Many books explain what is known about the universe. This book investigates what cannot be known. Rather than exploring the amazing facts that science, mathematics, and r
兩河流域的算術泥板、搜尋引擎、巡航定速…數學早已是人類文明進程中的要角。斯德哥爾摩大學最年輕的博士Stefan Buijsman以趣味十足,引人入勝的筆法,向讀者解釋生活中無處不在的數學概念,及數學與哲學、心理學、歷史背後的關聯。Thousands of years ago the inhabitants of Mesopotamia became the first to use numbers. Since then, mathematics has been unstoppable. It's behind almost everything, from search-engines to cruise-control, from coffee-makers to timetables.But now that we hardly ever need to do arithmetic, how relevant is mathematics to everyday life? Pluses and Minuses demonstrates the role mathematics plays in human endeavour. It answers questions such as: What is life without numbers? Is the usefulness of mathematics mere chance? How can we get a grip on uncertainty? Stefan Buijsman's richly entertaining guide makes connections between philosophy, psychology and history, while explaining the wonderful world of mathematics for absolutely everyone.Born in 1995, Stefan gained a master's degree in philosophy in Leiden at the age of eighteen, after which he moved from Sweden to work on a PhD. Wi
Most philosophers of mathematics treat it as isolated, timeless, ahistorical, inhuman. Reuben Hersh argues the contrary, that mathematics must be understood as a human activity, a social phenomenon, p
Mathematics plays a central role in much of contemporary science, but philosophers have struggled to understand what this role is or how significant it might be for mathematics and science. In this bo
An exploration of the 13th-century mathematician Ch'in, this fascinating book combines what is known of Ch'in's life with a history of his only extant work, the Shu-shu chiu-chang. Ch'in's most origin
The central question addressed in Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education is this: What kind of understandings and abilities should be emphasized to decrease mismatches between the narrow
How can math magic surprise an audience What is the "personality" of decimals and fractions? What is the best order to teach integer operations? What is the "fence law"? Can we have two cosine laws? H
What is the role of the mathematics specialist?What is deep subject knowledge in mathematics?What sort of pedagogical knowledge does a mathematics specialist need?How can you best support your colleag
What is the role of the mathematics specialist?What is deep subject knowledge in mathematics?What sort of pedagogical knowledge does a mathematics specialist need?How can you best support your colleag
Responding to widespread interest within cultural studies and social inquiry, this book addresses the question 'what is a mathematical concept?' using a variety of vanguard theories in the humanities and posthumanities. Tapping historical, philosophical, sociological and psychological perspectives, each chapter explores the question of how mathematics comes to matter. Of interest to scholars across the usual disciplinary divides, this book tracks mathematics as a cultural activity, drawing connections with empirical practice. Unlike other books in this area, it is highly interdisciplinary, devoted to exploring the ontology of mathematics as it plays out in different contexts. This book will appeal to scholars who are interested in particular mathematical habits - creative diagramming, structural mappings, material agency, interdisciplinary coverings - that shed light on both mathematics and other disciplines. Chapters are also relevant to social sciences and humanities scholars, as eac
Feelings of apprehension and fear brought on by mathematical performance can affect correct mathematical application and can influence the achievement and future paths of individuals affected by it. I
The author uses narratives that illustrate teaching math to children in the context of the world. She considers the current perspective on math and the difficulties this creates for teachers and offer