《新家庭塑造人》(The New Peoplemaking )是美國最具影響力的首席治療大師維琴尼亞.薩提爾的經典著作。1972年《新家庭塑造人》(The New Peoplemaking )在美國出版,即引起廣大的重視,讀者紛紛致函提及許多聯想、疑問和建議,為此,薩提爾又增列青春期、晚年、退休和人生轉捩點、和平、精神等章節,使內容益趨完備。 增訂版的《新家庭塑造人》清楚地分析人在家庭所經歷的成長
“Amid these [world] changes is the growing conviction that human beings must evolve a new consciousness that places a high value on being human, that leads toward cooperation, that enables posit
Each one of us has a medley of "faces" that composes our individual personality: intelligence, anger, love, jealousy, helplessness, courage, and many more. We're often quick to judge these characteris
Presents historical, theoretical, and clinical information on family interactions and related problems and outlines techniques and practices of therapeutic intervention
In print for thirty-five years, Rebuilding is the number one trusted resource on divorce recovery. Now, this classic self-help book is available in an updated fourth edition, featuring a new introduct
Virginia M. Satir這位治療師,發展出一套與傳統殊異的方法來處理家庭問題,這一套方法如今已廣為美國各地的訓練中心採用,她著重的不是「病態」而是妨害成長與進步的人際關係。她清晰地指導如何溝通思想,如何做好家庭工作及組織關係,如何使個人發展更完滿的人格。她經常被邀請旅行世界各地從事教學,每到一個地方,就帶來活力、希望、好方法以及興奮。