★ Amazon 4.7顆星一致好評 ★★ 紐約時報盛讚推薦 ★美國最具權威的貓行為專家(同時也是暢銷書Think Like A Cat作家)回答150個關於貓咪行為的疑難雜症!成功導正、停止貓咪惱人行為的關鍵就在於「理解」,便溺訓練、情緒溝通、環境打造、飲食須知、健康隱憂……全面解答。一書在手,徹底搞懂家中貓主子的每一聲「喵」!■貓的不守規矩並不是簡單地出於「不爽」、「報復」或是「隨機」即使你跟貓咪相處幾十載,也深深愛著此生物,你還是有可能在撫摸他的時候被他們忽然不悅的舉動嚇到,不懂愛貓的情緒所為何來。對於貓咪,我們都有想問但無法獲得回答的問題,可能是為什麼他們總在奇怪的地方做奇怪的事情?更重要的是如何停止這樣的行為?現在,一切終於有了出口,這些問題都能獲得解答。□為什麼我的貓會舔我的頭髮?□為什麼我的貓只在我使用電腦時才對我撒嬌?□該如何讓我的貓咪和新來的毛小孩和平相處?甚至是即將共同生活的另一半?■所有行為不當的貓,背後都有一位不諳貓性的飼主!沒有人像潘媽(潘˙強恩班奈特)這般了解貓咪,她專業地破除了飼主與一般人對於貓咪行為的錯誤迷思!在本書中,潘媽用她擔任貓行為顧問三十年的經驗,針對貓的疑難雜症,提供清楚、明瞭、簡單的答案。從幼貓的飼養、最困擾飼主的便溺問題、貓的醫療建議、不當行為分析與老貓注意事宜……全書以主題分類各式提問,提供已證實有效的方法來解決(或預防)貓咪行為問題。■貓的這些行為肇因,甚至有些就是你自己!環境與飼主的行為大大地影響了貓的健康與否,貓的不良行為大部分跟貓受到的刺激或暗示很有關係。貓的行為也是與飼主的溝通,而你的回應也會間接「鼓勵」或是「嚇阻」到他,就像是大家都很喜歡的貓呼嚕,作者跟你說可別以為只是開心這麼簡單,有的時候貓反而是緊張也說不定。當貓出現這些行為時,你知道該如何正確理解與應對了嗎?□平時愛理不理,卻總是在你打開電腦時,直接趴在電腦上?□明明有按時餵食,卻仍然在凌晨用盡方法叫你起床,好像他整天沒吃東西一樣?□只要你一開門,就會試圖奮力衝出去?□明明會在砂盆尿尿,但卻不會在砂盆排便?□有時候沒做什麼,但卻會突然被貓攻擊你的腳踝或是手?■你愛貓並不浪費,因為他剛好也愛著你 我們和貓互動的每一刻,彼此都有所學習與獲得,如果飼主吸收更多有關貓的天性與需求資訊,就能讓貓更安然地被飼養。在美國甚至有許多貓,因為飼主的不理解或不知道該如何
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Where are you in the world? Can you imagine what your home would look like if you saw it from above and zoomed out further, and further, and further...? Join the mischievous pet cat on a journey of discovery that encourages young readers to think about their place in the world. Inspired by the feeling of being trapped inside and imagining the world beyond during the worldwide lockdowns, this enjoyable picture book reminds us that even when we are apart, we are all connected. The world keeps turning, a cat keeps purring and children will find their happy place in the world.
Are you a fan of Raina Telgemeier or Shannon Hale? Then you won’t want to miss the second book in this graphic novel series that’s the Baby-Sitters Club for pets! Your favorite dog-walkers are back with even more cute animals―and even more friendship and family drama―in this funny and heartwarming story perfect for fans of Real Friends, Roller Girl, and Allergic!Best friends Mindy Park, Gabby Jordan, and Priya Gupta are back in business! After a few ups and downs, their dog-walking business is booming and the girls are closer than ever. It’s a dream come true!But for Mindy, things at home are beginning to feel like a bit of a nightmare. Her mom just started dating someone, which has Mindy feeling like the odd one out. For as long as she can remember, it’s been just the two of them and she doesn’t want that to change. (So what if her mom’s boyfriend has a cute pet cat, and all of Mindy’s friends seem to think he’s pretty cool?)And things only get worse when a new student named Hazel arr
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★ Amazon 4.7顆星一致好評 ★★ 紐約時報盛讚推薦 ★美國最具權威的貓行為專家(同時也是暢銷書Think Like A Cat作家)回答150個關於貓咪行為的疑難雜症!成功導正、停止貓咪惱人行為的關鍵就在於「理解」,便溺訓練、情緒溝通、環境打造、飲食須知、健康隱憂……全面解答。一書在手,徹底搞懂家中貓主子的每一聲「喵」!■貓的不守規矩並不是簡單地出於「不爽」、「報復」或是「隨機」即使你跟