The radio host discusses the economic, cultural, and foreign relations failures of the Obama administration, and offers solutions for pulling the United States out of its downward spiral.
The highly popular radio host and four-time New York Times best-selling author presents a powerful call to arms that takes on the Obama Administration, discussing the economic, cultural and foreign fa
The highly popular radio host and four-time New York Times bestselling author presents a powerful call to arms that takes on the Obama Administration, discussing the economic, cultural and foreign fai
Trickle Down Tyranny is the single book you need to stop Obama's emerging dictatorship before we lose all of our constitutional, God-given rights. These pages show you the dangerous laws and powergrab
This One Book Can Stop Obama's TyrannyWelcome to the newly created "union of socialist states of america," a land wherePoverty is rewarded: Obama is actively creating a populace ever more slavishly de
The conservative talk-show host and best-selling author of Trickle Down Tyranny presents his signature controversial views about the Obama administration while outlining recommendations for reducing g