◉ All about Movies & the Odd Girls☑ Joachim Trier ✕ 世界上最爛的人 The Worst Person in the World☑ 林君陽 ✕ 茶金 Gold Leaf☑ 嚴藝文 ✕ 俗女養成記 TheMakingofanOrdinary Woman☑ 高校十八禁 Euphoria 越界相談☑ Pablo Larrain ✕ 史賓賽 Spencer・賈姬 Jackie・艾瑪 Ema☑ 女子圖鑑裡的她們 ✕ 東京・北京・台北☑ 甘露水 ✕ 林君昵・黃邦銓◉ 關於「當代破格女」《OS》Issue 1 的主題從女性出發,以「當代破格女(Odd Girls)」破題:處在逢瞬息萬變的今日,我們宣稱「生為女子不用抱歉!」你被人說過「破格」嗎?形容一個人「破格」,在不同語境下有著大相逕庭的意味,台語的「破格」(phuà-keh)似在罵人下賤、命帶缺陷、天生瑕疵,但在華語、日語中的「破格」則有特例、脫序、不守常規的意思。話說回來,無論是負面貶義或正面讚賞,生為女子都可以肯定自己,無論如何破格失常,請無懼地宣稱「她就是我」。專屬現代的女子有那些特點?當今女權已進步到什麼程度?女性如何以不抹煞自我的方式在父權社會生存?伴侶之間有支配(dominance)與臣服(submission)的SM慾望關係正常嗎?你能否接受母愛不是每位母親的天賦?「破格女」在語意中承接多變風貌――淫靡與暴力、施虐與被虐、犧牲與自戀、污濁與聖潔⋯⋯截至目前都難以釐清的複雜面女性真面目,現在藉由影像與你交會對望,盼你我能更多地理解。◉ OS視覺概念偌大的「OS」呈現被畫上斜槓的「O」,有如禁止符號,第一時間引人聯想到「這不被允許」或「這樣不可行」。「O」就像是張開要說話的口,卻與中文「話外音」的「音」一起被封口。然而從「O」出現的裂縫使各種聲音有了逃逸之路:那些竄出銀幕/螢幕的情感與想像,那些沒能說出口的內心話,在OS品牌內容中,皆能自由發言、嗆聲。
Imagine yourself in a pool of strong swimmers, all swimming clockwise. You, a Christian woman, are swimming counter-clockwise...counter-cultural, if you will. This book is for the woman w
In the early 1980s, Deborah Jacobs was anordinary Lebanese American college student from Long Island, New York. By the end ofthe decade, she would bear witness to themakingof international history
In the vein of Naomi Novik’s New York Times bestseller Spinning Silver and Katherine Arden’s national bestseller The Bear and the Nightingale, this unforgettable debut—inspired by Hungarian history and Jewish mythology—follows a young pagan woman with hidden powers and a one-eyed captain ofthe Woodsmen as they form an unlikely alliance to thwart a tyrant. In her forest-veiled pagan village, Évike is the only woman without power, making her an outcast clearly abandoned by the gods. The villagers blame her corrupted bloodline—her father was a Yehuli man, one ofthe much-loathed servants ofthe fanatical king. When soldiers arrive from the Holy Order of Woodsmen to claim a pagan girl for the king’s blood sacrifice, Évike is betrayed by her fellow villagers and surrendered.But when monsters attack the Woodsmen and their captive en route, slaughtering everyone but Évike and the cold, one-eyed captain, they have no choice but to rely on each other. Except he’s no ordinary Woodsman—he’s the