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Michael McFee (1)
Sutherland (1)

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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:萊絲特‧薩德蘭 LISETTE SUTHERLAND; 克麗思登‧珍妮-尼爾森K. JANENE-NELSON  出版社:遠流  出版日:2023/03/29 裝訂:平裝
與其在企業內辛苦爬向高層,我選擇在家打造自己的高層辦公室。本書完整呈現彈性工作的真實全貌,替你在遠距工作模式的路上,提供解決之道。 【5秒抓到重點】西歐各國工時不長,卻能有高度生產力,背後是由一套嚴謹、綿密、實證有效的工作方法所支撐。 本書源自荷蘭,作者訪問了80多個歐陸跨國企業 + 超過100名遠距團隊成員,領域包含軟體、人資、醫學、諮商服務、外包公司等,整理出他們的成功經驗,介紹遠距工作需要的:工具、技能、心態組合。 書中區分成4大部份,包含:為什麼此刻就是從事遠距工作的好時機、個人遠距工作者該具備的心態與工具、團隊與企業如何轉型成為彈性模式、如何管理遠距團隊與員工。 本書的資訊非常豐富,共有10個章節介紹遠距工作所需的相關知識,適合不同階段、不同需求的讀者,在其中尋找最適合自己的成功法則。 歐洲經驗證明,遠距與彈性的工作模式並沒有「一體適用」的解決方案,每個人、每個企業都必須自己嘗試不同的程序與工具,才能創造最大的人生滿意度與生產力。而本書是最佳解決方案,為當前的職場勾勒出一幅充滿無限可能的美好未來。 【本書特色】如何尋找彈性與遠距工作機會(附公司名單)個人問卷:測評自己是否已具備遠距工作的條件遠距面試的注意事項、問題範例主管帶領遠距團隊的執行計畫如何使用「遠距團隊協議書」每個部份的結尾,均有實用的「更多資源」參考資料 【本書適合】想要說服上司改採彈性及遠端工作模式的人想要脫離企業體制的專業人士欲建立遠端團隊的領導人專業經理人與管理者人資工作者等。 【內容排列邏輯】章節層次明確:依「個人→主管→團隊企業」及「入門→進階」清楚呈現。編排方式活潑:採用條例式、精華語錄智慧、問卷等多種方式,將議題解說得非常清楚。【專文解讀】劉俊佑(鮪魚) 生鮮時書創辦人 【菁英推薦】人資阿姐小人物職場 軟體產品經理、職場內容創作者王祥宇 Slasify創辦人兼執行長 王淑華(小黛) 企業資深顧問 李全興(老查) 數位轉型顧問 曹代 Leadnow 創辦人暨團隊教練黑主任 職場黑馬學- 讀者太太Mrs Reader 作家╱職涯教練 盧希鵬 台灣科技大學資訊管理系專任特聘教授Anywhere未來工作者社群Miria
定價:420 元, 優惠價:9 378
Work Together Anywhere: A Handbook On Working Remotely—Successfully—For Individuals, Teams, And Managers
作者:Sutherland  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  出版日:2020/05/29 裝訂:平裝
定價:950 元, 優惠價:9 855
Change Your World ― How Anyone, Anywhere Can Make a Difference
作者:John C. Maxwell; Rob Hoskins  出版社:Harpercollins Leadership  出版日:2021/01/26 裝訂:精裝
Whatever the desires of your heart, Change Your World will guide you through the entire process to take action and start making an impact today right where you are.You can bring about positive, lasting change in the world and you don't have to be rich and famous or lead a big organization to do it.Global leadership icons and bestselling authors John C. Maxwell and Rob Hoskins provide the inspiring and practical roadmap to get started being the change you want to see - in your community and beyond.Learn from the firsthand experiences shared by the authors from their work helping to transform communities, businesses, and millions of lives around the world.In Change Your World, Maxwell and Hoskins will show you how to:Identify your causeLive out the values that make a differenceBecome a catalyst for changeJoin the right team or recruit one of your ownWork together with others to make a differenceMeasure your impact and keep improvingFor many of us, the world we live in feels broken yet ch
定價:1064 元, 優惠價:79 841
Making Art Together ─ How Collaborative Art-Making Can Transform Kids, Classrooms, and Communities
作者:Mark Cooper; Lisa Sjostrom  出版社:Beacon Pr  出版日:2007/08/15 裝訂:平裝
Artist Mark Cooper creates remarkable, collaborative art with children, and in this practical book of ideas he shows how it can be done anywhere, with amazing results. Drawing from his own work with
定價:836 元, 優惠價:79 660
作者:Michael McFee  出版社:Carnegie Mellon Univ Pr  出版日:2012/01/11 裝訂:平裝
For over three decades, Michael McFee has been, in the words of one critic, "putting together a body of work that few poets anywhere, of any age, can match for its poise, its wit and metaphorical powe
定價:606 元, 優惠價:1 606
Biodiversity Dynamics and Conservation:The Freshwater Fish of Tropical Africa
作者:Christian Lévêque  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/11/23 裝訂:平裝
In order for biodiversity to be conserved, it is important to know how and where diverse assemblages of plants and animals exist, to understand the effects of human impacts on them, and to find the means by which these impacts can be lessened and even reversed. While tropical systems are known to be amongst the most diverse and most threatened globally, tropical freshwater systems have been neglected, and the tremendous variety of fish, amphibians, invertebrates and plants which live in them are poorly known yet seriously threatened. This comprehensive book brings together a wealth of information on the fish of tropical African systems, and discusses how these systems evolved, what holds them together, and what is tearing them apart. This is an important reference work not only for those interested in fish, but for all concerned with biodiversity conservation anywhere.
定價:2794 元, 優惠價:9 2515
Hw: The Smallest Kitten
作者:Holly Webb; Sophy Williams  出版社:Little Tiger Press Group  出版日:2022/07/07 裝訂:平裝
When twins Zara and Amina move to a new town and adopt a tiny kitten, they can't wait to spoil her and play with her all the time. But the sisters have different ideas about the best way to look after Pixie and as they start at a new school, the divide between them only grows. Then at their joint birthday party, an argument between the girls sends Pixie running off, scared.She's so small, she could be anywhere! Will Zara and Amina be able to work together to find her? A new story from best-selling author Holly Webb, perfect for animal-loving children, and fans of ZOE'S RESCUE ZOO and MAGIC ANIMAL FRIENDS.
定價:330 元, 優惠價:79 261



