橫掃推理重要獎項,美國推理文壇最大黑馬!.左灣犯罪玫瑰花瓣大獎最佳新人作品.邦諾書店當月最佳推理選書.亞馬遜當月選書.Mystery People當月選書.出版人周刊當周選書.BookClubbish推薦新書.明尼蘇達圖書獎最佳類型小說決選.巴瑞獎最佳小說決選亞倫.艾斯肯 Allen Eskens繼《沉默的告別》最新力作喬沒有見過與他同名的父親。如今大學畢業的他,成為明尼蘇達州美聯社的新進記者,無意發現了一篇報導:內容敘述一名與他同名的男人在南明尼蘇達州的一處小鎮被殺害。喬對這個人是否是他的父親充滿好奇,卻驚愕地發現小鎮居民對這個已死之人一句好話也沒有,只覺得他早就該死了。喬發現這名死者是個可厭的卑鄙小人,欺騙鄰居,威脅自己的女兒,在妻子也過世後浪擲她的遺產──而這份遺產喬現在可能即將繼承。喬深陷不確定的泥淖,又被他和母親剪不斷理還亂的關係弄得焦頭爛額,她又正設法重回兒子的生活中,喬必須把家族史中遺失的片段組合起來,而這趟探究真相之行將把喬帶入瀕死的險境……
In the wake of a suicide, the most troubling questions are invariably the most difficult to answer: How could we have known? What could we have done? And always, unremittingly: Why? Written by a clini
The Civil Rights Revolution carries Bruce Ackerman's sweeping reinterpretation of constitutional history into the era beginning with Brown v. Board of Education. From Rosa Parks’s courageous defiance, to Martin Luther King’s resounding cadences in “I Have a Dream,” to Lyndon Johnson’s leadership of Congress, to the Supreme Court’s decisions redefining the meaning of equality, the movement to end racial discrimination decisively changed our understanding of the Constitution.“The Civil Rights Act turns 50 this year, and a wave of fine books accompanies the semicentennial. Ackerman’s is the most ambitious; it is the third volume in an ongoing series on American constitutional history called We the People. A professor of law and political science at Yale, Ackerman likens the act to a constitutional amendment in its significance to the country’s legal development.”—Michael O’Donnell, The Atlantic“Ackerman weaves political theory with historical detail, explaining how the civil rights moveme
A Best Book of the Year: The Financial Times, Bloomberg, Chicago Tribune, and Detroit Free PresMalcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast Revisionist History and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller
Learn to navigate relationshipsUnderstand your relationships, break free from trauma and hold on to your worth.Written by psychotherapist, speaker and author Zoë Aston, Building Bonds explores the human experience through the lens of relationships with guidance on how to accept yourself and grow within current and future relationships.Whether you struggle to make friends, are in a toxic romantic relationship, feel your family bonds need repairing or have any other relationship difficulty, this book will help you understand how to build and maintain relationships with a sense of self-worth, dignity and respect.Start your journey to healthier relationships by examining the relationship you have with your self. Understand how your earliest relationship experiences can shape the way you enter all future relationships and move forward with accepting your self and building resilience. Work through the book to discover more about romantic relationships, friendships, family relationships, prof
A beautifully illustrated picture book exploring the jobs that keep a city running all through the night, and make it ready for the new day. The sky is getting dark. In a big city, a little girl is ea