food Saver on weekends, our neighbourhood eco-warrior on the prowl for people wasting precious food. Follow Mr Food Saver as he explains how one little action from us could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
I Can Change the World... with the Turn of a Tap
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
Wendy和Sarah準備去學校時,兩姊妹在浴室裡發生了爭吵。她們究竟為了什麼爭吵呢?跟著Wendy和Sarah一同探索,一個小動作如何對世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Wendy and Sarah were preparing to go to school when they got into a tiff in the bathroom. What did they disagree about? And why did it matter? Follow Wendy and Sarah as they explore how one little action from them could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
I Can Change the World... with the Toss of a Bottle精裝
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:精裝
Prakash小姐和Sohn先生帶著他們的學生進行戶外考察時,眼尖的Sohn先生看到一群青少年準備把瓶子扔到不對的地方,他大喊「不能這樣做!」這些青少年把瓶子扔到了哪裡?他們應該怎麼辦呢?跟隨著Prakash小姐和Sohn先生的腳步,並教會我們:我們的一個小動作會對我們的世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn were with their class on a field trip when the sharp-eyed Mr Sohn saw a group of teenagers about to toss their bottles in the wrong place. "Don't do it!" Where were the teenagers tossing the bottles and what should they have done? Follow Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn as they teach us how one little action from us could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
I Can Change the World... with the Toss of a Bottle
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:平裝
Prakash小姐和Sohn先生帶著他們的學生進行戶外考察時,眼尖的Sohn先生看到一群青少年準備把瓶子扔到不對的地方,他大喊「不能這樣做!」這些青少年把瓶子扔到了哪裡?他們應該怎麼辦呢?跟隨著Prakash小姐和Sohn先生的腳步,並教會我們:我們的一個小動作會對我們的世界的永續性產生巨大的影響。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn were with their class on a field trip when the sharp-eyed Mr Sohn saw a group of teenagers about to toss their bottles in the wrong place. "Don't do it!" Where were the teenagers tossing the bottles and what should they have done? Follow Ms Prakash and Mr Sohn as they teach us how one little action from us could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
I Can Change the World... with the Flick of a Switch精裝
作者:Ronald Wai Hong Chan  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:精裝
Poon Sing正要出去和朋友們一起踢足球,但媽媽阻止了他。Poon Sing在離開家之前忘了什麼呢?跟Poon Sing和他的媽媽一起發現,Poon Sing的一個小動作是如何對我們的世界的永續性產生巨大影響的。《我可以改變世界I Can Change the World...》該系列的每冊都包含一個創意故事,強調個人行動對永續環境的重要性。透過引人入勝的敘述和全彩插圖,《我是小小科學家I’m a Little Scientist》系列向孩子們介紹激勵人心且不斷發展的科學世界。Poon Sing was about to go out and play soccer with his friends when his mother stopped him. What had Poon Sing forgotten to do before leaving? And why did it matter? Follow Poon Sing and his mother as they discover just how one little action from him could make a huge difference to the sustainability of our world.Every book in the I Can Change the World... collection contains a creative story that highlights the importance of individual action on environmental sustainability. Through engaging narratives and full-colour illustrations, the I'm a Little Scientist series introduces children to the exciting and ever-advancing world of science.
庫存 > 10
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
Let's Discover Our Seashores, Singapore!: Exploring the Amazing Creatures Found on Our Seashores, with One of Singapore's Foremost Marine Biologists!
作者:Loke Ming Chou  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/05/27 裝訂:平裝
你知道其實海岸邊充滿各種生命和奇蹟嗎?只要我們沿著海灘漫步時睜大眼睛,就會有令人意想不到的發現!書中透過精采的攝影和插圖相互配合,內容由新加坡權威海洋學家鄒樂明Chou Loke Ming教授與學前教育家Diana Chou合著,將和小讀者們分享有關海岸創造奇蹟,以及為什麼要保護這些珍貴的生物們。那麼,你準備好開始跟我們一起發現新加坡海濱了嗎?Hello, little readers! Did you know that seashores are full of life and wonder? We can encounter fascinating discoveries unexpectedly, if we keep our eyes open as we walk along the beach.In this full-colour book, through an exciting combination of photography and illustration, Professor Emeritus Chou Loke Ming and co-author, preschool educator Diana Chou, will share marvellous facts about the amazing wonders of creation at the seashores. They will tell you why it is important to protect these precious organisms.So, are you ready to start? Let's Discover Our Seashores, Singapore!
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
Let's Discover Our Seashores, Singapore!: Exploring the Amazing Creatures Found on Our Seashores, with One of Singapore's Foremost Marine Biologists!精裝
作者:Loke Ming Chou  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/05/26 裝訂:精裝
你知道其實海岸邊充滿各種生命和奇蹟嗎?只要我們沿著海灘漫步時睜大眼睛,就會有令人意想不到的發現!書中透過精采的攝影和插圖相互配合,內容由新加坡權威海洋學家鄒樂明Chou Loke Ming教授與學前教育家Diana Chou合著,將和小讀者們分享有關海岸創造奇蹟,以及為什麼要保護這些珍貴的生物們。那麼,你準備好開始跟我們一起發現新加坡海濱了嗎?Hello, little readers! Did you know that seashores are full of life and wonder? We can encounter fascinating discoveries unexpectedly, if we keep our eyes open as we walk along the beach.In this full-colour book, through an exciting combination of photography and illustration, Professor Emeritus Chou Loke Ming and co-author, preschool educator Diana Chou, will share marvellous facts about the amazing wonders of creation at the seashores. They will tell you why it is important to protect these precious organisms.So, are you ready to start? Let's Discover Our Seashores, Singapore!
定價:678 元, 優惠價:9 610
Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble (彩色版)
作者:Matty Long  出版社:Oxford University Press  出版日:2024/09/05 裝訂:平裝
SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST ADVENTURES NOW IN COLOUR! A Super Happy Magic Forest chapter book packed with illustrations and plenty of humour-this is the perfect read for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants (6+). Fun-filled frolics from award-winnig author Matty Long. The Super Happy Magic Forest is the friendliest, most frolic-filled place in all the world, but very occasionally something comes along and disturbs the peace.That's when our five brave heroes step up to save the day-there's Blossom the unicorn, Twinkle the pixie, Herbert the gnome, Hoofius the faun, and a plucky little mushroom called Trevor. In Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble, the five heroes go diving for Candy Coral in Lake Sparkle and find more than they bargained for-a fishy-looking creature called Foam. It's the start of a brand-new seafaring quest! Time for the gang to find their sea-legs and set sail on an adventure to the underwater city of Fishopolis!For more laugh-out-loud adventures with the Supe
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
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