Before the huge crowd that packed the cathedral square, La Esmeralda stood between two executioners. Suddenly Quasimodo, the hunchback of Notre Dame, rushed at the executioners and felled them with hi
Les Miserables is a magnificent, sweeping story of revolution, love and the will to survive set amidst the poverty stricken streets of nineteeth-century Paris. Escaped convict Jean Valjean turns his b
With an Introduction and Notes by Roger Clark, University of Kent at Canterbury. Translation by Charles E. Wilbour (1862).One of the great classics of western literature, Les Miserables is a magisteri
In nineteenth century France, ex-thief Jean Valjean is released from prison and vows to mend his ways. He rescues a young girl from sad circumstances and adopts Cosette as his daughter. But as revolution sweeps France, the merciless Inspector Javert is determined to put Valjean back behind bars. Can Valjean ever truly escape his past, protect Cosette and find redemption?Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.Series features:十九世紀的法國,前小偷冉阿讓出獄後發誓要改過自新。 他從悲傷的環境中救出了一名年輕女孩,並收養了珂賽特作為他的女兒。 但隨著革命席捲法國,無情的督察沙威決心將冉阿讓重新投入監獄。 冉阿讓能否真正擺脫過去,保護珂賽特並找到救贖?取材自亞洲與西方的經典故事,《Pop! Lit for Kids》將它們重新想像成易於閱讀的故事,為經典故事提供了完美的介紹。 來自世界各地最受歡迎的故事已被改編成能夠讓世界各地的孩子們興奮和娛樂的形式。系列特點:增強詞彙量:我們的兒童讀物旨在以有趣且引人入勝的方式提高詞彙技能,幫助孩子擴大詞彙庫並提高語言能力。文化多樣性:潛入世界各地永恆的故事和民間傳說的世界! 我們的書籍以深受喜愛的經典作品和傳統民間