Hailed as ?the guide to capitalism,” the New York Times bestseller Wealth and Poverty by George F. Gilder is one of the most famous economic books of all time and has sold more than one million copies
Hailed as ?the guide to capitalism,” the New York Times bestseller Wealth and Poverty by George F. Gilder is one of the most famous economic books of all time and has sold more than one million copies
As the world becomes more interconnected through travel and electronic communication, many believe that physical places will become less important. But as Mario Polese argues in The Wealth and Poverty
In this acclaimed work, Gilder offers an illuminating discussion of how to increase wealth and curtail poverty, arguing that most welfare programs only serve to keep the poor in poverty as victims of
Knowing well the realities of life in the world, the temptation of rich and poor alike, this great orator, St John Chrysostom -"the golden-mouthed" - addresses the questions of wealth and poverty in t
What does it mean to be poor in America at the dawn of the 21st century? For that matter, what does it mean to be rich? And how are the two related to each other? These apparently simple questions pre
The Chinese economy's return to commodification and privatization has greatly diversified China's institutional landscape. With the migration of more than 140 million villagers to cities and rapid ur
The Chinese economy's return to commodification and privatization has greatly diversified China's institutional landscape. With the migration of more than 140 million villagers to cities and rapid ur