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Daniel Lieberman (5)
Mitali Banerjee Ruths; Francesca Mahaney (4)
Alexandra Kleeman (2)
Gerard Loughlin (2)
Karel Schrijver/ Iris Schrijver (2)
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (2)
丹尼爾‧李伯曼 (2)
Acesprint (1)
Adam Kay; Henry Paker (1)
Alexander Tsiaras (1)
Bryn Nelson (1)
Carl V. Gisolfi, Francisco Mora (1)
Daniel Lieberman/ Sean Runnette (NRT) (1)
David Farrell Krell (1)
Diane Stanley (1)
Gabby Dawnay; Mimi Purnell (1)
Jane Annunziata/ Marc A. Nemiroff/ Denise Ortakales (ILT)/ Maureen Tracy Patrolia (ILT) (1)
Larry a. Yff (1)
Mary Henry Rossiter (1)
Pádraig Kenny (1)

Scholastic (4)
Independently published (2)
Cambridge Univ Pr (2)
Random House Inc (2)
Seven Seas Pr (2)
商周文化 (2)
Alfred a Knopf Inc (1)
Amer Psychological Assn (1)
Bradford Books (1)
Grand Central Pub (1)
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Harpercollins (1)
Harpercollins Childrens Books (1)
Henry Holt & Co (1)
Magic Cat Publishing (1)
OUP Academic UK (1)
Oxford Univ Pr (1)
Pantheon Books (1)
Penguin Random House Children's UK (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:丹尼爾‧李伯曼  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2022/07/30 裝訂:平裝
譯為20多種語言的科普經典2013亞馬遜年度選書 痠、痛、胖、病,都是演化惹的禍文明帶來長壽,代價卻是大病小病纏身哈佛明星級教授,顛覆我們對健康的認識 沒有人比李伯曼更瞭解人類的身體。——《天生就會跑》作者麥杜格( Christopher McDougall)專文推薦 林秀嫚 國立臺灣史前文化博物館副研究員我們的身體裡寫著一個演化的故事,是理解現代疾病的關鍵 為什麼我們容易發胖,晚上睡不好,久坐會背痛,還有近視、蛀牙……?又為什麼我們會有癌症、糖尿病、心血管疾病、骨質疏鬆?李伯曼提出「不良演化」的概念,他認為人類身體無法適應新文明環境,所以罹患各種現代疾病。這些症狀可以獲得舒緩,疾病也可獲得控制,卻仍舊威脅我們的健康。為了舒緩「不良演化」帶來的危機,李伯曼致力於將他研究人類演化的知識,應用在創造一個更健康的社會環境。本書結合考古學、解剖學、生物生理學和實驗生物力學等研究,帶領我們進行一場史詩般的旅程,揭示過去六百萬年的歲月裡,我們的身體是如何演化的。而遺留在我們身體的「狩獵採集者」,又是如何受困在人類文明的環境。 本書是一個里程碑。帶領我們進行一場史詩般的旅程,揭示過去六百萬年歲月中,我們的身體是如何演化的——包含我們的頭、四肢,甚至是消化系統。透過李伯曼的眼睛,演化的歷史不但栩栩如生,也是理解我們身體未來奧祕的關鍵。——蘇賓(Neil Shubin),《我們的身體裡有一條魚》(Your Inner Fish)作者李伯曼嘗試用演化生物學的語言讓我們瞭解祖先的歷史——那些藏在我們心智及身體裡的歷史……專業的研究,充滿原創性的敘事,本書讓你更能從反省批判的角度看待自己的身體,也許你會更小心善待自己的身體。畢竟,我們正端坐在百萬年演化中的一小段修正進程。李伯曼將告訴我們這些過程如何彼此關聯,這一切絕非意外。——Everyday eBook李伯曼毫無保留……他巧妙且詳盡地指出,在現代世界裡,擁有傳承自舊石器時代的生理學特徵,將會面對怎樣的危難,並哀嘆我們現在使用身體的方式竟和過去失去了聯繫……如果我們還想要繼續活得像個人類,就必須理解和擁抱我們演化的遺跡。——《書單》(Booklist)透過李伯曼兼具娛樂性和啟發性的文章,我們經歷了一場驚奇的人體演化之旅。他全面性地解釋了演化的力量如何形塑我們所知的「人類」這個物種。……他
定價:560 元, 優惠價:9 504
Help the Strong Cheetah: An Acorn Book (the Inside Scouts #3)
作者:Mitali Banerjee Ruths; Francesca Mahaney  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/10/15 裝訂:平裝
The Inside Scouts help a cheetah with a hurt leg feel better in this full-color early reader series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow!Viv and Sanjay are the Inside Scouts! Together, they help animals. They have a cool superpower -- they can shrink super small. A cheetah got a cramp in her leg while she was running. Now she can't move her leg. The Inside Scouts put on their super-suits, grab their tools, and get really small! They go inside the cheetah's leg to stop the cramp. And they work together to help her muscle relax!This series introduces beginning readers to the human body through mammals with similar anatomy -- and it does so in really fun ways! In this book, readers le
定價:228 元, 優惠價:75 171
Help the Brave Giraffe: An Acorn Book (the Inside Scouts #2)
作者:Mitali Banerjee Ruths; Francesca Mahaney  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/06/04 裝訂:平裝
The Inside Scouts help a giraffe with an upset tummy feel better in this full-color early reader series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow!Viv and Sanjay are the Inside Scouts! Together, they help animals. They have a cool superpower -- they can shrink super small. A giraffe can't eat because her tummy feels sick. The Inside Scouts put on their suits, grab their tools, and get really small! They go inside the giraffe to find out what is stuck in her gut. And they work together to help the giraffe feel better!This series introduces beginning readers to the human body through mammals with similar anatomy -- and it does so in really fun ways! In this book, readers learn about the di
定價:228 元, 優惠價:75 171
Help the Kind Lion: An Acorn Book (the Inside Scouts #1)
作者:Mitali Banerjee Ruths; Francesca Mahaney  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/02/06 裝訂:平裝
The Inside Scouts Viv and Sanjay help a lion with a leaky heart in this full-color early reader series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow!Viv and Sanjay are the Inside Scouts! Together, they help animals. They have a cool superpower -- they can shrink super small. When a lion with a leaky heart needs help, the Inside Scouts know what to do! They put on their suits, grab their tools, and get really small. They go inside the lion to find the leaky spot. And they fix it together!This series introduces beginning readers to the human body through mammals with similar anatomy -- and it does so in really fun ways! In this first book, readers learn about the circulatory system as Viv and
定價:228 元, 優惠價:75 171
Amy Gets Eaten
作者:Adam Kay; Henry Paker  出版社:Penguin Random House Children's UK  出版日:2023/04/27 裝訂:平裝
The first-ever picture book from Adam Kay and Henry Paker. This is the hilarious (and admittedly a tiny bit gross) tale of Amy, a small piece of sweetcorn who is eaten by Noah, a medium-sized boy. The story follows Amy on her funny, gooey and anatomically-accurate adventure through the human body as she discovers lots of facts about digestion.
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Inside Scouts: An Acorn Book (Book1-3)
作者:Mitali Banerjee Ruths; Francesca Mahaney  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2024/10/15 裝訂:平裝
Inside Scouts: An Acorn Book (Book1-3)The Inside Scouts Viv and Sanjay help a lion with a leaky heart in this full-color early reader series!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow!Viv and Sanjay are the Inside Scouts! Together, they help animals. They have a cool superpower -- they can shrink super small. When a lion with a leaky heart needs help, the Inside Scouts know what to do! They put on their suits, grab their tools, and get really small. They go inside the lion to find the leaky spot. And they fix it together!This series introduces beginning readers to the human body through mammals with similar anatomy -- and it does so in really fun ways! In this first book, readers learn a
定價:684 元, 優惠價:75 513
作者:丹尼爾‧李伯曼  出版社:商周文化  出版日:2014/09/02 裝訂:平裝
酸、痛、胖、病現代文明創造出人類史上最低死亡率,卻是我們用高罹病率換來的 ★ 掀起赤腳跑步研究風潮、哈佛明星級演化生物學家李伯曼最新著作★ 2013年美國亞馬遜年度選書★ 甫上市即登紐約時報暢銷榜,版權已售21國 天擇讓我們有越來越多的後代,卻也越來越不健康我們的身體裡寫著一個演化的故事,是理解現代疾病的關鍵一趟史詩般的人體演化之旅,啟發我們對健康意識和疾病防治的新理解 「早在鞋子發明以前,人類跑
The Story of the Human Body
作者:Daniel Lieberman  出版社:UK Penguin  出版日:2014/10/02 裝訂:平裝
In The Story of the Human Body, Daniel Lieberman, Professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard, shows how we need to change our world to fit our hunter-gatherer bodies. This ground-breaking book
定價:714 元, 優惠價:79 564
作者:Daniel Lieberman  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2013/10/01 裝訂:精裝
A landmark book of popular science—a lucid, engaging account of how the human body evolved over millions of years and of how the increasing disparity between the jumble of adaptations in our Stone Age
作者:Daniel Lieberman; Sean Runnette (NRT)  出版社:Random House  出版日:2013/10/01 裝訂:有聲書
A landmark book of popular science—a lucid, engaging account of how the human body evolved over millions of years and of how the increasing disparity between the jumble of adaptations in our Stone Age
The Story of the Human Body ─ Evolution, Health, and Disease
作者:Daniel Lieberman  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2014/07/01 裝訂:平裝
In this landmark book of popular science, Daniel E. Lieberman gives us a lucid and engaging account of how the human body evolved over millions of years. He illuminates the major transformations that
定價:722 元, 優惠價:79 570
作者:Mary Henry Rossiter  出版社:LEGARE STREET PR  出版日:2023/07/18 裝訂:平裝
定價:1248 元, 優惠價:1 1248
Summary and Analysis of The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease By Daniel Lieberman
作者:Acesprint  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2021/04/06 裝訂:平裝
定價:336 元, 優惠價:1 336
作者:Carl V. Gisolfi; Francisco Mora  出版社:Bradford Books  出版日:2000/05/26 裝訂:精裝
The book traces the story of the brain throughout evolution and shows how the control of body temperature as a survival mechanism was achieved.
5 Minute Human Body Stories:Science to read out loud!
作者:Gabby Dawnay; Mimi Purnell  出版社:Magic Cat Publishing  出版日:2023/09/28 裝訂:精裝
This fully illustrated treasury of ten rhyming five-minute stories is a playful introduction to the human body. Great to read aloud and packed full of fun and humour, the stories help young readers aged 5+ to understand the inner workings of our body... explaining how we breathe, move - and poo! Lively tales told in rhyming verse are followed up with non-fiction explainers which summarise the science behind each story.A fantastic addition to this best-selling series, which saw amazing success with 5-Minute Nature Stories. 5-minute stories include:· WHERE DID I BEGIN? From conception to baby· THE HEARTBEAT BALLET: All about the heart and the blood· YOUR LUNGS AND THE AIR: The respiratory system· BRAINY YOU! The body's control centre· SKIN HOLDS YOU IN: All about the skin· HOLD-ME-UP: All about the skeleton and bones· DO I MOVE? Marvellous muscles· I SPY: See, hear, smell, taste, touch· SNACK ATTACK: All about digestionAccessible Biology in a 5 minute story format· Each story introduces
定價:934 元, 優惠價:79 738
The Beauty and Biology of the Human Body: a Sexy Story
作者:Larry a. Yff  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2022/07/19 裝訂:平裝
定價:432 元, 優惠價:1 432
作者:Karel Schrijver; Iris Schrijver  出版社:Oxford Univ Pr  出版日:2019/03/17 裝訂:平裝
Living with the Stars tells the fascinating story of what truly makes the human body. The body that is with us all our lives is always changing. We are quite literally not who we were years, weeks, or
定價:1139 元, 優惠價:1 1139
Living With the Stars ─ How the Human Body Is Connected to the Life Cycles of the Earth, the Planets, and the Stars
作者:Karel Schrijver; Iris Schrijver  出版社:OUP Academic UK  出版日:2015/03/01 裝訂:平裝
Living with the Stars tells the fascinating story of what truly makes the human body. The body that is with us all our lives is always changing. We are quite literally not who we were years, weeks, or
定價:1917 元, 優惠價:9 1725
作者:Gerard Loughlin  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1996/01/01 裝訂:精裝
This book presents narrative theology as radically orthodox. It is orthodox because it is in the tradition of all those who maintain the priority of the story of Jesus, as it is sacramentally performed in the Church; and radical because it eschews all modern attempts to found Christian faith on some other story, such as that of reason, critical history or human consciousness. Acknowledging the indeterminacy and textuality of human existence, Telling God's Story presents the Christian life as a truly postmodern venture: the groundless enactment of God's 'future now'. In the epilogue this book focuses on the Eucharist as the sacramental site in which the story and body of Christ consumes and is consumed. Through this bodily telling and consumption the Church is enabled to receive again God's gift of return and to be the telling of God's story, once more.
作者:Pádraig Kenny  出版社:Henry Holt & Co  出版日:2021/09/21 裝訂:精裝
Mirabelle身長在一個特別的、充滿怪物的家庭,他們與當地的居民達成協議,也在莊園周圍布下魔法防止想要傷害他們的陌生人,但某天兩名孤兒卻意外闖入這魔法禁地…"A stunning book...a brand new take on the monster story." --Eoin Colfer, international bestselling author of the Artemis Fowl seriesFrom award-winning author P draig Kenny comes an action-packed middle grade fantasy about a family of monsters, perfect for fans of Jonathan Auxier and Victoria Schwab. Mirabelle is part of a very unusual family. Between Uncle Bertram transforming into a ferocious grizzly bear and Aunt Eliza's body being made entirely of spiders, it's safe to say they are an extraordinary lot. To the human residents of Rookhaven Village, the family is a threat. So long ago, a treaty was reached between them--in return for sundries and supplies, the monsters won't eat the townspeople--and an invisible glamour was set around the perimeter of the Manor to keep strangers out. But the glamour serves a second purpose: to keep Mirabelle and her family hidden from those who would do them harm. When tw
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