Join Pete in New York Times bestselling artist James Dean's Pete the Cat picture book series as he stars in the classic nighttime song "Twinkle, Twinkle, LittleStar." Pete the Cat fans new and old wi
不怕咬、不怕撕、可水洗、不怕小小孩亂丟特殊無毒油墨印刷,家長可放心給小小孩使用 ※請注意,為避免書本、線褪色,請勿使用洗滌劑 (如洗衣精、柔軟精等) 以及熱水洗滌※ Baby's favorite book series (rip-proof, drool-proof, and nontoxic—designed for the way babies "read" with their mouth
Join the merry musicians as they journey to the festival, practising their instruments along the way. Then sing along with the band as they all play together! Nicola Slater’s delightful illustrations, and real instrumental music make this sound-button board book totally irresistible.
Presents an illustrated version of the children's poem about a shining star in the sky that depicts the star shining above children all over the world.
Presents an illustrated version of the children's poem about a shining star in the sky that depicts the star shining above children all over the world.
An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders – easy for little hands to use!Each board book comes with a free instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme – simply scan the QR code for little ones to listen and sing along!With bright illustrations this series make the perfect gift for a baby or toddler!Two young friends set out for an exciting summer camping trip. Join in with this favourite song as they settle down for the night in their cosy tent!There are loads of titles to collect . . .Sing Along with Me! The Wheels on the BusSing Along with Me! If You’re Happy and You Know itSing Along with Me! Old Macdonald Had a FarmSing Along with Me! Row, Row, Row Your Boat…and many more!
Classic nursery rhymes with interactive elements makes this board book ideal for little hands!With a lift-the-flap on every spread, this sturdy casebound board book is the perfect way to revisit five
Crinkle the pages and sing along with this bedtime favorite set to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, LittleStar!A noisy little car zooms through the night sky, waking the stars and moon. Will this mischievous traveler ever quiet down for bedtime? With sturdy board pages and a crinkly paper treatment that creates touch-and-feel sound effects, this playful twist on a classic nursery song is a goodnight favorite that's sure to soothe even the most wide-awake little ones to a peaceful―and quiet!―bedtime.BEDTIME SING-ALONG: This familiar, soothing song with a funny twist makes for a great read-aloud or sing-along at bedtime and beyond.TOUCH AND FEEL: Crinkle material on every page (even the cover!) makes this book tons of fun for little hands to explore and play with.SETTLE INTO SLEEP: With a gentle goodnight ending that shows that even the noisiest little car is eventually ready to rest, this book will soothe reluctant sleepers at bedtime.CELEBRATED AUTHOR: Jay Fleck, the illustrator of the T
Interactive board book edition of everyone's favourite Christmas song Follows the success of Happy Birthday to You! and TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar With a sound button to press on every spread and a light-up star surprise!
Contents are: Twinkle, Twinkle, LittleStar Variations (Shinichi Suzuki) * French Folk Song (Folk Song) * Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Song of the Wind (Folk Song) * Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Folk Song) * O C
9780857639509 Happy Birthday to You! (硬頁音效書) A group of musicians are travelling to a cafe for a surprise celebration. Press the buttons to hear them play their instruments .And join in with the band to wish one very special little otter a very Happy Birthday! With a flute, guitar, violin and piano, plus a rousing 'big band' chorus AND a splendid light-up birthday cake ending, this delightful little book makes the perfect birthday gift.9781788003407 TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar (硬頁音效書) Join the merry musicians as they journey to the festival, practising their instruments along the way. Then sing along with the band as they all play together! Nicola Slater’s delightful illustrations, and real instrumental music make this sound-button board book totally irresistible.9781788007665 Jingle Bells-with a light-up star! (硬頁音效書) Interactive board book edition of everyone's favourite Christmas song! Follows the success of Happy Birthday to You! and TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar.With a sound button
9781788007450 Sing Along With Me! Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781839942686 Sing Along With Me! Polly Put the Kettle On (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007672 Sing Along With Me! A Sailor Went to Sea (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)9781788007603 Sing Along With Me! TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar (硬頁推拉書)(附音檔QRcode)
A delightful picture book containing a collection of much-loved nursery rhymes brought to life with charming illustrations.Nursery rhymes include ‘Twinkle, twinkle, littlestar’, ‘Mary had a little la
From TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar to Hush-a-bye Baby, these twelve classic nursery rhymes and traditional lullabies are beautifully illustrated by the award-winning Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The G
\小小音樂家養成首選/電子模擬薩克斯風的音色,聆聽歌曲可以同時吹奏,操作簡單,樂趣無限。手指按一按,立即聆聽多首悅耳的樂曲,另附有知識手冊可以認識著名演奏家及樂曲,增進對音樂的認知力。朗朗上口的兒歌旋律讓孩子唱唱跳跳,練習肢體表達能力,激發對音樂的好奇心。從小培養音樂素養:跟著音樂吹奏外,認識薩克斯風的音色,還能隨點隨放,學會音階與培養節奏感。滿足探索和表演欲:演奏搭配繽紛燈光,可以聽到多首不同曲風的歌曲,用充滿趣味的方式來探索音樂。薩克斯風知識手冊:可以認識薩克斯風的由來,以及了解著名演奏家及樂曲,增進對音樂的認知。手腦並用訓練專注:繽紛色彩的按鍵顏色刺激視覺神經,另外透過按壓的過程中練習小肌肉的靈活度。收錄30首樂曲6首中文兒歌:划船歌、瑪麗有隻小綿羊、火車快飛、小毛驢、下雨歌、小蜜蜂。6首英文兒歌:Butterfly、 London Bridge is Falling Down、 Happy Birthday、Jingle Bell、Five Little Monkeys、TwinkleTwinkleLittleStar。6首臺語兒歌:點仔膠、西北雨、秀才騎馬弄弄來、火金姑、丟丟銅仔、大箍呆。6首薩克斯風歌曲:火車快飛、小蜜蜂、生日快樂、倫敦鐵橋、西北雨、丟丟銅仔。6首古典樂曲:莫札特-土耳其進行曲、莫札特-小星星變奏曲、貝多芬-田園交響曲、柴可夫斯基-四季、巴哈-詼諧曲、蕭邦-華麗圓舞曲。【內容物】聲光音樂薩克斯風、知識手冊、掛繩本書特色★收錄中文、英文、臺語兒歌,還有古典音樂、經典薩克斯風曲共30首。★手冊介紹薩克斯風的由來、著名演奏家與樂曲等,遊戲中學習基礎知識。★聲光效果增添吹奏樂趣,多種曲風培養大腦對音樂旋律、節奏的敏感度。