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可訂購商品 (111)
無法訂購商品 (13)

有庫存 (7)
無庫存 (117)

$200~$399 (3)
$400~$599 (13)
$600~$799 (23)
$800以上 (85)

2025年 (1)
2023~2024 (7)
2021~2022 (15)
2019~2020 (7)
2017~2018 (7)
2017年以前 (87)

平裝 (66)
精裝 (55)
軟精 (2)

學齡前 (1)
小學 (2)

Will Eisner (46)
Francesco Francavilla/ Francesco Francavilla (CON) (2)
James Kochalka (2)
M. Thomas Inge (EDT) (2)
Matt Reingold (2)
Matt Wagner/ Dan Schkade (CON)/ Brennan Wagner (CON)/ Eric Powell (CON) (2)
Takehiko Inoue (2)
Takehiko Inoue/ Takehiko Inoue (ILT) (2)
Will Eisner/ Diana Schutz (CON) (2)
威爾‧艾斯納 (2)
威爾.艾斯納 (2)
Adam Gidwitz (1)
Ann M. Martin (1)
Ann M. Martin; Cynthia Yuan Cheng (1)
Barros (1)
Bernice E. Cullinan (EDT)/ Bonnie Kunzel (EDT)/ Deborah A. Wooten (EDT) (1)
Brian Michael Bendis (1)
Brian Michael Bendis/ Alex Maleev (ILT) (1)
Brian Michael/ Sara Pichelli (ILT)/ Chris Samnee (ILT)/ Mark Bagley (ILT)/ Mark Millar (1)
Carlos Gim撟疾z/ Carlos Gim撟疾z (CON) (1)

Dc Comics (30)
W W Norton & Co Inc (24)
易博士 (7)
Dark Horse Comics (4)
Dynamite Entertainment (4)
Graphix (4)
Viz (4)
Bloomsbury Academic UK (3)
Diamond Comic Distributors (3)
Fantagraphics Books (3)
Harry N Abrams Inc (3)
IDW Pub (3)
Bloomsbury USA Academic (2)
HarperCollins US (2)
Marvel Enterprises (2)
Univ Pr of Mississippi (2)
Independently published (1)
Bloomsbury Pub Plc USA (1)
Cengage Learning (1)
City Lights Books (1)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

The Collected Will Eisner's John Law
作者:Gary Chaloner; Will Eisner  出版社:Titan Books Ltd  出版日:2025/03/04 裝訂:精裝
定價:1099 元, 優惠價:95 1044
Pigeon Will Ride the Roller Coaster! (2023 Eisner Awards Winner)
作者:Mo Willems  出版社:Union Square & Co.  出版日:2022/09/06 裝訂:精裝
From #1 New York Times best-selling, award-winning author and illustrator Mo Willems! Buckle up for twists, turns, and emotional loop-de-loops in the most roller coaster-y Pigeon book ever! The Pigeon WILL be ready. Will YOU!?
定價:684 元, 優惠價:79 540
作者:威爾‧艾斯納  出版社:易博士  出版日:2023/06/20 裝訂:平裝
大師親授最具影響力的圖像說故事技法! 「威爾˙艾斯納是開創這個領域的傳奇人物,我仍心懷敬畏,他讓我以身為卡通畫家為榮。」──朱德˙威尼克(Judd Winick)《佩德羅與我》與《綠光戰警》作者「書中有動漫教父開創的必備漫畫技巧。」──傑夫˙史密斯(Jeff Smith)《骨頭》作者 這個世代運用圖像說故事的表述方式飛快增長。圖像化的敘事,在漫畫或圖像小說的發展淵源深遠,已是成熟的藝術形式,進而成為當今動畫、遊戲、影視內容創作和改編的強大泉源,也是不可或缺的重要能力。《圖像說故事與視覺敘事》是由國際公認漫畫藝術宗師、圖像小說之父——威爾‧艾斯納(Will Eisner)親自傳授圖像在形成一個好故事時所涉及的重要觀念與實踐方法。書中對說故事本質和敘事建構的清晰指引,有助於腳本編寫、動畫創作、影視分鏡等視覺藝術不同面向的應用,是內容創作者不可多得的重量級教學書。本書教你整合圖像與文字呈現精采絕倫的故事說故事的故事故事的形成故事的結構故事的功能以意象說故事 圖畫做為敘事工具刻板印象的圖畫象徵式物件服裝與體貌符號的應用激發讀者的反應 構思不同類型的故事「假如?」的發想說一則「how to」的故事說一則「沒有情節」的故事說一則插畫故事說一則象徵性的故事說一則反映現實的故事說一則人生的故事超級英雄故事全圖像的故事連載/短篇/單頁的故事網路漫畫 說故事的人說故事人與讀者的契約寫作者vs.圖像轉譯者建構故事的特色設計分格構圖圖像說故事的先驅者說故事的風格 讀者的影響撰寫有力的對白運用「共感」說故事維持故事吸引力控制閱讀節奏
定價:800 元, 優惠價:9 720
Miles Morales: Stranger Tides (Original Spider-Man Graphic Novel)
作者:Justin A. Reynolds  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2022/10/04 裝訂:平裝
An original middle-grade graphic novel from Graphix starring Miles Morales, by bestselling author Justin A. Reynolds and Eisner nominee Pablo Leon!These days, Miles is feeling great. He's in a groove -- spending nights and weekends, and other non-school time, swinging through the city, thwarting crimes and thwipping criminals--because, well, he's Spider-Man. That's what he does. But when the hottest new video game release coincides with tons of civilians - and most of the Super Heroes - getting frozen in place, Miles will have to go to out-of-this-world lengths to bring our world back from the brink. This all-new adventure from Justin A. Reynolds and Pablo Leon is sure to please young readers everywhere!
定價:494 元, 優惠價:79 390
#3 Banana Fox and the Gummy Monster Mess (Graphic Novel)
作者:James Kochalka  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2022/05/03 裝訂:平裝
Eisner Award-winning cartoonist James Kochalka returns with another uproariously funny caper for Banana Fox to sniff out in this critically acclaimed series from Graphix Chapters!Oopsie Doo!Banana Fox has a real mess on his hands this time! When the jail is left in ruins and Sour Grapes is on the run, Banana Fox has very few clues to work with to find him. He's coming across a number of red herrings, so it's clear that something fishy is going on... With the help of Sharyanna, William, and Sour Grapes Jr. (?!), can Banana Fox get to the bottom of this caper, or will the baddies run wild forever?Graphix Chapters are ideal books for beginning and newly independent readers. With approachable page counts, easy-to-follow paneling, and artwork that supports text comprehension, these engaging stories with unforgettable characters help children become lifelong readers.Get drawn into reading with Graphix Chapters!
定價:304 元, 優惠價:75 228
作者:威爾‧艾斯納  出版社:易博士  出版日:2023/07/11 裝訂:平裝
啟發當代無數創作者的視覺語彙超能力! 漫畫與連環畫做為當今動畫、遊戲、影視作品的始祖,蘊藏的高度視覺性與強大故事動能,不僅是無數創作者的養分,也是創作、改編、敘事手法的靈感來源。《漫畫與連環畫藝術》作者威爾‧艾斯納(Will Eisner)是國際公認的漫畫藝術宗師、圖像小說之父、美漫教父,美國漫畫界的奧斯卡「艾斯納獎」更是以他為名。本書是艾斯納在紐約視覺藝術學院的授課精華,作者以豐富的漫畫為例,講述在連環畫形式中,視覺語彙與表現的基本觀念與實踐方法,深具啟發性,是所有利用連環畫面說故事的漫畫及動畫創作、影視分鏡、腳本編劇不可或缺的重量級著作。 「《漫畫與連環畫藝術》是一部經典巨作,集結威爾˙艾斯納天賦與才華之大成,才有了這一本解說清楚又內容吸睛的著作。」──麥可˙謝朋(Michael Chabon),美國普立茲獎小說家《卡瓦利與克雷的神奇冒險》作者。「書中含有動漫教父所開創的必備漫畫技巧。」──傑夫˙史密斯(Jeff Smith)骨頭》漫畫作者「當我決定著手創作漫畫時,我就買了威爾˙艾斯納的《漫畫與連環插畫藝術》,並且詳細拜讀。假使我直至今日才決定開始創作,在市面上汗牛充棟的漫畫與圖像小說教學書中,我依然會選這本作為我的入門書。」──尼爾˙蓋曼(Neil Gaiman),《睡魔》《美國眾神》作者「世上沒有一位漫畫家未曾得益於威爾˙艾斯納的漫畫巨作,以及他令人欽佩的眼光與遠見。」──史考特˙麥克勞德(Scott McCloud)《了解漫畫》作者 本書教你深入漫畫與連環畫藝術的形神精髓 1. 圖像創作的概念圖像溝通製造意象掌控時間景框與視角肢體語言資料庫腳本寫實風格vs.卡通風格 2. 發展歷史與複印技術壁畫與象形文字連載漫畫與諷刺畫圖像小說複印技術的影響紙本與數位的差異實驗性質的漫畫 3. 頁面與框格起始頁的功用分格形式框格與線條設計營造節奏視覺動線 4. 內容繪製草稿繪製構圖視覺焦點時間的控制凝結瞬間姿態與表情 5. 對話設計圖文搭配對話泡泡字體與符號圖像vs.對白創造聲音感啞劇手法 6. 連環畫的應用圖像小說網路漫畫技術教學漫畫態度引導漫畫分鏡腳本
定價:800 元, 優惠價:9 720
#12 Jessi's Secret Language (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix)
作者:Ann M. Martin  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2022/09/06 裝訂:平裝
A brand-new Baby-sitters Club graphic novel adapted by Eisner-nominated artist Chan Chau!Jessi recently moved to Stoneybrook and is one of the newest members of The Baby-sitters Club. She's getting ready to start regularly sitting for the BSC's newest charge, Matt Braddock. Matt has been Deaf since birth and uses sign language to communicate, so Jessi has to use it, too. It's a secret language!Soon all the neighborhood kids want to learn how to sign, which keeps the BSC busy. Jessi's the busiest of all -- she's preparing for her dance school's big show, plus working on another secret, just for Matt. Will Jessi be able to keep the secret and pull off her special event?
定價:494 元, 優惠價:75 370
#14 Stacey's Mistake (The Baby-Sitters Club Graphix)
作者:Ann M. Martin; Cynthia Yuan Cheng  出版社:Graphix  出版日:2023/10/03 裝訂:平裝
A brand-new Baby-sitters Club graphic novel adapted by National Book Award finalist and Eisner-nominated cartoonist Ellen T. Crenshaw!Stacey is so excited! Her friends from The Baby-sitters Club are coming to New York City for a long weekend. It's going to be perfect -- a party and a sleepover on Friday night, a big baby-sitting job on Saturday, and lots of sightseeing throughout.But it turns out that the baby-sitters are way out of place in the big city. Mary Anne sounds like a walking guidebook, Dawn is afraid of everything, Kristy can't keep her mouth shut, Claudia is jealous of Laine -- Stacey's New York best friend -- and Mallory and Jessi feel intimidated by Stacey's classmates. With ten kids to baby-sit and a full schedule of activities, how will Stacey keep the weekend from becoming a complete disaster?
定價:494 元, 優惠價:75 370
作者:威爾‧艾斯納; 馬克.尼斯  出版社:易博士  出版日:2024/12/07 裝訂:平裝
單書介紹 第一冊:漫畫與連環畫藝術 啟發當代無數創作者的視覺語彙超能力! 漫畫與連環畫做為當今動畫、遊戲、影視作品的始祖,蘊藏的高度視覺性與強大故事動能,不僅是無數創作者的養分,也是創作、改編、敘事手法的靈感來源。 《漫畫與連環畫藝術》作者威爾‧艾斯納(Will Eisner)是國際公認的漫畫藝術宗師、圖像小說之父、美漫教父,美國漫畫界的奧斯卡「艾斯納獎」更是以他為名。本書是艾斯納在紐約視覺藝術學院的授課精華,作者以豐富的漫畫為例,講述在連環畫形式中,視覺語彙與表現的基本觀念與實踐方法,深具啟發性,是所有利用連環畫面說故事的漫畫及動畫創作、影視分鏡、腳本編劇不可或缺的重量級著作。 「《漫畫與連環畫藝術》是一部經典巨作,集結威爾˙艾斯納天賦與才華之大成,才有了這一本解說清楚又內容吸睛的著作。」 ──麥可˙謝朋(Michael Chabon),美國普立茲獎小說家《卡瓦利與克雷的神奇冒險》作者。 「書中含有動漫教父所開創的必備漫畫技巧。」 ──傑夫˙史密斯(Jeff Smith)骨頭》漫畫作者 「當我決定著手創作漫畫時,我就買了威爾˙艾斯納的《漫畫與連環插畫藝術》,並且詳細拜讀。假使我直至今日才決定開始創作,在市面上汗牛充棟的漫畫與圖像小說教學書中,我依然會選這本作為我的入門書。」 ──尼爾˙蓋曼(Neil Gaiman),《睡魔》《美國眾神》作者 「世上沒有一位漫畫家未曾得益於威爾˙艾斯納的漫畫巨作,以及他令人欽佩的眼光與遠見。」 ──史考特˙麥克勞德(Scott McCloud)《了解漫畫》作者 本書教你深入漫畫與連環畫藝術的形神精髓 圖像創作的概念 圖像溝通 製造意象 掌控時間 景框與視角 肢體語言資料庫 腳本 寫實風格vs.卡通風格 發展歷史與複印技術 壁畫與象形文字 連載漫畫與諷刺畫 圖像小說 複印技術的影響 紙本與數位的差異 實驗性質的漫畫 頁面與框格 起始頁的功用 分格形式 框格與線條設計 營造節奏 視覺動線 內容繪製 草稿繪製 構圖 視覺焦點 時間的控制 凝結瞬間 姿態與表情 對話設計 圖文搭配 對話泡泡 字體與符號 圖像vs.對白 創造聲音感 啞劇手法 連環畫的應用 圖像小說 網路漫畫 技術教學漫畫 態度引導漫畫 分鏡腳本 第二冊:
定價:3300 元, 優惠價:79 2607
作者:M. Thomas Inge (EDT)  出版社:Univ Pr of Mississippi  出版日:2011/09/15 裝訂:精裝
Will Eisner's innovations in the comics, especially the comic book and the graphic novel, as well as his devotion to comics analysis, make him one of comics' first true auteurs and the cartoonist so r
作者:M. Thomas Inge (EDT)  出版社:Univ Pr of Mississippi  出版日:2011/09/23 裝訂:平裝
Will Eisner's innovations in the comics, especially the comic book and the graphic novel, as well as his devotion to comics analysis, make him one of comics' first true auteurs and the cartoonist so r
定價:1800 元, 優惠價:1 1800
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:Dark Horse Comics  出版日:2017/02/23 裝訂:精裝
The legacy that Will Eisner (1917–2005) had on sequential art cannot be overstated—his innovative storytelling, layouts, and art on his newspaper series The Spirit inspired a generation of cartoonists
定價:1900 元, 優惠價:79 1501
Will Eisner Reader ─ Seven Graphic Stories
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2008/11/09 裝訂:平裝
A collection of brilliant short-story gems, including "A Sunset in Sunshine City"--an ode to memory and nostalgia inspired by Eisner's transition to life in Florida after his "retirement" in 1985
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
Will Eisner ― A Spirited Life
作者:Will Eisner; Bob Andelman  出版社:Diamond Comic Distributors  出版日:2015/04/07 裝訂:精裝
An expanded, full-color deluxe edition of the out-of-print biography that explores the fascinating life of Will Eisner, detailing a more than 70-year career where he spearheaded comics for adult reade
定價:1798 元, 優惠價:1 1798
A Contract With God ─ And Other Tenement Stories: Will Eisner Centennial Edition
作者:Will Eisner; Scott McCloud  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2017/03/07 裝訂:軟精裝
Published quietly in 1978, Will Eisner’s revolutionary literary work A Contract With God marked the invention of the modern graphic novel. A mesmerizing fictional chronicle of a universal American exp
定價:986 元, 優惠價:79 779
The Contract With God Trilogy ─ Life on Dropsie Avenue
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2005/12/05 裝訂:精裝
With graphic narrative that "was closer to the writing of Bernard Malamud or Isaac Bashevis Singer than any comic art which had preceded it" (The Economist),Ay Contract with God, originally published
定價:1518 元, 優惠價:79 1199
Will Eisner's New York ─ Life in the Big City
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2006/10/01 裝訂:精裝
With an unparalleled eye for stories and expressive illustration, Will Eisner, the master and pioneer of American comics art, presents graphic fiction's greatest celebration of the Big Apple. No illu
定價:1138 元, 優惠價:79 899
Life, in Pictures ─ Autobiographical Stories
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2007/10/30 裝訂:精裝
In what will be the closest thing Eisner fans will see to an autobiography, the great master and pioneer of American graphic arts presents the most intimate and personal perspective yet on his li
定價:1138 元, 優惠價:79 899
A Life Force
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2006/12/01 裝訂:平裝
Called "a masterpiece" by R. Crumb, A Life Force chronicles not only the Great Depression but also the rise of Nazism and the spread of socialist politics through the depiction of the protagonist, Ja
定價:1235 元, 優惠價:79 976
City People Notebook
作者:Will Eisner  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2007/12/30 裝訂:平裝
Character sketches and timeless snapshots of the eccentric denizens of the American city that perfectly capture Eisner's genius and powers of observation.
定價:644 元, 優惠價:79 509
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